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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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FlamingoGirl- not sure when I want to test as I know last time I got a positive at 10dpo and digital said pregnant at 11dpo. This time makes me nervous but I think if I start around same time I can get in to see dr sooner and she can check my levels. Everything seems like last time. The feeling sick and mild mild cramps in lower abdomen plus bloating.

On another note...try and relax this cycle don’t stress over temp or Checking anything. Do what you feel, don’t do opk till you know around your time since you have been tracking cycles for months that helped me last time as well. And relaxing your mind off tww. I even spaced myself off here a couple days. Just so it’s not on my mind constantly (that is just my opinion) You do what you fell is right for you. Your time will come FlamingoGirl I hope we both get lout BFP this month!!!

6 years ago

Beaut1ful - I'm happy you are feeling the same as last time and I think you are right. Testing around the same time and getting in to see the dr sooner are a good plan!

I'm working hard not to stress. I just started temping and using OPKs and I will stop temping 3-4 days after my O day. That will help with stress. DH seems much more active BDing wise this cycle then last so I think I'm going to leave that part up to him! What happens is what will happen. I have faith that eventually we'll get our BFP! I hope you get your rainbow baby this month!!

6 years ago • Post starter

Good morning ladies. I hope everyone is having a good day and had a nice weekend. I was quiet all weekend as I was battling my demon voices in my head and trying to relax as much as possible but it just didn't seem to be working. 15 more days till my second ultrasound and it just can't come any quicker as I just want to hear the heartbeat to make sure my little guy is doing well and progressing nicely. One a side note, my daughter's 2nd birthday is in 10 days and have no idea what to do for her as we don't want to give her a lot of sweets.

@Beaut1ful38. I hope this is your month and you get your rainbow baby.

@FlamingoGirl13. Good luck and hope you catch the egg in time.

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6 years ago

@ Dragonfly23 - Your next ultrasound is just around the corner! As is the second trimester for you. I hope the demon voices fade and you are able to relax more as you move into your next trimester. I hope that hearing the heart beat will help with your anxiety. If not you should talk to the Dr about it, they might have some suggestions to help with it.

I'm CD11 today and got my second High on the CBD OPK. Starting to get EWCM as well so we'll be BDing all week long :D.

6 years ago • Post starter

@FlamingoGirl13. I don't even remember when the 2nd trimester starts as it's been so long lol. Just had to Google it (14 weeks). Thank you! I think once I hear the heartbeat, all this feeling of uneasyness will go away. I wasn't like this with my first pregnancy. Thank goodness this will be our last one as I don't think I can go through round 3. I say that now but who knows what will happen down the road. I really hope this will be it for you and you get your BFP. I really liked the First Response Ovulation kit as it just gives you a yes or no and then once you get your yes then you will ovulate within 12-36 hours. I guess the only sucky thing is that the machine shuts off completely once you get your yes.

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6 years ago

Hi Ladies - I have a super random question LOL.... My pee has been BRIGHT yellow for the past few days (since about the time I started using progesterone cream). Is that normal? I am taking: prenatals, folic acid, 81mg aspirin and using progesterone cream 2x a day. I'm thinking it must be from the cream because it's NEVER been like this before. I'm talking like NEON, probably glow in the dark yellow LMAO. Has this happened to anyone else?

I'm about 7dpo and I started testing because I'm a POAS ADDICT! Lol... all negatives so far, but I'm still staying hopeful to get my BFP! How's everyone else doing?

6 years ago

@BB2018. I can't quite rememeber what mine was like at the start but I think it is from the cream. Are you noticing more creamy cm since started taking it? Other than that, doing not to bad today.

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6 years ago

I'm not at all happy with how the appointment went yesterday, with the fertility clinic. First of all she told me that they don't deal with "misscarriages", that is apparently another clinic's job. I told her that I was very clear about my problem when I contacted them a few months ago, so the nurse should have told me that then. Anyway, she did an ultrasound to check on my uterus and ovaries - it all looked ok, no polyps or anything. Did some bloodwork and one of the tubes will be sent for chromosome analysis. I'm glad about the ultrasound and the bloodwork, but not how she treated me. I have never felt so belittled in my entire life. She didn't think that many chemicals was unnormal and that next time I shouldn't call just because I got positives that only lasted a few days. She continued to tell me that if the bloodwork didn't show anything, we would have to continue ttc without any help. "You are both young and have time, there will be a pregnancy sooner or later" (I'm almost 30 and my husband 33).

When the results of the bloodwork arrives, I will contact a private obgyn instead. It's a bit expensive, but at least we have a chance of getting some help..

6 years ago

@DiviniumLiv. That is horrible at how she treated you. That is how my last one treated me. Told her I was taking progesterone cream and she's like, why are you taking it? You got pregnant the first time no problem. She wouldn't listen to a word I had to say. So, I went back to my family doctor and asked for a new one. Was able to get one in the same clinic as my family doctor so that was good. So sorry you were treated horribly and that woman needs some bed manners training.

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6 years ago

@DiviniumLiv - I'm so sorry to hear your appointment didn't go well, but glad you had an ultrasound and got bloodwork. I agree with you and think you should find a private obgyn after your blood work comes back. I can't remember if you answered this but have you been trying to conceive for a year now?

6 years ago • Post starter

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