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3DPO - Need a TWW buddy...

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Hi, I'm 3DPO ttc my first. This is my first cycle of clomid also. I'd love to have someone to share the dreaded/anticipated tww with!

583 Replies • 11 years ago



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personally, I would start bding now until surge is over...sperm can live a while...if hubby has no sperm count issues every day is good too! that's what I did! I start early just in case. my surge tends to last for 3 days too so it adds up to a lot of bding but well, wheres the negative in that!

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11 years ago

That's what we normally do start just b4 it turns positive and few days afterwards, thought we would try it twice on ovulation day just incase lol, just hope the swimmers caught the little egg xx

11 years ago

Lots and lots of &

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11 years ago

I agree bashworth, also if you are seeing the ewcm then now's def a good time to start the bding. Gotta always make sure the boys are in there even if they have to

11 years ago • Post starter

Haha thanks for your help!!

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11 years ago

I caved in this morning and took a test , knew it would be x

11 years ago

mine was bfn at 9pdo in the morning! no one is out till shows her ugly face!

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11 years ago

So when did you get your mommy? X

11 years ago

The night of 10dpo...but can take up to 12 days for implantation and then another 4-6 days to pick up the hcg fact I read somewhere that 9 dpo is the most common day for implantation to occur! I know I had implantation symptoms at 6dpo for sure so I was early implanting...give it some time and don't count yourself out yet! I see tons of people on here get their first smidgen of a line at 14 &15 dpo! Ya, I'm a test gallery addict, lol.

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11 years ago

Oh and even fmu on 10dpo was bfn

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11 years ago

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