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April/May 2020 TTC

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Morning/Afternoon/Evening Ladies!!

Hi lol...

You're one month closer to your bfp yay !! Hopefully this is it

341 Replies • 5 years ago



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Shay Hang in there girl. I know this must be so frustrating but either way you’ll know soon! I’m having my fingers crossed that all this will end up with a bfp! Are you guys still BDing?

Kait I really hope it will help you and hopefully won’t take long! How are you feeling about the possibility of twins?

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5 years ago • Edited

Gamer get some rest girl you need it!!

Alex we have been so busy and exhausted lately we haven’t had a chance to bd in a while. My work is draining me to the point of falling asleep by 7:30-8:00. We were going to bd last night but then I had some pretty red spotting.

AFM: thought AF was starting last night as I had some pretty reddish spotting. Put off bding and everything. Well nothing. No spotting this morning and no flow. I thought it weird I would start with such high temps the day before but stranger things have happened. Well temp is still higher and no more spotting. I am so over this cycle. I really hope AF shows soon or I get my positive.

Hope everyone else is found great!! I know some of you are going through so much right now!! Stay strong ladies and know we are all here rooting for you!!

5 years ago

@millbarnet my friend uses the ava bracelet but it's really confusing. She showed me her chart and I couldn't follow it at all! She's finally switched to basic opks and temping. xx

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5 years ago

Its hard when I have to babysit my niece and my son doesn't take naps lol

God Bless

5 years ago

@AGamers I wish you
@Alex I am sorry for what you are going through, it is difficult to accept maybe life will not give us what we want, or maybe just when we want... I send you a big hug
@Shay, everything is really weird, I hope this means something
AFM: I tried to disconnect from TTC, (of course it is impossible and it is always in background in my mind...) visiting my family and with many activities, my hopes were really high from DPO 6 to 9, high temperatures, a lot symptoms... and suddenly a super drop in temperature on DPO 10, I was happy, maybe this is implantation, but yesterday and today my temperatures are not going too much high and start symptoms of AF coming (irritability, cramps like AF....) even knowing this is not going anywhere I tested yesterday and today (DOP 11) and I got two BFN.... of course after the two tests I felt so sad and frustrated :-( I am not going to test tomorrow and wait directly to Thursday that is the recommended day to test.

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5 years ago

I say pray to god and he will bless you when he believes its the right now

God Bless

5 years ago

Shay omg girl this cycle must be fetso draining for you. Hopefully you’ll either get AF so you can move on or a beautiful bfp!!!

Neisamar fingers crossed AF will stay away and you’ll get your bfp soon.

Gamers I do believe that everything happens for a reason but I don’t believe anymore to “when the time is right”... I’m almost 37 YO and I could have a teenager or even an adult by now.. I believe my “right” time passed long time ago... I guess not everyone who wants a child will be blessed to have one and that’s the sad truth...

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5 years ago

Neisamar I totally know what you mean. No matter how much we try not to think about ttc, it is always there in the back of your mind. Ugh haha

Alex it is super frustrating for sure!! I am beyond tired with my class and everything else that I just want an answer!!!

AFM: just one more weird thing after another!!! So no spotting yesterday, hubby and I decided to bd since it had been a while and we just needed it. Well my goodness did it hurt!!! I have never had it hurt like that before. I was fine afterwards though so just kind of tried not to think about it. Well this morning my temp is still high and I had a much more obvious spotting!! Before I had only seen the spotting when checking cm, this morning it was almost like AFish but not quite. One wipe and it was gone. I have a feeling it was related to the pain during bding. I have decided that as soon as AF shows or if my temps continue to stay high for another week, I will be calling my doctor to see what is going on. I want answers and I want them now!!!

Good luck ladies!! I hope everyone is doing good!!

5 years ago

@Alex, I’ve been married for 10 years and just pregnant now aged 39. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and I personally do not believe in God. As far as falling pregnant is concerned, I put my faith in medical professionals and after rigorous testing and some treatment I conceived naturally. I was planning to start IVF in October. I felt so hopeless too. Don’t give up.

TTC #2

5 years ago

@Alex I'm okay with twins as long as they're healthy. I just don't want any of the issues that can come with multiples. I also kind of fear that if we only want 2 kids, we'd be done in one shot.

5 years ago

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