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September 2018 Babies

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Hi ladies, I am hopping over to the September board since I am teetering between Aug and Sept (due date Aug 30th if I conceive this month). For new ladies, welcome!! I am CD 12 right now and believe I will be ovulating in the next day or so. I just started using preseed and am BD every other day all month if we can! I also have an obgyn appt tomorrow just to get completely checked out and make sure there are no problems since we have been trying for a while.

Any Aug 2018 ladies that are moving over here you already know my story and I wish none of us have to move over to this Sept board but I am sending positive vibes to you all!!

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419 Replies • 6 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

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Ya'll are killin me! go pee on all the sticks!

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6 years ago

Callmecrazy- thinking of taken test tomorrow morning now! My boobs are hurting and feel so heavy. This is not like pms symptoms.

6 years ago

@ callmecrazy - LOL!! Obviously we're working on our patience this month. I'm planning on testing the middle of next week.

6 years ago

Haha ya’ll are too funny. @Ksyd pink spotting could be a positive sign, it’s the bright red that’s the bad sign. Brown and pink are actually good signs.

Just had my first prenatal appt, waiting in the Kaiser lobby to get the prenatal bloods drawn including my 2nd beta. Still cramping on and off, had some sharp pains that lasted about a minute this morning. I’m not concerned, with both of my miscarriages I had zero signs or symptoms. Cramping is actually good, means the little Embie is digging down deep to get a good blood supply and cozy home!
I’m a total POAS-aholic and the sticks are def getting darker!

Still feeling like a narcoleptic, but more so than last month. At 10 am, all I want to do is go back to bed! Also have a sense of uterine “fullness” it’s kind of hard to explain. Very different than last month. Also my temp rose even higher this morning from 98.1 past few days to 98.4.

6 years ago

@photomama really? That's good to hear! Since then I have had no other signs. I have never been pregnant so I don't know what to expect. Still hoping for the best. Wishing you all the best on your pregnancy!!

I agree with Callmecrazy! I'm so ready for you all to test lol.

6 years ago

@Ksyd94. So glad that there hasn't been anything else. Are you cramping at all or anything like that?

Update: think the spotting finally stopped. So here's hoping it is implantation bleeding and I will get my BFP soon. I have a question. With implantation and spotting. Does it mean the egg implanted when you bleed or did it implant hours before and it take a little bit for it to work its way out? Reason asking as I read somewhere that it takes 2 days for it to works its way out. Im just wondering if I could test tomorrow or just wait till I miss AF? I'm just scared to see a BFN. Been having some minor backaches and breasts are still a bit tender but not full looking. Oh, one more question (sorry ladies). I breast fed my daughter and I stopped breastfeeding since she was about 6 months. Anyway, I am still able to get a little bit of milk out of the left nipple. Wouldn't you think by now the milk would have dried up and could that also be a reason for not have sore/fuller breasts? Anything will be helpful.

Wow the spam on Q & A is rediculous. One question on page 8 and one question on page 16; the rest is ads. I'm not going farther than that. This site is made for ladies seeking pregnancy advice not for BS ads that don't even help them.

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6 years ago

Dragonfly, I’m not sure about the question about implantation pain, what exactly you were asking, but the doctors I worked for in IVF all said that twinges, Little pains, etc are all very good signs. Heavy cramping with bright red blood is a bad sign. Some of the reasons for the pain are: implantation, growing uterus, corpus luteum cyst is still sensitive after ovulation (especially if the woman was on stims), and round ligament pain. These are all good signs! :)
Also, I still have some milk in my breasts as well (barely any) and I asked the doctor about it, she said it’s no problem but yes does dry up in some women during pregnancy :)

6 years ago

Congrats to those who have their BFP! :-)

Good luck I hope AF doesn’t show!

I had my smiley ovulation face last Saturday so now I’m guessing I’m 6DPO, I’m worried my lut phase is not long enough as my AF is due on 10th which won’t leave 2 weeks. My AF is irregular and missed November completely though.
Am going to test on Tuesday reglardless, as it’s been 10 dpo then.
My boobs are tingling and feel full but that’s all.

6 years ago

@photomama. Was wondering once the egg attaches to the uterine lining and blood is shed and how long it took for the blood to leave the body.

Wow, something must be up today as I am annoyed as hell. Just everything ticks me off.

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6 years ago

Oh, I’m not sure.
Horrible news, I know it’s still early but the numbers from the beta today don’t look promising. Went from 14 to 19 in 2 days :( best of luck to everyone but I feel as though this was a chemical pregnancy and im out. The doc said there’s still a small chance, in case it started out as a multiple and one aborted, but I feel pretty hopeless right now.

6 years ago

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