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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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WOW! A ton has happened since I posted this morning.. lol! Welcome to the new comers Football and brown sugar! Glad to see the warm welcoming by all the other amazing ladies in this group. I started this forum topic back in Feb this year and boy am I glad I did.. I have been blessed to interact with some of the kindest, thoughtful, helpful, funny and compassionate woman ever. Love these girls... my online ttc peeps :)

My reading is scheduled for October 16th from Tania.
I did my own reading on myself the other day and it was good. It was a general reading so we shall see.

@Lschrader ~ Glad your HSG was a breeze and that your tubes are free, clear and open for bizz! So now what's next?

@Athena ~ I hope your spotting is implantation spotting.. still seems kinda early right for your AF to show? Do you normally spot before Af? Hmm? Like pisces said "It's not over until AF shows in full flow".

@Introuble ~ Hope you feel better.. :( Can't wait to hear about your 20 week scan. Rest up girl. Travels can wipe you out on top of everything else and being preggo. Get well.

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10 years ago • Post starter

Miracle I have spotted before af but normally it was brown. So I don't know.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

@lsc great to hear it all went well Hun and wasn't too uncomfortable! Hopefully the good clean out has made a nice clean home for a new baby! :) xx

AFM wow I've been MIA for a few days and there's lots of lovely new ladies! Welcome all and good luck, hope your TTC journey isn't too long! :)
Went back to fert doc last week and he's put DH on antibiotics, just as a precaution in case there's any kind of infection etc that affected his sperm count in the last SA. We go back and have another SA this weekend and will see what those results are then go from there. I've been off this site a bit cos I'm trying to not let TTC take over my life and get me down like it did last time around, so please excuse me if I'm only popping in and out every so often!
We have 9 weeks to go til our wedding day (YAY YAY YAY!!!!) so just been consumed with that and working my ass off to pay for everything haha! :)
My nephew and his wife had their twin boys last Friday (4th October)!!! Oh they are sooooooooo beautiful!!!! Archer Henry and Elijah Anthony, 2.5kg and 2.8kg and both 48cm long. Absolutely perfect, we went and met them a couple of days ago, oh DH got so clucky hahaha it was very cute to see him light up, but makes me ache even more to have a baby seeing how clucky he got with them! Oh well guess we'll see what dr says after the next SA results and go from there!
Lots of love and hugs and baby dust to all!! :) :) xxx

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10 years ago

Brownsugar & football girl - welcome! Can't wait to get to know you ladies. to both of you.

mrsrogers - congrats to your nephew and his wife and the twins! So sweet to hear your dh was touched by being around the babies!

Athena -

Lschrader - So glad your test went well!

I had my follow up with the RE today. We talked about all the blood work I had done, where they checked for immune problems, genetic issues, blood clotting issues, antibody issues, etc. She said everything came back normal. The only thing left to do was an ultrasound, which the front desk forgot to schedule. She said it had to be done before I ovulated, because it could cause problems for a fertilized egg, and wanted to schedule it for tomorrow. I told her I wasn't sure when I ovulated, because I didn't track it, but that during two of my pregnancies they'd had to back up my due date and had said that might be due to the fact that I ovulate early. I'm currently CD12, and started seeing more CM late Sat/early Sunday. I asked her what we should do, and she sent me for another blood draw to see if they could tell if I was ovulating or approaching ovulation. It was so late in the afternoon that we didn't get the results back today so I'll be calling tomorrow.

One thing she did say, was she didn't expect to find any problems if she did the ultrasound. She said if/when I got pregnant again she wants me to use progesterone cream until I'm about 10 weeks along. She also wants to follow my next pregnancy - which means I'd have my regular OB, the high-risk OB, and my RE looking at me, poking and prodding, but I guess the more the merrier!

So now I'm just waiting and BDing every chance we get, praying for the Lord to bless.

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10 years ago

I am still waiting on some blood tests come back, specifically my ovarian reserve. DH will do a SA on Thursday also. I hope it's that we're both healthy and that God just has a perfect time for us. for DH's SA I know he can't use lube or saliva...thoughts on him using preseed?? Just sounds painful lol...

