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November 2018 babies

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Welcome to the November 2018 babies club! I am starting this discussion a little early I am sure. I carried over from September and October 2018 babies and hoping to see some BFP soon!

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

380 Replies • 6 years ago



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@ruby0709 Looks promising! I had the best luck with the Wondro sticks and the Clear Blue (non-digital) ones. Hope it gets darker!

6 years ago

@FlamingoGirl13 Sorry to hear you’re out this month I have a feeling I will be too. I will know for sure by the end of this week. My other half is a December baby too - Christmas Day! I wanted to avoid December but I think he would love a Christmas baby

6 years ago

@SuperRoo - I wanted to avoid December too but at this point I could care less when my baby is born as long as they are born! It’s funny how waiting and trying so long can make you care less and less about your future babies birthdate.

@larallen - it is a good month!

@Ruby0709 - I hope this it it for you! I’ll be stalking the group waiting to see your lines darken up .

6 years ago

Hey guys, I have been following your posts for two days now and thought that I should join. This is my first time joining something like this. I am 8dpo and I hope this is my month. I tested at 7dpo and got bfn. I know it was too soon to test, so trying my best to wait now.

Baby dust to you all ???? ????

6 years ago • Edited

Good luck and welcome @Queen7! It’s a little early to test, but I get it, I couldn’t help but test early!! The Wondro tests were the best for me — I got my positive at 9/10DPO. Hope you get your BFP!!

6 years ago

Thanks MaybeBabee Two. Today is 9pdo but too nervous to test. First Response is good for me.

6 years ago

Welcome @Queen7 and yes, try to wait til tomorrow to test...if you can!!

I’m 10dpo today and i’ve just tested with a FRER...a faint BFP came up within 3 mins!!! I’ve posted the picture in the gallery!

6 years ago

Congratulations @ larallen so happy for you. What were your symptoms / if any?

6 years ago

@larallen wow congrats, we are cycle buddies i guess. so happy for you . when's your due date ?

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6 years ago

@Juboo4u Looks good to me!! If the line gets darker tomorrow I say you can start to celebrate!

6 years ago

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