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1dpo!! who's with me!?!?

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The tww is the worst!!

105 Replies • 7 years ago



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Me either, and I'm really wanting some kind of symptom lol... I'll take anything! Only Just some small light cramping, that's it so far, I'm hoping for some nausea,sore boobs! The good stuff! lol...something!

7 years ago • Post starter

I swear I am right with you! I would love for something to come and i wouldn't complain one bit if i do end up pregnant and those symptoms persist, honestly

7 years ago

OmG....I think my boobs are getting sore or maybe it's just from me poking at them to see if they are lmao...ughh the tww always makes me a nutcase lol


7 years ago • Post starter

So far nothing really. Creamy cm but not sure that's not normal for me. I'll be do for period around turkey day too. So we'll see, I'm impatiently waiting.

7 years ago

They say before af, if your going to start it should start getting more dry. And I usually do. And it's still pretty thick creamy so I'm hoping it stays that way. But I'm still a ways out for af due. I'm supposed to start anywhere from The 24th-the27th. My cycles are anywhere from 25 to 28 days. Usually 26 or 27 days is when I start. But every now and then it will come a little sooner or later. The only thing I've been noticing for sure and alot is cramping. Was just mostly on the right side at first, now it's just cramping.

7 years ago • Post starter

Morning everyone!

By the sounds of it a lot of you have super positive signs! I'm hoping there will be TONNES of on this board, a record breaking amount would be great

How are you all feeling today?

AFM - my temps went up again this morning, not sure if I was moving in my sleep or if it just went up, but I'm hoping it just went up :) I'm now sitting at 98.56 on 5dpo! That's high for me, I'm hoping that's a sign. Other than that, nothing unusual for me yet unfortunately. Impatiently waiting for a "OMG I'm pregnant" symptom.

to all you lovely ladies.

TTC#1 MC <img src=

7 years ago

I'm hoping we all get out BFP this month!! I'm 6 or 7dpo today. No omg I know I'm pregnant symptoms for me yet either. My boobs are still a little sore, but not enough that I'm like yep that's pregnant sore lol. I've never tracked my temps, but from what I've heard of from others it sounds promising for you! Ughh I just wish they would find a way to make this wait shorter lol. I have the ovia app and it says test in 7 days, but my period isn't due until 9 so I'm hoping I'm going to wake up one morning soon with tons of symptoms lol

Sending tons of to all of us!!!

7 years ago • Post starter

4 foo for us and there's been headaches every day since I, creamy cm and some light cramps. Fingers are crossed

7 years ago

Started getting creamy cm 3dpo and it's now 5dpo. I also woke up with a headache and I don't know why. Evaluate there was nothing I did the night before...but I woke up with that and a high temp that spiked. I wish there was a much earlier test. I also decided to test on 9dpo, 11dpo and then 14dpo. Last time I was pregnant I had my faint bfp and on 9dpo and confirmed on digital and frer on 11dpo

7 years ago

ZMT, I just checked your chart, that really is some spike!! WOW! I hope this is it for you ! You only have 4 more days til testing, or 3 if you don't include today for you!

AFM, temp went up by only.01 this morning still a high temp tho so I'm not worried about it. I feel like I should be experiencing some real symptoms by now if I were pregnant tho and I'm not. I really hope I'm not out this month.

TTC#1 MC <img src=

7 years ago

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