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September 2018 Babies

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Hi ladies, I am hopping over to the September board since I am teetering between Aug and Sept (due date Aug 30th if I conceive this month). For new ladies, welcome!! I am CD 12 right now and believe I will be ovulating in the next day or so. I just started using preseed and am BD every other day all month if we can! I also have an obgyn appt tomorrow just to get completely checked out and make sure there are no problems since we have been trying for a while.

Any Aug 2018 ladies that are moving over here you already know my story and I wish none of us have to move over to this Sept board but I am sending positive vibes to you all!!

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419 Replies • 6 years ago



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@Beaut1ful38. Hmm. Whose to say it won't happen down the road. Some days I have felt like I lost my energy but I am also coming back from 3 weeks of holidays. I put a tampon in after lunch to see if there is any more spotting. I can say one thing that behind my knees, they hurt like crazy, like a pulled muscle. I don't normally get those so that is a new one for me. Only a few more days for us and we will have our answers.

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6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38 - I did check my CM today and it was white and creamy. I've only checked during my luetal phase a handful of times so I'm not sure what to expect. On my last cycle when I charted CM I indicated creamy on 5 and 7DPO, but didn't check after that. Is it supposed to change if you are pregnant?

6 years ago

I think I’m pregnant, it’s starting to get real :) lines are getting slightly darker on the dr’s office tests. The internet cheapies were: 6 dpo stark white 7 dpo the tiniest of squinted lines, 8 dpo definite line but still squinter, darker than yesterday. My beta yesterday was 14, and I heard that hcg has a half-life of 24 hours, if the numbers were going down to 7, I’d have negative tests. Wow! I keep psyching myself out that it isn’t real since my positive was so early and unexpected. I have my first prenatal apt at 10 am tomorrow, will get 2nd beta tomorrow.
I love reading about everyone’s progress, helps the day go by faster!

Also been having cramping on and off all day and gas, sorry if tmi!

6 years ago

Dragonfly- that’s what I put it as too our long holiday off!!i just return to work today! We shall see! Fingers crossed.

FlamingoGirl- since you are just starting will take time. In the 6 month tic I have notice creamy ew type before AF always around 11dpo. This time nothing just thick cm not watery just thick (sorry TMI) white with a very very little hint of yellow. This evening feeling lazy, and heartburn but haven’t ate anything yet.

6 years ago

Photo mama- That’s great to hear! Keep us posted!! I am not sure if you listed your Symptoms but what did you notice different??

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful, just been super tired past few days, but it’s pretty normal for myself and many ladies in the 2 week wait (do to the higher levels of progesterone). Strangely enough, my temps aren’t crazy high, 98.1 has been the average after ovulation, at 6 dpo I noticed a slight dip 97.7 from 98.1. Mucous wise nothing too noticeable. Little cramps all day, boobs don’t hurt. With my daughter, I remember being insanely tired early on, and getting a bfp at 8 dpo, last pregnancy my beta was 24 at 8 dpo. I wish I could remember my other symptoms first time around! I remember the nausea and sore breasts started about 5 weeks. Sorry, wish I was more help!

@Ksyd, your symptoms sound promising!
@callmecrazy At 15 dpo anything over 90 is great, congrats!!!

6 years ago

Hello Ladies come to update you guys!! Currently not trying to lose my mind. Super excited to have 2 positive hpt and one confirmed hospital pregnancy test. but nervous at the same time. Was thinking with my history (ectopic pregnancies/an egg in each tube) my OBGYN office would want to check my levels and other things such as monitor me but instead they scheduled me for Jan. 30th @ 1:30 for an Ultra Sound & 2 to see the Doctor. I am really hoping to get excellent news when we go on the 30th. I will say I did not have any of the other symptoms I had when it was ectopic. but of course my Anxiety is getting the best of me. Me and DH have not told a soul because we would like to make sure everything is great before we announce. I don't think I could handle another emotional break down. Sending & to all the

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6 years ago

Tawillmy, congrats!!! So exciting! When’s your due date?!

6 years ago

@photomama according to my tracker 9/7 but I will know more after my 1st appt 1/30

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6 years ago

Still no AF, ladies. I had cramps earlier and was sure AF was comin but they have since subsided and no af. Starting to have a little hope again!

@photomama so glad your tests are getting darker!!!!

@tawillmy yay!!! Sticky vibes!!

6 years ago

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