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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Hello ladies,

I hope that everyone is doing well.

As for me, I am 7 dpo today. I have run out of good sensitive hpts, so I am using some Internet cheapies that really stink. They are like tooth picks lol. I'll test with these until my shipment of new hpts arrives. Totally stinks though. I plan on buying some frer and clearblue easy on Wednesday morning. I'll also be getting my beta hcg testing checked on Wednesday morning. Hopefully, implantation, if it did happen, picks up on the beta hcg.

Dandy : how are your injections going?

Lucky : hopefully AF eases up on you soon.

7 years ago

Cronins. Oh those toothpick cheapies stink! Just in time to maybe atart seeing something lol. If you think you see something, upload it here. This page seems to really blow it up. Lol
Afm a few side effects are starting but things are manageable so far. I can no longer wear/zip my pants. Sooo bloated I look pregnant lol. Break out the leggings! Some ovary pain too. But Im presuming that's normal. I may call RE nurse just to make sure. Maybe I can convince them to guve me a US Wed : )

7 years ago • Post starter

Woohoo for symptoms lol. Leggings are a great way to beat bloating lol. All for a good purpose.

I put the fertility friend app on my phone today and it has me at 8 dpo instead of 7 dpo. Dandy, do you think fertility friend is more accurate than countdown to pregnancy app? Boy I can't wait to get my blood test done lol. I sure hope it's positive though.

7 years ago

Cronins- a positive would be awesome!!! Wednesday will be the day.

Dandy- it is to be expected since your growing some extras lol. I felt the same way but hopefully you won't have to stim as many days. When do they have your first US scheduled. I always had bw and us same days. I ended up going almost every day lol.

AFM, waiting on the nurse to call me back and let me know the next step. Hoping donor starts atoms this week.

7 years ago

I spoke with my nurse and my donor started her period last Wednesday, so she had to put her on bcp :-( This process is taking so stinking long, I just want to be pregnant already. I wish she would have just put us both on bcp and then we wouldn't lose another week or so. Oh well, I need to not stress about it bc nothing can be done about it now. So probably won't have a transfer until mid July. Seems so far away. I'm just so angry, I was looking forward to her beginning meds this week.

Ok, rant over!

7 years ago

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Here is my hpts using third morning urine. Not sure I can see much on them, but they are 25 Miu tests.

7 years ago

Hey my loves.

Hope you all are having a greqt day! The family and I are heading back to Georgia so long car ride ahead. Just wanted to check in with you all and see how things were going

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7 years ago

Mrs Silver, have a safe trip and have lots of fun : )
Cronins I cant tell if I can see anything or not. They do look promising though! Wed will be here very soon.
Lucky, Im sorry sweetheart. You have a good point, they should have just had both of you on bc at the same time to get you guys closer. Darn it! Im scared mine will be cancelled for one reason or another. Anything can just mess everything up. I dont know when I will have my first us. I think it will depend on my bloodwork Wed. I keep thinking since Im an early ovulater and my follicles grow fast anyway that I probably wont stim the entire 10 days they have planned out for me. Hard telling though. I really want to see how these things are coming along!!!!

7 years ago • Post starter

Oh lucky, that totally sucks! They really let this one slip through their fingers. You are right to be upset, because it could have been prevented. So sorry that you have to wait again. Husband sweetie.

7 years ago

User Imagecrazy! I went out and bought some first signal hpts this afternoon. I purchased three. This one is an hour urine hold. I think that it looks promising. I am doing another urine hold and plan to test around 6 pm. As long as I can hold my urine lol. I also have had diarrhea today and my cervix is soft and closed. Hoping and praying for good news soon.

7 years ago

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