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Anyone Testing This Week or Next Week??

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I'm expecting AF tomorrow and I really hope that she has decided to leave me alone for a while or more like 9 months. I'm going to be testing in the morning tomorrow but I'm scared and very anxious.

Anyone else that's on just about the same cylce or any words of encouragement.

Good Luck to you ladies!

353 Replies • 8 years ago



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Morning All -
For those of you in the US - HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!

@Sophe28 - have a wonderful time with your family - hopefully you'll find a moment with your DH to sneak away and BD!

@ HopefullyAMommy - I think you said AF is due soon - how are you feeling? Anything out of the ordinary?

@kshoen17 - I believe you are testing today! Good luck! Fingers crossed you get your BFP!

I am just having a bizzare cycle. I kinda wrote off this month initially because of the fertility testing, but then having the ultrasound confirm that I ovulated and we Bd's twice the night before, I really feel that there could have been no better timing and if it was meant to be, it'll be. So I am bizzarely calm this tww and I even completely forgot to temp the past two mornings! I am only 3 dpo, so still have a week before AF is due, so this scenario may change for me next week. However, for the moment it's great and I feel far less stressed. Maybe it's because of how busy work has gotten, or that I know for sure I ovulated (it was a huge sigh of relief to hear the ultrasound tech say that), but I am just enjoying the state of letting it go and not being uptight about getting that BFP this cycle!

Hope all is well with everyone else out there!

8 years ago

@Lucidity- Having Hypothyroidism is linked to problems with ovulation because of over production of prolactin which could delay ovualtion.

8 years ago

Twwtoolong-yes the witch is actuality due tomorrow but I don't think that I'm pregnant because I went into the er Thursday evening because I am a chronic asthmatic and I couldn't breathe at all. So I'm sure they took a test and no one came back and said anything to me about any positive tests so maybe I'm out.

Any updates with you ladies?

For those who did celebrate thanksgiving how was everyone's holiday because mine was pretty eventful! I am very thankful that I'm here today to speak with you ladies the doctor last night told me I came really "close" if you know what I mean.

8 years ago • Post starter

@HopefullyAMommy - I am so glad you are ok! That is terrible that you had such a severe asthma attack. I too have asthma, but it has never gotten so severe as to necessitate going to the doctors. I hope you are feeling better now. You must be just exhausted, I know when I have a bad reaction and I have to wait to get ventolin, I am just knackered afterwards. I hope you have time to recoup this weekend!

That is too bad that you think you are out. I am only 4 dpo, so I guess it would be hard to tell, but I am hyperfocused in symptoms etc this cycle. I forgot to temp again this morning- I figured I know from the US that I ovulated and when, no need to track and over-analyze the pattern of my temps every morning! It's been a bit of a relief!

Hope you are all doing well!

8 years ago

HopefullyMommy Im glad that we are your forum for you to speak on about this. I do not have asthma but watching my husband deal with his I can only imagine what you must have been through. Hope you are resting up and convalescing well.

Twwlong: Looks like this is a tww that already has some assurances in it for you. What does it look like on the scan to see that you had ovulated? I assumed an egg would be too small to pick up. Thats amazing technology.

Best of luck with your causes everyone x

8 years ago

@lucidity- They needed to do a transvaginal ultrasound to see my right ovary. The ovary looked a little deflated compared to the left and the boarders are less clear where the egg ruptures from the ovary and there is usually some fluid expelled with it, which comes up super bright on the US. I has the US in the evening of cd 15, which has consistant with my previous 3 cycles, when tracking using opks and temping. It to be honest was a total coincidence that it happened to be ovulation day, the only reason I go that appt was because someone had just cancelled when I booked it, otherwise I would have had to wait until next week! Still no word on my blood tests, but it's only been a week for those. I think it took about two weeks to get my results from those last time.

How are you doing?

How is everyone else doing out there?

8 years ago

Had weird spotting 4dpo to 6 dpo finally thought it stop then yesterday at 10 dpo had some craps and strerching and then brown spotting which mad me more happy not sure if im experiencing a wiers implantation or what but today 11 dpo nothing just a small amount of pink tinged cm after sex my righy boob seems a little sensitive off and on but dont want to overthink.. What do you ladies think tools gave me a 16 % and now 21% AF SHOULD START ON THE 3RD going to test 14dpo and 16dpo dat of espected af luteal phase is around 15


8 years ago

Hey ladies so I finally got discharged from the hospital yesterday so I'm back home and finally getting a chance to sleep and really relax. I'm just so happy and thankful that I was able to come home and have my breathing back under control. I've been trying to keep up on what's been going on but it was kind of hard. Thank you for all the kind words ladies.

How is everyone doing?

8 years ago • Post starter

Hi everyone!

Twwtoolong - I think we're at about the same place in our TWW. I *think* I'm 5 dpo today. I'll explain more in a bit. Please let us know what they say about your blood work.

Hopefullyamommy - so sorry to hear about your asthma attack. I'm glad to hear you're doing better and are home from the hospital. How are you feeling? Any PG symptoms?

I haven't been temping this month. I missed a couple days during my follicular phase and just decided to take this month off from temping. Fertility Friend had predicted that I would ovulate on Friday (two days ago) at cd 16 because that's when I usually ovulate. But, my breasts started hurting on Wednesday and that ONLY ever happens right after I ovulate. So, I'm thinking I ovulated on Tuesday of last week which is good because we bd'd on Tuesday morning. That would put me at 5 dpo today.

Best of luck everyone and please keep us updated.

8 years ago

HopefullyAMommy - I am so glad to hear that you are home and doing well. Just continue to rest and listen to your body.

xoxo - Any updates with you?

Today I am 6 dpo. I estimated my O based on my trends from past months, however, this site just estimated my O to be Friday the 27th. Weird thing happened last night. DH and I were and after we finished he said "sorry to tell you, but you're going to need a panty liner, AF is here."
I said no way! AF is not due until next week! I went to the bathroom and there was pink spotting. I wiped until I was clean (about 3x). This was weird for me because I have NEVER spotted before; not prior to AF and not from IB. I really hope that this was from IB. I know its sort of on the "early" side for implantation, but anything is possible. I don't plan on testing early unless I have overwhelming symptoms. I took a chill pill this cycle and just had fun, lets see what the next week brings me.

8 years ago

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