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April/May 2020 TTC

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Morning/Afternoon/Evening Ladies!!

Hi lol...

You're one month closer to your bfp yay !! Hopefully this is it

341 Replies • 5 years ago



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@don t get cold feet Kait. I'm sure it will happen. My obgyn did not prescribed Clomid but more test and referral to specialist.

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5 years ago

Thank you Lalou and Kait.

Lalou glad you are finding a solution at work. Sorry your Obgyn didn’t prescribe clomid for you. I am kind of hoping my doctor will but we will see.

Kait don’t get cold feet just trust the process with everything. It will happen.

AFM: AF hasn’t fully started. It was more spotting yesterday but heavier this morning. I am counting today as cd1. I am on to hoping for a June/July little one. Good luck ladies!!!

5 years ago

Thanks for the messages @Shay, @alex, finally AF came on time last Thursday, this was the second try after my MC and I was having my hopes high... This month my husband will be on a 4 days trip and guess when it happens...the estimated days of O... I think I am not going to track anything this month and directly assume it will be really difficult to avoid later the deception.. the positive part is that we have many good plans the following weekends, I will enjoy and try to pay less attention to the TTC.
Good luck to all and have a great weekend!!

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5 years ago

Russian Thank you so much for sharing and it is indeed so inspiring to read out those kind of stories but the truth is that even before my husband I had two big relationships and with both we weren’t preventing after a time and never happened even back then when I was waaaay younger. I don’t have any hopes left tbh and it’s kinda liberating. We’re not planning doing anything IUI, IVF or even actively like charting etc trying. We’re just going to be just the two of us living our lives. But again thank you for sharing!

Kait Yea I know what you mean. Personally whenever I thought about me getting pregnant I was so scared about having twins cause me and hubby both wanted one child!
I’m really hopeful for you now you’re on clomid! I really believe we will have good news soon

Lalou Hopefully after some testing you will get some kin of meditation that will help! Everything is so time consuming when ttc. I hope it could be different! Hang in there!

Shay dang it! I was so hopeful for you girl! I’m so sorry AF came. I have a feeling that your bfp is so close! Fingers crossed for an early O and a blazing bfp this cycle

Neisa let’s hope your body will decide to O earlier or later this cycle so you can catch that egg. Do you have a stable O day?

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5 years ago

@alex my O is usually from 13 to 15 but I have had few months that happened on 21. DH is travelling CD12 to 15, let's see what we can do. It's good to read you feel more liberated, I would like also to thank @russian for sharing her experience.
@shay, I am sorry AF came, I am starting similar to you, lets hope for June/July babies!

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5 years ago

Neisa you can still do your best and BD before he leaves and hopefully, since sperm can live up to 5 days, he will have some long lasting swimmers to hang around while he’s gone lol fingers crossed!

How’s everyone? Pretty quiet in here..
looking forward to see some updates from you all!!!

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5 years ago

@Alex it is very quiet! Nothing much going on for me. Last day of clomid today so we'll see when I O.

5 years ago

Hope everyone is doing OK as well. In a few days time I will start with bc and I actually feel ok with that now. And in a few days time I'll hopefully know if I thyroid problems or not. I went to the doctors office last week to get them to check a small lump that's sitting "on" my thyroid gland (or in that area at least). I got an appointment with a nurse and she suspected it's my thyroid, after some palpation of the small lump. She got the doctor to order some blood test, 6 whole tubes, and scheduled me for an appointment with him next tuesday. I can see all the blood results, except one. Even though my TSH-levels are withing what's considered "normal", it's increasing. 2017 I got it checked twice (april and oct) and it was at 1.4, in march 2018 it was at 2.0 and now it's at 2.9. My T4 are declining, from 11,1 (march -18) to 9. The fact that the doctor wanted to take so many different tests gives me hope that he will take me seriously. Because I have a feeling that my thyroid may have been causing our fertility problems, along with many of my other issues.

5 years ago

Nice to hear from everyone. Went to family doctor for checkup post tests and I actually have an apt on Thursday . Nothing to report.

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5 years ago

Hey ladies!!

Pando I am glad you are getting answers.

Lalou yay to having appointments!!

I had my appointment the other day and my doctor suspects PCOS at this point. She has blood tests ordered and an ultrasound that I go in tomorrow for. She is then referring me to the obgyn so he can check everything. She wanted the test and everything done before then though so he could just look at the results. Here’s hoping we figure it all out!!!

Good luck ladies!!

5 years ago

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