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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

3331 - 3340 of 4483 Replies | Last Page

Wow ladies, this is so exciting for both of you. Perhaps we'll all be getting our bfp's very soon.

7 years ago

Cronins I really really hope so! I can't wait to become a mom :-)

7 years ago

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Here is today's hpt. Looking more promising than yesterday's test. Thoughts?

7 years ago

Cronins I see what you mean. I can see that shadow line. I cant tell for sure if I see any color though. Really hope it continues to darken for you xx
Afm. Just got back from baseline testing. I have a 2 mm cyst on my ovary. So she said it will depend on how my bloodwork come back. If its producing estrogen then we will have to pospone ivf till next cycle. Sigh. They are supposed to call this afternoon for dosage or cancelation. : /. She said the dr will do the follicle count. So she couldn't give me a number there either. Guess I will just wait for the phone to ring.

7 years ago • Post starter

Lucky. When I give myself a shot with a refrigerated med, will it feel cold as Im getting the shot? Lol. Sorry. i was just wandering

7 years ago • Post starter

Dandy- hopefully that small cyst won't hold you back. I don't feel the cold and the med I'm using now is refrigerated. The shots really aren't bad, you will probably bruise bc your going to take a lot of them, but when giving them it doesn't hurt. The needles are small. The one that did sting me was the menopur. I hated doing that one but I think its because I had to use 5 vials at a time so it was pretty thick.

7 years ago

Thank you Lucky. I jst got off phone with nurse. I will only be doing 3 vials of the menopur. 225 of it in the mornings. 20 of lupron and 225 follistim at night. I go back wed for bloodwork. I only had 4 follicles but she said dont go by that bc lots of times one or two more pop up that they didn't see. Plus she said we only need two bc thats all the dr wants to transfer. The follistim and lupron look easy. The menopur has me a little nervous since Im mixing it up. Here we go!

7 years ago • Post starter

Dandy your underway :-) more will probably pop up. I only had 7 retrieved both times and only 4 and 5 were mature, so you just never know what's in there lol and can't go by count bc I had 6, 9, and then 15 antral follicles. You just need that golden egg to be in there :-) just takes one. Your doses are similar to my first Ivf then the next 2 I used 300 of each. This will go by quickly for you especially when you start the appointments bc you'll go everyday or ever other day probably until retrieval.

How is everyone else doing?

7 years ago

I go back wed for bloodwork only so not sure when I will start going to get ultrasounds. I have one more question. The nurse said over the ohone that I will draw up .5 of the water then mix it with powder and so on for all three. But the video I just watched they drew up all the water at once then powder, mix, powder. Does it matter? How do you do it?

7 years ago • Post starter

I drew up 1 ml of the solution and put it in 1 vial of powder then when powder dissolved drew that solution up and put in second vial of powder and so on. I always had trouble with air bubbles in my needles for the menopur. I always had my US and BW at the same time. I am so excited for you Dandy!

7 years ago

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