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April/May 2020 TTC

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Morning/Afternoon/Evening Ladies!!

Hi lol...

You're one month closer to your bfp yay !! Hopefully this is it

341 Replies • 5 years ago



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Hey ladies!!

Pando I am glad you are getting answers.

Lalou yay to having appointments!!

I had my appointment the other day and my doctor suspects PCOS at this point. She has blood tests ordered and an ultrasound that I go in tomorrow for. She is then referring me to the obgyn so he can check everything. She wanted the test and everything done before then though so he could just look at the results. Here’s hoping we figure it all out!!!

Good luck ladies!!

5 years ago

@burkette glad to see that your ultrasound went well. Hope your little bean stays healthy!

@Shay sorry your doctor suspects PCOS, that's not an ideal thing to hear. Hopefully your tests help get to the bottom of everything.

5 years ago

@Shay, i'm glad you are going to see the doctor. I went through months and months of fertility testing before being diagnosed with mild PCOS. I argued with the specialist because i do in fact ovulate every month between a window of CD13 and CD19, but have never had an anovulatory or super long cycle. She explained that the main treatment for PCOS is a low carb diet and because i've been eating low carb for the past few years (to maintain weight) that that is the reason that my cycles are fairly normal. Off a low carb diet, my cycles would have been all over the place. She did prescribe metformin and i got my BFP the second month of taking it. I hope you get some answers and a treatment plan soon. I think i've mentioned this to you before, but Ovasitol has similar effects as metformin without the prescription and the side effects. If you haven't tried it yet, i think you should. Good luck!!!

5 years ago

Tha k you so much Lisa. I hope that I will get prescribed Metformin again. I neglected my diet. And yes low carb is the way to go and that is I am doing right now. I have almost eliminated all the carbs but veggies and fruits except rice. Having the hardest time eliminating it. Also stress is bad for people with PCOS. 1 of the reason why I am trying to get out of my current position and find a less stressful one. It is just too much stress and I am working close to 18hrs a day on salary that does not cover post school work. So I hope all the blood test will finally answers and find solutions to your problems @Shay. Maybe we will be Clomid cycles sisters next cycle if we do not conceive this one. Fingers crossed. My appt is tomorrow. I will let you all know how it goes. Good night.

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5 years ago

Just dropping by to say hi and wish everyone good luck with the approaches they are exploring. I’m starting part-time school next week and am really excited about it. We’ve decided to wait 3 months before trying again because of the potential partial molar pregnancy I had in August but we’re also not very diligent about trying to prevent either. My cycles hadn’t really returned anyway. I finally just got what seems like AF although it seems pretty light compared to my usual AF. I most likely didn’t O between my MC and this AF so that may be why. I also didn’t get my usual PMS but had been spotting for almost a week before AF started which is very unusual for me. I guess things are just still out of whack right now

5 years ago

Hello how is everyone? Got prescribed meds for hashimoto and anemia. Have ultrasound on Wednesday. @Burkette @Ana how are y all? Is it time for a new board?

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5 years ago

Hi everyone, just checking in on everyone’s progress - any updates?

AFM, I had my first scan today and everything was normal. Measured 7w to the day which was the same as my own calculation. Heartbeat was 134bpm. Still keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for positive results for you all soon.

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TTC #2

5 years ago

@lalou I'm glad you got some medication. Were you previously diagnosed with anemia?

@russian glad you got good news at your scan, hope everything continues to be smooth.

I'm just waiting around to O. Its CD15 and my OB said that with the clomid if I don't get a positive OPK by CD17, I should call the office for a follicle scan. I'm hoping I don't have to do that. I dunno, I'm just not that into it this cycle. I don't feel like BDing so I almost don't care if we miss the window.

5 years ago

Kait I hope you O soon. And as for the BD, so many times I didn’t feel like it either. My best friend and I always joke we just have to get it done, it’s two minutes of our life ????

TTC #2

5 years ago

@russian we did wind up bding last night and my opk started to get darker this morning so it's a good thing we did. I agree though, there are days we're quick to get it over with. I think I just get tired of being the one to point out when we need to have sex.

5 years ago

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