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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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Thanks Rebecca I will relax. Hope you O soon . Do a lot of BD

Dreaming of for all of us

User Image I trust you God! My babys and I will always be blessed!

10 years ago

@ lsc I've had numerous u/s that way in fact the u/s pics I posted were done that way all it is it's like a big long doodah they put a condom on it because it's a shared instrument they use it to see early pregnancies and to check ovaries they can actually see alot more this way it don't hurt at all

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10 years ago

Hi everybody!

@ LSchrader - I was apprehensive about Preseed but I ordered it online (as well as Softcups) yesterday-I'll report back after I have them!

@ piscesgirl - I'm in The Netherlands (my husband is Dutch), and I do like it here. I'm from the Pacific Northwest and used to mountains and an outrageously beautiful coastline, and well, it's different here. It's totally flat. The people are very nice, and almost everyone speaks English. :) Hawaii in 2015? Sounds awesome! Courthouse or not, big or small, weddings are always an exciting and happy time.

@ athena - Good to know about the Softcups and Preseed! I should get both in the mail today and I'm anxious to try it out. My fertile window supposedly starts today, so !! I've also got my fingers crossed for you!!!

@ miraclemama - I also love this time of year, getting cozy inside when it's cold outside. Cute Etsy shop! I took a peek. :) My mom came for a visit a few weeks ago and we did some crocheting together, and now I'm making my first crocheted baby blanket.

AFM not much to report--looking forward to trying out the Preseed and Softcups this month. Hi to all!

10 years ago

Strange things are happening my temp is back up some and my spotting has turned brown. I said a prayer last night and basically said if my period is going to start then let it start if not then let my temp go back up.

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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

@athena- well did u test?

10 years ago

I have heard that when you implant you have a dip in temp..

Test again today with FMU..

10 years ago

@athena I think its implant dip & spotting and spike increase. I was looking your chart and thats what it looks like to me. When are you going to test again? Do you usually spot? & have you stopped spotting?

@jenn The Netherlands...Sweeet! that shounds awesome. I am from Corpus Christi which is a beach town in Texas so out here in DC I am COLD all the time and love ALL the "heatwaves"(above 90) in the summer here. So heading to Hawaii will be just like home!!! Yeeeeee Haw! lol

@lsch Yes I had to have those ultra sounds almost daily when I was giving myself the shots before IVF. they were looking my ovaries everyday trying to schedule egg retrival. as @athena said, a little pressure like @lolee said it looks like a big dildoe with a

@brownsugar Did you ??? I hope so How are you this morning?

@ants mommy I think you're right about @athena I think its implant dip/spike. Hows Ant? Baseball is in full force huh? I know how exhausting it can be. My daughters volleyball game got cancelled and I was secretly happy...

@rebecca I had to do the suppositories with IVF and they made my cervix so hard that they had trouble getting in to place my eggs during IVF. I guess that why they didnt take...well who knows why But I am wishing you all the best as I am wishing for us all.

@miraclemom 8 DPO are you temp'ing this month? wait I forgot you never I had a dose of what you meant about that on Saturday, I didnt go to bed until 4 and set my alarm for 3 hours later so I could take my temp. didnt even look at it, fell straight back asleep.

AFM: 7DPO and nothing, not a thing to report. I am worried that I DONT have any symptoms, whoops meant to say "observations" no cramping ...nothing

10 years ago

Thanks ladies. I guess I am not so worried about the u/s itself, just hope that insurance will cover it. Yesterday was such an awful day for me and I still am feeling pretty down. DH has been trying to cheer me up and tells me it's fine and that my levels are fine but still, I just am not convinced. For 26 years old, 1.6 seems low on some sites, and then other sites anything from 1 and above is completely normal. I see why my nurse said to NOT google anything because it's NOT accurate and their tests are different. I don't really know why I am so upset. I mean, in the back of my mind I had to of known they would find something, right? There's obviously a reason why we are not pregnant. Is this really that bad? DH does not want me on anything. He wants to do this totally naturally. part of me completely agrees with him, but the other half knows I want a baby really bad, and I don't want to wait two more years for it to happen naturally.

@athena-I think you implanted. When is AF due?

10 years ago

I tested with a cheapie, I only have 1 frer left and I'm saving it for Friday. I was bleeding when I woke up this second time. Not a lot but I'm waiting to see if it is af cause it was more red.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

Lschrader af is supposed to be due Friday.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

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