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November & December 2019 babies

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Hi ladies

Another month of ttc! Fingers crossed and baby dust!

395 Replies • 5 years ago



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@Anna - those tests actually have the same sensitivity as the strips, both at 25mlU.

@Crystal - Fx it keeps getting darker! Seems like frer isn't as trustworthy as they should be.

As for me, I'm getting more and more certain this won't stick either.. Last night i started spotting. It usually starts with very light beige which turns brown right before af shows up. Now it's brown and more than I usually have. My temp took a nose dive this morning.. So I guess af might show up early.. Don't know why my body's not able to keep anything/keep rejecting the eggs...

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5 years ago

I kinda had a feeling it was too good to be true... I'm at a loss right now, not knowing what to do.. I don't want to give up, I want to know what's wrong and possibly how to fix it. But the doctors here seem to think that if you have a child, then you have to settle for that 'cause they won't help.. The closest private clinic is an hour away and are too expensive.. So I'm probably going to order some blood work through werlabs after the summer. I don't want to do that at the moment.

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5 years ago

@bimi good luck babe I hope to see your positive soon !!

@mama I still feel like I see a line...

@pandorica it sucks that they wont help you after having kid already... It is completely possible to have fertility issues after having multiple children so they should definitely be willing to help... Maybe save up and go see the clinic?

5 years ago • Post starter

Guys look how much darker it got !! This is afternoon urine, no hold and I had a glass or so of soda in between and its darker than this morning... Like almost 2 times darker !! 11dpo it's insane!!

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5 years ago • Post starter

Pandorica I’m so sorry girl.. I really am! Don’t give up. I’m sure if your body is and was able to get pregnant you will soon have a sticky one and in a glimpse of an eye you will hold your little one in your arms! Take your time if you need, but don’t give up..

Anna I’m genuinely so so happy for you!!! You give me so much hope girl! Now soon you will perform in real life all the moments you imagined yourself doing things with your big, beautiful belly

AFM I had a food poisoning the last two days and we didn’t BDed at all cause you know... I was mostly hugging the toilet lmao and I believe it was my O days but I’m not really sure cause no opks this month. I feel so good about my self and I, now really feel this ignorant bliss we talked about a while ago! Fingers crossed for everyone including me, we will get good news soon!!!

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5 years ago

@Alex aww no I hope you feel better soon babe !! I'm glad I give you a little hope babe

5 years ago • Post starter

@Alex - I'm definitely not giving up! Just feeling a bit defeated right now, that's all.

The thing is, when we were ttc our son I didn't have a single chemical pregnancy. This time around I have seen faint lines turn negative for over 20 cycles (of 26). A few of them may have been false positives, since I only got faint lines on ICs. But it's still hell of a lot too many. So something's not right. And the hcg never seems to rise above 25 or 30 at max, since I only ever gotten a positive digital one and it was faulty. Right now, I'm getting a blood test to check my thyroid and see if that may be a contributor to my chemicals or not.

5 years ago

Well I’m out AF showed up this morning right on time

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5 years ago

@pando I am so sorry. I can’t even imagine going through something like that. It will happen and I hope you find out what the issue might be.

@anna I am so excited to see those lines get so much darker!!! I knew it was your month!!

AFM: definitely thinking everything is just the progesterone rising in a normal cycle. I am 5dpo today and still have sore nips and a little cramping on my left side to start and then on the right. My temp is rising even more today with a huge jump from 97.57 to 97.97 definitely feeling warmer all around too. Here’s hoping this is it!!

5 years ago

@pandorica I think that's the right steps babe keep us posted with the results okay

@mama I'm sorry babe hold on there okay maybe have a glass of wine

@Shay babe I had sore boobs from 5 or 6dpo so don't cross it out it's totally possible that it could be related !!

So I'm freaking out I get AF cramps on and off and it's making me paranoid

5 years ago • Post starter

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