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I'm currently 3DPO and absolutely hate the TWW! Was just wondering if there was anyone out there going through the same thing.

1111 Replies • 12 years ago



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Welcome, Gibby! Your symptoms are lookin' good to me! Hello Lizzy...and my fingers are crossed for you! I'm hanging in there. I'm not having too much going on symptom wise today. An occasional crampyness, and my boobs are slightly sensitive and feel a bit heavy. Other than that, nada. I think I'll take my first test Sunday or Monday. As soon as I get a BFP, I have to go have my progesterone tested to make sure it's not too low, so I will begin early. The results take three days :( No telling what this cycle has in store though. Well we should know some time next week!

12 years ago • Post starter

hello ladies..

terrible back aches for me today.. i haven't had this before.. although i can blame it on driving.. it still can't be possible.. i've been driving for a couple of years already..

my breast are so sore.. especially last night.. had trouble sleeping..

still mild headaches.. nausea..

hope these are promising signs..

i'm 8dpo, cd25..

to all

12 years ago

Lookin' good, lhen! I'm 7DPO, CD19. Last night I was crampy on and off. I'm wondering if it was the start of implantation. It felt very similar to what I experienced with my DD. I'm still trying not to get my hopes up too, too much. My boobs feel heavy and a bit bigger too. Can't wait to test!

12 years ago • Post starter

Wow Lhen and Lily...sounds promising for you both. I am still just waiting around for my BFN...everything is pretty normal just like always for me.

Still a bit crampy and loads of cm. My nipples are a bit sore this morning but I think its just from me rubbing them constantly to see if the ARE sore...LOL :)

Tested today...even though seems silly...but other girls say they get 8dpo positives even tho sometimes I secretly think maybe they aren't sure and are really 9 or 10 because 8dpo is SO early!!! Either way I got a BFN. I thought I saw something faint but when I looked later it was snowy white.

Ah well...still hoping for a BFP in the next few days but if not...BRING ON 2012!!!

Happy Saturday Ladies!!! Got to clean my in laws are coming into town lol :)

12 years ago

Hang in there, Lizzy. You're definitely still in the game. I know how you feel're afraid to get you're hopes up and be disappointed. That's how I feel too. Have a good weekend and enjoy your company!

All I want for Christmas is a

12 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies! I wanna join in the fun too! Today I'm 8 dpo, CD 22. My last AF was 11/26 and I ovulated on 12/9. I had implantation bleeding 5 dpo through 7 dpo. It started off dark brown and then went to pink, then ended with light reddish brown. Very light...just wore a panty liner. I've been cramping since 5 dpo though...still am and they feel like AF cramps to me although I don't typically cramp until the very day before AF arrives. My back has been SO achy too.

So, I broke down and took a hpt last night....bfn. DUH. Then again this morning....bfn. I'm so goofy, but I couldn't resist. DH says I need to just wait until AF is late, but since I think implantation was a wee early, I've psyched myself out thinking I'll get an early BFP! This would be baby #6 for us. Yes, I'm serious. My youngest is just about to turn 11 months...oldest is 15 years old. I'm 35 and keep thinking that maybe the implantation bleeding was the start of menopause. See...I'm goofy. Who knows though. I love reading all of your stories and symptoms so keep 'em coming! Good luck to all of you!

12 years ago

Hey, Bride! I know...I am so impatient with the waiting too, so I definitely feel ya. I am 8DPO today and took a test this morning. It was a BFN. I knew it would be but I enjoy testing and have lots of cheapie tests so might as well. I'm a bit concerned, but I know it's still way too early. I have been feeling mild cramps and pressure and have had sensitive boobs since Friday especially, but this afternoon, I really don't feel much in the way of symptoms. :( Sometimes that's a good thing I guess. I had virtually no symptoms with past pregnancies, so maybe this is good. Still too early to call. Really hoping I'm pregnant and it sticks. Come on BFP, hurry up and get here!!

12 years ago • Post starter

Lily, I am laughing as I read your post because I peed on a FRER this afternoon after church and BFN as well. I remember with all of my other pregnancies I didn't find out until a day before AF arrived or after I'd missed her altogether. I am a POAS addict too...drives my husband crazy. I said I wouldn't test again until Tuesday, the 20th but my husband said "yes, you will". lol! I am so wanting that BFP now! Today, at 9 dpo, I've had a lot of watery cm and cramps, cramps, cramps. My parents are arriving this evening from Missouri and I so wanted to tell them that I was pregnant. Oh well, they're here thru the 26th so surely by then I'll know one way or the other. Hoping this is it for you too!!!

12 years ago

Hi girls!!! I am 9dpo today and tested again today...of course it was a ...boooooo!!! I know it is still early...only 9dpo!!!

I dont have any real sympoms yet at all. Just a bit gassy and crampy. Haven't checked my cm today but it doesn't feel as wet.

I think I am just out this month. I try to stay positive but it is better to not be prepared for so it isn't so disappointing.

I still have high hopes for all of us Ladies!!! :) Good luck in the next few days!! :)

12 years ago

hello ladies..

im 10dpo today, cd27.. my breast sore and felt swollen.. mild headaches still.. sleepy and tired all the time.. i had vivid dreams for the past couple of days..

still trying not to test.. waiting till dec. 24..

all i want for christmas is a

12 years ago

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