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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

3241 - 3250 of 4483 Replies | Last Page

I plan on calling in the morning if it still doesn't pick up on the first signal again. It's so frustrating to wait. I just hope that if I am pregnant, it's not ectopic. I suffered a rupture ectopic pregnancy in 2007 and lost my right fallopian tube. I only have my left tube intact.

7 years ago

I plan on calling in the morning if it still doesn't pick up on the first signal again. It's so frustrating to wait. I just hope that if I am pregnant, it's not ectopic. I suffered a rupture ectopic pregnancy in 2007 and lost my right fallopian tube. I only have my left tube intact.

7 years ago

Hugs honey. Deep breaths. Eat diner early n go to bed. Lol. It will be morning shortly : ). Im sure everything is fine. Maybe your urine was just a little to diluted for the first signal.

7 years ago • Post starter

Thanks dandy. I was so impatient, that I just sent my ob/gynecology nurse my test pictures and asked for a beta hcg testing. Not sure if I will hear back today or tomorrow morning. Sigh. Now I just need to wait lol.

7 years ago

I still say positive Cronins! It even has color to it!

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7 years ago

Thanks Mrs Silver! I am just not feeling very confident after the negative first signal test. I just hope that my ob'so office orders a beta hcg tomorrow morning.

7 years ago

I can only imagine how beside your self you are right now! I seriously think that first signal was a fluke. I would have done tge same thing you did. Plus call when they first open in the morning lol. Anyway you and dh can get out of the house this evening for a bit? Im on my way to get my Birthday cake from my mom, my bday is actually Thursday. She will make me blow out candles like Im 6 lol. So my Birthday wish will be for a positive beta for you.

7 years ago • Post starter

cronins and mrs silver those look positive!!

What a good day on this group! So happy for all of you! Me tested with non digital and it s still positive but no symptoms a bit weird, so not being overly positive.

Lucky and dandy good luck for your protocol, let s hope the good news continue.

Will check back in later this week!

7 years ago

Non-Urgent Medical Question
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Victoria L. Cronin
6/6/2017 5:03 PM EDT
I spoke with Dr Schlachter He recommends the following
We will have a Beta HCG tomorrow 6/7/17 Repeat Beta HCG on Friday 6/9/17
Once we have a results of 1500 to 2000 we will order an ultrasound to rule out ectopic pregnancy
Will you be having the lab here at the 5 washington place lab on the 2nd floor
Have a safe day

Yay for the beta hcg test. It was approved by my ob/gyn's office for tomorrow morning.

7 years ago

Yayyyyyy Cronins. Its moments like this I want to ise my emojis on here so bad. Lol. I hope that helps you a bit. Will you poas in the morning as well? Ps. Ive been so wrapped up in your tests that I forgot to go pick my husband up from work. Oops. he got two flats pulling into work AGAIN. Luckily he was able to get a ride

7 years ago • Post starter

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