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April/May 2020 TTC

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Morning/Afternoon/Evening Ladies!!

Hi lol...

You're one month closer to your bfp yay !! Hopefully this is it

341 Replies • 5 years ago



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@Shay I hope you do (or did) O this cycle but otherwise I really hope your doctor will be willing to help you look for answers this time
@kait sorry AF is coming but I have my fingers crossed the the clomid works for you right away!
@Alex thanks babe! How are you feeling?
I haven't really heard more from my doctor because I was waiting for my hormone levels to go down to 0 which just happened (I was testing it down with HPT). I went to get a blood test on Friday to confirm it was back to normal and my doctor should call me tomorrow to let me know what the result is. I'm planning to talk to her about it then. My Hcg went back down as fast as they did last time so I feel like everything is fine and will be back to normal. I'd be ok waiting 2 or 3 cycles to make sure but certainly not 6 like she advised! I know chances are often pretty good the first few cycles after a MC though (I got pregnant again on the second cycle after my first MC) so it sucks to even have to wait 2 or 3 cycles to try again but on the other hand, there is a chance we will be moving overseas next July so it may be a good thing to wait so I don't have a June or July due date (even August may be hard). I should know if we are moving in the next 6 to 8 weeks so I think we won't try again until we know more and that way we can make sure there is no issue following the potential partial molar pregnancy. My guess is we'll be trying again in December.

5 years ago

Shay This is so unfair for you! Do you consider talk with your doctor about helping you with your ovulation by medication?

Kait I do too hope clomid will help you right away. I heard there is some unpleasant side effects so I really hope it won’t take long!

Agatch sounds like you’re about to have some new changes in your routine if you start the new job and with the moving! Hopefully this will keep you pleasantly busy till you get back trying!
I’m feeling better thank you but I still feel so defeated. I really thought that I would be a mom one day. At this point I threw all my opks and I stopped charting. I’m not planning to ttc anymore. We’ll just going to enjoy each other and if a baby will come out of it, it will be more than welcome. Hubby still taking the ginseng and maca though since we bought it. Of course I still will wonder each cycle if AF will come.. once a TTCer always a TTCer lol but I’m done with counting and trying and testing... everything happens for a reason! I’ll be around as I said since I got used of this site and I really want to see y’alls bfps

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5 years ago • Edited

Agatch I am glad that your numbers are back to normal so you can really talk to your doctor.

Alex it is great that you are just going to enjoy each other. I know it is hard to accept but I still believe a little one will be part of your family soon.

AFM: I just don’t know what to think anymore. I was sure that yesterday AF was going to start as I was having all the normal signs, cramping and slightly tender chest. But nothing, not even spotting. Then I wake up with an oral temp pretty normal for me especially since I slept with my mouth open again. But I am still doing both oral and vaginal just so I can get in the habit for next month. Well that temp skyrocketed up!! Like a while half degree!! It is just so odd!! I want my body to just decide what it is going to do!! Between my two apps, one for oral and one for vaginal, I have either no O day or an O day later than I thought I would. Ugh I just don’t know what to think or do. If I go by my vaginal temps I am only 7dpo. Ugh this just sucks!!

Good luck ladies!! I want to see some more positives soon!!!

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5 years ago

I dont temp. I never get good results. I have a pretty normal cycle, I get a positive opk, and my cm changes from ewcm to creamy right after O. All that temping does is stress me out because I never get a confirmed O. I would love to get the Ava bracelet to do all of it for me! Lol why do they have to make fertility stuff so expensive? That thing is nearly $300 I have even looked for used ones and they are very expensive.


5 years ago

@mill what fertility stuff?
@agatxh stay brave

AFM trying to read and msg from my car while in lunch. I have been unsuçessful looking for a job.

Hoping for maybe ovulation on my own this cycle or Clomid. I did say tiny amount of ewcm 2 DAYS AGO. will stop by again soon.

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5 years ago

@lalou it's the Ava Bracelet. Its tracks temps, pulse, sleep patterns etc and confirms O for you without all the stress.


5 years ago

@Alex the most common side effect seems to be hot flashes so at least it isn't the dead of summer here anymore. They warned me about the increased possibility for multiples too. I got my perscription today and I'll start taking them Friday. I'm going back and forth between feeling excited and being annoyed that this has gotten to this point lol I hope you're able to take some time to relax and take care of yourself and your hubby. You deserve it!

5 years ago

i've been so tired lately I need some sleep lol but I just cant sleep

God Bless

5 years ago

Shay Hang in there girl. I know this must be so frustrating but either way you’ll know soon! I’m having my fingers crossed that all this will end up with a bfp! Are you guys still BDing?

Kait I really hope it will help you and hopefully won’t take long! How are you feeling about the possibility of twins?

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5 years ago • Edited

Gamer get some rest girl you need it!!

Alex we have been so busy and exhausted lately we haven’t had a chance to bd in a while. My work is draining me to the point of falling asleep by 7:30-8:00. We were going to bd last night but then I had some pretty red spotting.

AFM: thought AF was starting last night as I had some pretty reddish spotting. Put off bding and everything. Well nothing. No spotting this morning and no flow. I thought it weird I would start with such high temps the day before but stranger things have happened. Well temp is still higher and no more spotting. I am so over this cycle. I really hope AF shows soon or I get my positive.

Hope everyone else is found great!! I know some of you are going through so much right now!! Stay strong ladies and know we are all here rooting for you!!

5 years ago

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