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November & December 2019 babies

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Hi ladies

Another month of ttc! Fingers crossed and baby dust!

395 Replies • 5 years ago



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Ok, now I'm feeling a bit confused to be honest. Thought af would have showed up by now, I feel really crampy. But it's still only brown spotting. I took an ic yesterday, just go confirm that the negative was correct. Got a really faint line, but those can get evap, so I thought it was one of those. Here's what's confusing me. I took another one today, and the line is darker then yesterday. I thought for sure that af would be here by now, so I don't know what's going on. If it hasn't arrived in a few hours I think I'll take my Predictor early, just go confirm if the line on the ic is real or not.

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5 years ago • Edited

Guess I spoke too soon - the witch is here..

5 years ago

Hey ladies
So i am 6dpo and i am still getting positive opks! Any one know what's going on?

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5 years ago

@pandorica I'm sorry babe I was so certain that you were gonna have a positive test it looked so good to me !!

@sam maybe you havent ovulated yet babe it happens? Do you have pcos?

I got my count back and I'm at 127 guys !! So I'm in the 4 week range eventhough I'm not there yet!!

5 years ago • Post starter

@sam keep bd’ing down, you might not have released your egg yet, or your body is still trying to, I had 3 peaks last cycle

5 years ago

Hey no i don't have pcos but the test was positive then it went negative now its positive again????

5 years ago

Sam I don’t have pcos either but I don’t seem to ovulate every month either

5 years ago

@Anna: YAY, that is SUCH great news, I'm SO happy and excited for you!! I had positive OPK's with my previous pregnancies, too, so it was true for me as well!

@Sam: Try an hpt? Sometimes they can turn positive with pregnancy hormone. I know 6dpo is too early, but wouldn't hurt to see? Anna got a nice positive early on.

@Pandorica: So sorry AF showed... that last photo you posted looked so promising!

AFM: I am now getting super faints on the Wondfo internet cheapies, which I wasn't before. But they're not getting darker. I am spotting today and cramping again. I am still leaning towards this being a chemical, but I am more accepting of it now... I guess because I've been expecting it to happen the past few days... Going to get another Walmart cheapie today just to see if it is continuing to get darker and maybe the spotting will mean nothing, but doubt it...

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5 years ago

Anna Great news! I really hope you’ll stick around and update us with symptoms and how you doing in general! It is always so interesting to see how everyone is experiencing pregnancy!

Sam I agree with crystal. Maybe you should try an hpt. It won’t do any harm and maybe you’ll be surprised. I wish you’ll have some exciting results soon!

Pandorica I’m so sorry girl! I know each month can be cruel.. But you never know! Maybe in 2-3 weeks from now you could be pregnant! New cycle, new chances!!!!!

Crystal fingers crossed your lines will get darker!

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5 years ago

Omg Anna you know what I remembered? I was thinking now what you said about doing all this kind of funny tests and I remembered some days ago you said something about finding a baby pepper inside a normal pepper!!! It was indeed a sign That’s an amazingly weird coincidence, don’t you think?

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5 years ago

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