I sure hope that having my tubes cleansed will be all the difference. As happy as I am, I feel like I should be pregnant especially with leaving my tubes are totally cleared.

10 years ago

*having not leaving ha

10 years ago

@Lschrader ~ I pray that you both get great results with your blood work and your DH's SA results. I think you will. I'm not worried about you two at all. :)

@Athena ~ Well I guess we will just have to continue to wait and see.. Hang in there. You will have answers soon.

@Rebecca ~ So happy to hear your blood work came back good. Looks like you will find out where you're at in the ovulation process as well. Also sounds like you have a support team looking after you and are there for you especially once you get pregnant. :)

@MsRogers ~ I bet your going nuts getting ready for your wedding. Congratulations! Also that is wonderful that your nephew had twin boys recently. How lucky for them and for you to get to have that in your family.. I hope you get good results with you DH SA.. I get what you mean about popping in every now and again.. last month I went into a dark depression when I got my AF for a few weeks and it sucked.. We have to lean on each other and hang in there.

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10 years ago • Post starter

Wow, a lot has been going on since last I popped in! I've been trying to obsess *a little less* about ttc lately, and I've been limiting my internet perusing about all things fertility and pregnancy related. DH and I have been going to the gym very regularly, eating well, and I'm feeling in a good place this month. I just found an online source for Preseed and Softcups where I live, so I'm gonna try those out this month. I'm only on CD8 at the moment, waiting to O next week.

@piscesgirl - I totally get it about age thing. My DH is also 10 years younger than me. I try not to be too sensitive about it, but sometimes I just can't help it.

@mrsrogers - so exciting about your upcoming wedding! I know how all-consuming that can be. I got married in June this past summer, quit my teaching job, sold all my belongings and moved to Europe with my husband. Changes aplenty! Continued luck with all your preparations.

Hello to football and brownsugar, miraclemama and everybody else. :) :)

10 years ago

@jenniferjuniper Girl! Your story sounds like mine. Quit my job and dragged my kids (well two of them) from Texas to Washington DC and in 2015, we're heading to Hawaii. Yes obsessing less is Good! How are you liking England? That was one of the bases of choice but we got Hawaii instead, I can live with Hawaii.

@athena has the spotting stopped? or gotten heavier? that it was implant. You asked yesterday if anyone here got implant. I believe @topo had implant with her daughter

@lsch I helped my DH out a little with a BJ. #justsayn Glad your HSG went well and they say women are more fertile after the ole' pipe clean out.

@ants mommy where are you? I still have a screen shot of the "Amber Alert" and will use it on IG

@mrsR only 9 weeks until the wedding? ALREADY man, how time flies when its not you. lol seems like @athena's 2ww flew by and I am feeling every second of my 2ww . I might have to get married myself soon. For those that do not know, DH & I are common law, well the air force is requiring for us to get married so that he can put the girls & I on his orders to head to Hawaii. Even though that is in 2015, the orders to Hawaii will be published in December. I was informed yesterday that we have to get married QUICK I said courthouse it He gave me the face, like he was nine years old & had to eat brussel sprouts

@miracle it seeks like an eternity to get your reading back from Tania. I havent re-read mine in a while but i do remember June as being significant, the number 4 being significant (and consequently this is my 4th cycle of clomid & the 4th cycle since my TTC reading). and I know that May is your month so as you pointed out that you could deliver early so this could still be your month.

@lolee Hey Girl Eli is absolutely the cutest thing! I love his new haircut!

@brownsugar & @fottballgirl Good Morning!
I hope I didnt

AFM: 6DPO and not a thing to reports except my nips are still sore but i have had sore nips before and no BFP so I am not all thrilled like I was the first time that I got them. lol BUT the last time I had sore nips I had a chemical....hmmmmm maybe...#stickythoughts

10 years ago

Goodmorning and Thanks for all the warm welcome. I'm suppose to O today and my cm is watery and white not stretchy.. so weird, i guess the predictor was wrong. Which means since I stopped BD sunday chances are slim. Can my cm change during the day and I O in the evening? Or would my CM be stretchy from the morning if it was O day?

User Image I trust you God! My babys and I will always be blessed!

10 years ago

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