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I'm currently 3DPO and absolutely hate the TWW! Was just wondering if there was anyone out there going through the same thing.

1111 Replies • 12 years ago



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FYI I didn't go with Lilypad09 on CMP since that is my daughter's nickname. Since it's for our second child, I went with one of my own nicknames case you guys were wondering and looking for Lily!!

The ultrasound picture is really blurry. I wish we would have taken a pic of the actual screen. It was so clear. You could make out the head, even the tail!!! And see the little tiny leg buds!!

12 years ago • Post starter

Hi again Ladies!! I tested this morning and it was a BFN...but I have only had one day of about a minute or two of cramping this time and it wasn't the normal type of cramping. Today is 8dpo and 5 days until AF and I haven't felt any cramps like I normally do...other than that I have no symptoms of any kind LOL...imagine that!!

I am going shopping with my mom today and so I am going to pick up a few dollar tree tests to use tomorrow and monday...just in case!!!! I am hopeful this month because I haven't had my normal cramps...I didn't even realize it until right now!!! I had a bit of cramping yesterday for only a few minutes but NOTHING like normal...So maybe that is actually a good sign :)

LILY...I am so excited for you!! Beyond words honey!!!

For BOTH BRIDE AND LHEN...Good LUCK and go to the doctors honeys!!! GO GO GO!!! Everything will work out fine in the end but having the advice of a great doctor makes things a bit more peaceful!!!

MAN THIS COMPUTER IS SLOW!! LOL...what is it about parents computers that are always so anceint...LOL :)

Love you girls and I am thinking about you all!!! :)

12 years ago

Lily!!! Sweet ultrasound picture! God is great!

Lizzy, I'm pulling for 'ya! Hang's still early!

Lhen, any news?

Fluff, thanks so much for joining us! I love reading your posts!

So, I tested bfp again today on another Dollar Tree test. Those detect @ 25mIu so I still have at least that amount lingering around. UGHHHHHH! I'm going back to the Dr. on Tuesday if I'm still get bfp's and still bleeding. BOO! Is is true that once my levels are below 5, then AF will come? OMG...I don't think I can handle bleeding anymore. Plus, what possibly could be left in there?

12 years ago

Aww, thanks, Bride! It takes about 4 to 6 weeks to get your period and usually closer to 4 in the case of a D/C. But your doc did say your lining was thin so maybe somewhere in between you did have your AF, but I think that's another question for the doc. After I m/c, the ultrasound showed I had a thick lining and my AF started about 26 days afterward. I think your going to be back on track soon. You've been through enough, that's for sure.

Lizzy, I hope you get that much awaited soon!!!! I can't wait

12 years ago • Post starter

Lily, aww what a sweet ultrasound photo!!

Lizzy, hang in there!! Its still early, hoping you get good news soon!!

((Bride)) Hopefully very soon you will stop bleeding and will be back on track with things... I know that is frustrating, but God will bring you through this!

Well its CD2 eehh... well you know bloating and all that fun stuff... just waiting to start TTC again lol

12 years ago

Hi ladies!! Well...I tested again today with an FRER and total BFN!! I am beginning to feel dejected even though I had high hopes for this month because I didn't cramp like normal!!

Also my bbs are starting to very slowly get a bit sorer every day...VERY SLOWLY but still they are getting sore on the under side and its slowly getting worse each day. That is totally wierd because I never get sore boobs...EVER!!!

But I just don't think that its my month...I see all these positives from other ladies at 9 dpo and I got a stark white negative!!! UGH...

This is cycle 5 and I am tired of waiting already!!! It is making me feel a bit depressed and dejected about everything!! I feel guilty about that because you ladies are so strong!!! I feel a bit silly wallowing in a bit of pity today!!!

I fly home tomorrow and it is always sad to leave my mom so I am really emotional about that!!! I feel a bit of a mess right now!!!

I hope every one else is doing better!!! I will try to log in tomorrow but I will be traveling all day so it will probably be Teusday when I get back on!! AF is due on Friday so we will see soon how this all plays out...

I am sorry i am such a mess!!! Boooo... :)

12 years ago

Lizzy, who are we if we can't be real and honest with how we're feeling? We've ALL had our times of despair and have all felt JUST like you, but honey, you are so still in the running here! Don't give up...still very early and I'm living proof that those hpt's are not reliable! Plus, your little baby may not have even implanted yet and is still making it's journey to it's "comfy spot". You still have a lot of time left! Chin up, girlfriend! I think the fact that your BB's are getting sore is a HUGE sign if you don't usually get that before AF. A lot can happen between now and Friday :) I'm believing the best here! It's not over. I'm hugging your from South Texas!

Well, it's been 6 days since my last Beta when it was at 139 and since the doctor said I should only bleed for another day or two and.....I'm STILL BLEEDING and tested positive AGAIN this morning before church. This wacky body of mine has two more days to line up or I'm back to the doctor again on Tuesday.

12 years ago

Lizzy, I think bbs being sore is a good sign, if you don't normally have that...and like Bride said its still early to tell, so keep your head up okay! You still have a good chance!
We all have moments of weakness, its imposible to be strong all the time, I too have had those moments.. its hard not to feel depressed or think "something must be wrong with me!!" I am going on my 8th cycle and each month is filled with many emotions and seems.
I hope you have safe travels!

Bride, Well hopefully your body will straighten up before you have to see the doctor on Tuesday. Did it seem less postive? or any noticable differences today?

12 years ago

Fluff, it was still a standard positive. What a cruel joke this Lizzy is looking for 2 pink lines and I'm looking for just one! Ugh.

12 years ago

well I am 8 weeks from my last period and I have just had a blighted ovum confirmed and my betas are no longer rising. My symptoms have just about gone....this is the 4th miscarriage in a row. I need to see the doctor tommorow to make a plan for where to from here. I expect I will have a medical management...its surreal knowing it is over but still no obvious sign, with no bleeding or spotting or cramping or anything. oh well I hope it goes smoothly as the last miscarriage was not (thats a whole other story) I can get back on the tww...

It is so tough, I knew that trying to have a baby at my age was going to be a challenge, i guess i expected the challenge would be in getting pregnant, not staying pregnant...anyway its time to dust myself off and try again.

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12 years ago

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