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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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3381 - 3390 of 4483 Replies | Last Page

Uhg. Im sorry this is going slowly for you Lucky. Will they uodate you o. Her progress with follicle numbers and growth? That would drive me batty!
Yes It seems they plan on me using the menapur throughout. My money I transferred isnt in my account yet. So worst case scenario I will have to pick it up when Im in town tmrw. Its just frustrating. I still will have to jump through hoops to get my credit raised on my debit just before payment. Frankly its really pi$$ing me off!! That part may be hormones. Speeking of... my melasma has returned. Just after finding out I was pg with lo, my face starting discoloring with dark brown spots. Ob said its common in pregnancy due to hormones. Well Its back and make up doesn't even cover it up. Lol. Hoping this is a good sign that Im responding well to the medication xx

7 years ago • Post starter

Uhg. Im sorry this is going slowly for you Lucky. Will they uodate you o. Her progress with follicle numbers and growth? That would drive me batty!
Yes It seems they plan on me using the menapur throughout. My money I transferred isnt in my account yet. So worst case scenario I will have to pick it up when Im in town tmrw. Its just frustrating. I still will have to jump through hoops to get my credit raised on my debit just before payment. Frankly its really pi$$ing me off!! That part may be hormones. Speeking of... my melasma has returned. Just after finding out I was pg with lo, my face starting discoloring with dark brown spots. Ob said its common in pregnancy due to hormones. Well Its back and make up doesn't even cover it up. Lol. Hoping this is a good sign that Im responding well to the medication xx

7 years ago • Post starter

Sorry guys my phone is redirecting me to the app store and posting stuff twice

7 years ago • Post starter

Cronins. I was just doing some reading on the black cohosh expecting to find something on faulse positives. Nope. It causes faulse negatives! It can mask hcg. Its also used as an herbal abortion if taken later. But thats besides the piont. It may be masking your hcg and thats why its not showing up on some tests. Xx hope you get answers soon

7 years ago • Post starter

Thanks for looking into this dandy! You're so sweet. I am hoping that's the case. I took the black cohosh from CD 1-7. It must be out of my system by now. At least I hope it is. Can't wait to get a clear answer very soon. It's very annoying lol. I haven't even tested since this morning. I'm afraid to see what happens next lol.

7 years ago

Dandy they will call me after each of her appts to let me know how many follicles and sizes etc. I'm glad they do this, bc I want to know what is going on lol. I'm really hoping she gets started next week. The nurse told me they needed me to be ready first. I really hope the rest of this week and next flies by.

7 years ago

Your right Cronins one would think that would be out of your system. I just came across some artivya out it causing faulse negatothen threads of women who kept getting +s and -s then back again, who took it. I sure hope you get answers tomorrow <3
Lucky, thats so awesome that they do that! You get all the news and info without getting poked n prodded. Lol

7 years ago • Post starter

Yep it will be good to know what is going on. I really hope I don't have unrealistic expectations for this though. I know how many eggs she had retrieved the 2 previous and really have my heart set on getting those kind of numbers again. I guess I'm just afraid of disappointment again. I'm just so ready for it to get started. A week anymore feels like an eternity.

7 years ago

Hey ladies,

In an hour I head out to get my beta hcg testing checked out. I did a frer and I am hoping that the shadow of a line that I am seeing means I will have a positive beta testing. Prayers would be greatly appreciated.

How is everyone doing today?

7 years ago

Praying for that positive beta Cronins... Good Luck!!

7 years ago

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