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November 2018 babies

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Welcome to the November 2018 babies club! I am starting this discussion a little early I am sure. I carried over from September and October 2018 babies and hoping to see some BFP soon!

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

380 Replies • 6 years ago



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Those ladies who are out this month sending baby dust for y'all next month!!! Just wanted to share my conception tips, clearblue ovulation tests and pre-seed lubricant, hubby and I were able to get prego the first try with both children, it works!!! Good luck!!!

6 years ago

I think I got my bfp. I'm 10dpiui and 12dp trigger shot I tested out the trigger by 10days. I just don't want to get my hopes up yet but I couldn't resist testing. I go for beta Friday but it's looking promising. Fingers crossed for all of you December babies!

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6 years ago

@Juboo4u Looks good to me!! If the line gets darker tomorrow I say you can start to celebrate!

6 years ago


Thank you so much!! Around implantation (7/8dpo) I had back aches, dull cramps and nausea...actually I still have occasional nausea at the moment. I have also been dizzy and sleeping more since 5/6dpo. With my last pregnancy (which ended in MC) I had really sore heavy breasts since 4dpo but this time not until 8dpo and they are much less heavy and sore.


Yeah!!! It says here the 23rd of November, but I'm not sure what that's based on (ovulation or date of last period)?

6 years ago

Congrats @larallen!!!! How exciting!!!! Yay!!!!

6 years ago

Thank you @MaybeeBabeeTwo! You are the sweetest!!

6 years ago

I have my 6 week ultrasound in a couple hours and I’m so nervous! I’ve been having all the symptoms, especially nausea, fatigue and sore breasts, so I feel like everything will be OK. Praying and fingers crossed — will update after the appointment! Any prayers and warm thoughts would be appreciated

6 years ago

It will be fine I'm sure! Looking forward to hearing all about it! Fingers crossed for a strong, fast heartbeat for your bean!

6 years ago

@MaybeeBabeeTwo that's good you are a till having all the symptoms I'm praying for you and a healthy sticky baby bean!

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6 years ago

Thanks so much for the prayers and encouragement! All went well with my appointment!!! Measuring 6wks 3days. Strong heart beat and everything looks normal. Follow-up in 2 weeks -- Due date Nov 2nd (though it will probably be earlier because of c-section since I had one last time.) I miscarried last pregnancy at 7.5 weeks so I’m still nervous but hopeful. Scorpio baby!

6 years ago

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