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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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omgosh thank you!! Obviously it's darker in person than on the photos!

Are Answer tests as sentitive as FRER's? i'm going to get a digi later today i think.... maybe use it tomorrow. I've got one more answer test so i'll hold it unitl about lunchtime and use that test. Actually after the test has been sitting here a while now the line is even darker and DEF. pink! It was pink when i first tested as well... showed up right away i'm so excited and scared! I've had 2 miscarriages in a row omg i'm scared.

I'll post another image of the test i take at noon. Thank you ladies for helping me through this!!!

11 years ago


Answer and FRERS are officially 25mIU. However, they have been known to register levels at 10mIU and even lower.

You can go to this website if you want to see the sensitivity for various tests:

If you still have a very faint line tomorrow, you may want to wait one more day before using your digital because digis aren't as sensitive.

This is very exciting! Can't wait to see your next test!

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11 years ago

Thank you for all the I'm still in shock lol

Memphrika that's look like a to me . We can be bump buddy's lol

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11 years ago

Yes Lammy! I'm still in shock too! I'll go in for a beta today! Going to go get my other test from my car and take it here shortly...I'll post pics again

11 years ago

just took my other answer test... it's DEFINITELY BFP!!! i'm so excited!!! i finally have my !!!

11 years ago

Took a test this morning and it was another faint line (I posted it, so take a look). I came back to look at it several hours later and the line was darker! I have no idea what is going on. Take a look and let me know what you think. It is pink in real life. I doubt this is an evap...or could it be?

Since AF started today, I wonder if it is a Chemical. Perhaps that is why the CBEFM said I had high fertility today. Perhaps it picked up HCG in my system.

If there is any HCG in my system, it must be new because I received my beta results from March 25th today (had to call them, because they forgot to call me) and they said my HCG was zero. Note: My OBGYN was monitoring my levels since the MC to ensure they went down to zero on their own.

If it wasn't for AF, I would be doing the Harlem Shake right now in excitement!

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11 years ago

CONGRATS Memphrika!

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11 years ago

@mem honey YES!!! I am so excited Mem! OMG!!!!!!!! I saw the image babe and that DEFINITeLY a YES! Oh I am so happy for you. God Bless you !!!

@xoxo I think it set my O date for me, I will figure out how to take it off. Girl I'm still new and most of the time I am answering and reading post from my phone. I have been reading the tutorials from Fert. Friend all morning which is why I missed @mem post her BFP!!!

11 years ago

Holly that's really hard to tell if it's an evep or if it has color in that photo! I def. see a line though!!! Good luck to you! Maybe you are having one of those "freak" false AF's!

I'm going in for a blood test tomorrow so i'll have some results back probably by thursday, then i'm sure i'll go again ON thursday to make sure they are doubling. My doc will probably put me on progesterone ASAP also. I'll keep you guys posted i'm so HAPPY!!!

i really hope this one sticks i'm so nervous! If this baby does make it through my due date is Dec. 8th!!

11 years ago

@mem Say so that you claim in God's name "this baby IS going to make it"!!!

11 years ago

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