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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Thank you Miam. Nice and encouraging words are always appreciated. .

8 years ago • Post starter

Dandy : sometimes clomid can push ovulation back a few days. Don't worry though, the clomid is doing it's job. Behind the scenes the egg or eggs are maturing, your uterine lining is thickening and will release with the LH surge. I'd say that's the reason why no LH surge yet. For me when I take clomid, I usually ovulate 10-11 days after my last clomid pill. I wouldn't worry. It will happen. I know how frustrating the waiting game can be as well.

AFM: day 5 of medication and still no heavy side effects. Yay!!!! Only one more day of meds, then the waiting game until positive opk. Then I will trigger with 10,000 iu of hcg. Woohoo!!! I just want to get the show on the road, lol.

8 years ago

Thank you cronins that does make me feel a little better. I am awful bloated, so mabe thats a sign of lining thickening. Tad worried about thin lining due to clomid. Tryn not to stress about it n prolong it even more, but i may need to by more opks soon if i dont see a surge in a couple days. Lol. Yay to your last day of meds n no side effects! Im feeling so much better. It was a rough couple days.
Anyone else get a surge yet or think they are close to it?

8 years ago • Post starter

Good Morning ladies,

Things are going about the same for me. I think I need a new thermometer. I just had 3 days with the same temp pretty sure this chart is out the window this month especially with missing a few temps. My OPKs are still negative but there is another line so I guess that's good. I plan on bedding every other day just in case. I heard that when taking the red raspberry it can mess with my opks not sure how accurate that is so I guess I will just have to wait and see. Sorry TMI I do think ovulation can happen any day now my CM was sticky in the afternoon but around 7ish I went to the bathroom and had a huge glob of EWCM its been a while since I have seen an abundance of it.

how is everyone else?

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago

Thats great about ypur Cm, Sounding promicing. I wish i could go by mine. But i never ever get ewcm. I think mine is hostile, this is our first month using preseed. Had to order it n it didn't get here in time last month. Already in use along with bd'ing e ervery other day now. xx

8 years ago • Post starter

Miam: that's good about the ewcm. Ovulation has got to be around the corner for you. Yay!!

I keep feeling twinges of ovarian pain here and there. My opk's are nearly positive, but that's because I am still taking the meds. I am bding every other day just in case. Once meds are stopped tomorrow, then it's just a matter of time before I ovulate. This is getting exciting again. This time I am going to try and enjoy the process instead of worrying about the outcome.

8 years ago

Cronins you are always so positive, its inspiring. You girls are the best.

8 years ago • Post starter

Sorry if I don't respond when you guys are taking about taking clomid pills in such when it comes to that stuff I am completely lost. I'm really hoping I wont need it and we can do it without that but if the doc say I do then I do and at least I know I can talk to you all about it. :)

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago

Good piont maim. Dnt feel bad about not knowing about the clomid n other firtility drugs. I dont know anything about them either! Just what my dr says and what i read online. Im still learning. I was recomended to go strait for ivf while trying for my son. But since we concieved on our own jst before our sceduled egg retrieval, my ob says we dont need to go that drastic this time. Hopefully you wont need an assistance and you get your bfp before you go to your appiontment!

8 years ago • Post starter

Just like most Drs. My Doc is soo busy I am hoping he will he time to go over things with me. I have no Idea what to even expect. I will ovulate on time which should put me at 3-4 DPO I know its too early to confirm a BFP but he should be able to see the egg and such ..right? or am I just making up things in my head?

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago

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