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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Oh holly I'm so sorry, I'll be sending more prayers.

Tara I'm glad you liked her. I think you should change, but pray about it before you make the final decision though this lady sounds like a winner.

Pisces have you tested yet?

Afm, the dr thinks its just my pcos she said that she didn't see anything or feel anything that could be causing it. She put me on provera for ten days to stop it hopefully and then hopefully have a regular period. If it doesn't stop then I have to go back and go from there. I have a follow up for a month from now to figure out what's next for me. They said that metformin can help, but she didn't think it would help me.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

It's POSITIVE, my OPK is finally positive!!
I seen the :-) LOL I'm gay, I know! Y'all have to excuse me, this is my first month using these things.

Good Luck Ladies!

11 years ago

@xomandy- thank you sweetheart! Dh is over the moon too. He knew as soon as he saw her online video that he'd like her more lol....
If anyone is interested, this is my new doctor....

@holly- I see more than a bfp...I see a baby in both of our futures!......actually, in all our futures!

@athena- I've had this whole week off and I've been spending a lot of it reading my bible and talking to God. I'm feeling at peace about moving on. I'd have to move on at some point anyways if I was sent onto an RE. I'm glad it's nothing serious. I had a feeling they'd prescribe provera to stop the bleeding. Dont be afraid of the metformin. I didnt want it in the beginning cause I wanted to do it all natural and the idea of taking a diabetic drug freaked me out. But all the research I've done on it, even some of the top health/natural gurus say metformin paired with healthy diet and exercise is great for pcos. Even if you're not insulin resistant, it can help balance everything else and produce better eggs. On top of that...the benefit of insulin sensitivity really helps with weightloss of us PCOSers. All drs are different, some havent really looked into the research on it and just see it as an insulin intolerant drug...others see a lot of potential. It cant can only help! Dh had me read this.... . Think of it this way...we'll be doing it together! I take my first pill tonight.

@xomandy- YAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! I knew you'd get it soon! It's completely okay to be 'gay' about it!
When you're always seeing negative's fun getting a positive anything...even if it is an opk!
Get your babydance on!

BTW- you will all get a kick out of this....before I left for the doctor, I made sure to empty my bladder (3 times!) just in case I was examined. Sure enough, the second I walked thru the doors they handed me a jar! "Can we get a urine sample?"...... I'LL SURE TRY!
Went into the bathroom and took the lid off the jar. WHY OH WHY is the mouth of the jar so skinny?! I'm not a guy I cant put my thang in there! So there I am on the toilet, giving my bladder a pep talk. Finally! Triumph! Except I overshot the jar and peed all over my hand! COME ON! But with as much as I have peed in a cup over the past year, I'm not afraid of my pee . I did eventually get a sample into the cup though....I was very proud!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

@Waiting, I have no idea what you look like but I totally just pictured that image in my head and laughed my butt of out loud!!! Sooooo something I would do ]

11 years ago

She told me that they didn't recommend metformin for me, she said since I have had some regular cycles that I shouldn't need it. I didn't see my doctor today though I saw a nurse practitioner and she texted my doctor to make sure the provera is what she would go with. I have to go back and see my doctor in a month though so I'm going to talk to her about all my options and what not. I also think I want her to make sure I don't have any cysts or fibroids. But I will ask her more about the metformin when I go. I did start my fertilitea today though and it was pretty good.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

@athena- glad you like the fertilitea .

@xomandy- everytime I pee in a cup at the drs office, I have flash backs of my mom knelt down with a cup between my legs trying to catch a urine sample for my doctor when I was itty bitty.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter


Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Pisces- did you test again?

My temp dropped below the cover line today. :( AF is due tomorrow or Sunday.

11 years ago

@waiting and @mem

I have a series of confusion and disappointment. At lunch yesterday bought 2 different kinds of test. Got a BFN on the digital. Then a really faint positive on another off brand (Cvs). I noticed some very very very light tinged cm, figured AF was coming for sure and waited hours and nothing.

Bought a FRER got a BFN and another BFN on the EPT digital this morning. ?? Chemical preg? Crazy? (Oh wait we already knew I was bonkers) I have never been late for AF without being pregnant. Of course before I was extremely athletic and never tested positive before at least 3/4 days late.

I am done testing for today. I can't look at another BFN and I can't look at another faint line and wonder. I am assuming she's on her way because thats all I have left. Well I do have the same ole AF cramps that I have been having all week. So tampons and panty liners on deck ready for deployment.


11 years ago

@piscesgirl - sorry to hear about the BFNs. I still have for you that you get your . You are not out until the shows her ugly face, but hopefully she wont!

Also, don't use the digitals until you have a clear positive because I believe their sensitivity is quite around 50 (although some may register lower levels unofficially).

AFM - I thiink I am 11 DPO based on my charting. BFN this morning, but my temp dipped a little today. For the last 11 days it has ranged from 98.28 to 98.63; however, this morning it was 97.93. My coverline is 97.67, so it is not close to the CL.

I feel very crampy today, so perhaps AF is on her way because I would think I would have a BFP by now given I normally get BFPs pretty early-DPO7, 8, and 9 ish.

Albeit, I still cant shake the feeling that I am pregnant. Lord knows I have been pregnant enough times to recognize the "feeling".

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11 years ago

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