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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Feeling a bit crap today but I think it's cos I didn't sleep well

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11 years ago

Tara!!! My comp screen is the size of a t.v :) I see a faint line :) Keep us posted :)

11 years ago

For a bit if fun I poas lol just to see if the cheapy test do get darker and to my shock the answer is yes lol

Tara I see something too it looks just like mine did at 11dpo praying for u hunni xxx

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11 years ago

@lammy I missed your post yesterday. How are you feeling today? I laughed when I saw that you poas just for fun. You can be like our experiment girl for all of the

@waiting wasn't that sermon right on time!! I'm telling you The Lord knows how & when to get you the message you need. Now with that being said, when are you going to poas am a bad influence

@athena how are you today?that sounds like a mc type clotting

@xoxo and @holly Morning Ladies! And everyone else

AFM: still trying to figure out how many days pregnant I am. Fertility Friend says I am 5DP and CTM says I am 4DP and in the interpretation it says no ovulation detected because my temps haven't been high enough or something. Huh? I have been over 98 the last three days. A girl needs to know just how pregnant she

11 years ago

This morning I was feeling crap as didnt sleep well but I've taken pain killers and feel a lot better thank you for asking x

I will post my test later for u to see .

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11 years ago

Hi Girls I haven't posted in a while but I have a question for you.
So I am just coming off BC and AF was due on 4/14, no show, today still nothing, Normally i get awful cramps and my bbs hut like 4 days before AF. Nothing, no cramps, the only thing is my nips (hehe) have been tender yesterday and today. I had a little tightness in my lower abdomen yesterday and today. I don't know when I o'ed I am thinking it was later then predicted. I might test on Wednesday if if still a no show. Any thoughts??

lammy-glad you are feeling better!

athena- any updates? I am curious on what they said!

My Ticker is wrong too since AF is late.

~Lacey~ DH-30, Me-27 DS-Jackson born 7/6/14-12 days early due to gestational hypertension. User Image

11 years ago

I was kind of thinking that Pisces. I have strangely enough completely stopped bleeding. Cramps are gone bbs are back to normal. It is very strange. I know ,y dr said provera is fine when your preg. But it seems if you are taking progesterone and are preg then you stop taking it the drop could cause a mc, considering all the mc's due to low progesterone. Just something I was thinking. How is everyone else?

Lammy I am praying for you.

Holly good luck hope you caught that eggy

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Just wanted to jump on and say Hi Ladies!! I was so so busy this weekend that I didn't get a chance to really get on. Had a BLAST at the Race Sunday :-) I will definitely do one again!
I am going do my blood work tomorrow and my ultrasound appt is Monday the 29th! ExciTEd!!! They wanted to do it CD14 but that day falls on a Saturday and he is completely booked that Friday since they are only open half a day so Monday will be CD16/17 depending on what day you consider CD1 so I should be ovulating any day after my ultrasound so I am hoping I get awesome news that day!

@Waiting, Good Luck Love! I sure hope you get your BFP soon :-) Joel Osteen's Church is in Houston and I have never seen him. We go to The MET, I absolutely love our church but I hear he is an awesome Pastor!

@Pisces, LMAO! I love your personality :-) CTP never noticed a temp shift on my chart last cycle either and FF and CTP were two days off on my DPO days! I actually am guessing that FF was right cause it put me having a 14 day Luteal Phase and I usually have a 13-14 day. GOOD LUCK and Fingers Crossed for you :-) I really hope this is your month!

@Athena, How ya feeling babe?

@Lammy, I am thrilled to hear you are doing great! Sorry about the cramping, I hear it is normal. I never got it but then again I didn't have ANY feelings from my pregnancy until 8 weeks when morning sickness slapped my rear end like clock EVERY morning!

11 years ago

I jinxed it. I'm bleeding again. Trying to get an appt right now been on hold for a few min now grrrrr. Went to the bathroom and there was another clot. But it was in the toilet so I couldn't inspect it. But finally got through and my appt is we'd at 3:50

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

@athena definitely a possibility and don't let those loser doctors convince you otherwise. They always try and down play chemical pregnancies but to us they real. Pregnant is pregnant nobody can convince me otherwise. (Sorry that mini-rant)

@lacey -sound very interesting. Poas

@holly read that light spotting at O time can be the follicle bursting to release an egg. So ! You did it girl! So that makes you about 1day pregnant. Yeeeeee haw!


AFM: dear sinus pressure/pain, you are not welcome here today. Go away

11 years ago

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