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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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@BB2018 - Did you test again with FMU? I think Penny is right, waiting until you are definitely past implantation to test will make things much clearer. Good luck!

AFM - I got my peak smiley today so I'm ovulating either today or tomorrow. Based on how dark the line was when I took it out of the digital reader I'm going to say today, but my BBT will show which day it is. I'm really happy with how much BDing DH and I have done this fertile period so I'm crossing my fingers that this is it!

6 years ago • Post starter

@FlamingoGirl13. I hope this is it for you guys as you guys have worked hard this cycle.

@BB2018. How are you feeling this morning? Did you take a test?

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6 years ago

@Penny1366 – I’m peeing on ALL the sticks LMAO – like 4 wondfo’s a day – cuz I am nuts during the TWW, I try not to do more than 1 FRER a day though… sad part is, is that I don’t even have symptoms right now besides the dull cramps, but I did have a very vivid dream last night and I usually do not remember my dreams. Hoping maybe that’s a good sign?

@FlamingoGirl13 & dragonfly23 - I took an FRER this am, but didn’t see a second line. I will take a wondfo at work in a little bit (with 4 hour hold) and then probably another one right before I leave work. I think I’m seeing a faint second line on my Wondfo test from yesterday. FlamingoGirl13 - Yay for your positive OPK – get to BD’ing girl!!

So yeah, if I O'd on Tuesday the 13th - then I'm 10dpo today and my next AF due date is in 5 more days - next Wednesday... I feel like if I was pregnant the FRER should've showed a positive this am... but I'll try another one tomorrow and see. In the meantime, I'll keep peeing on Wondfo dip strips every 4+ hours LOL... true POAS addict right here! Hoping the Wondfo will have a noticeable second line.... I know it picked up HCG 5 when I was getting testing coming down from my last mc, so I know they're super sensitive!

How is everyone else doing? Who else is testing today/these next couple days??

6 years ago

1 DPO today! My temperature started going up so I expect it to continue up for next few days and then plateau. I’ll stop checking one. It plateaus to avoide any anxiety about it. I’m feeling really positive about our chances this cycle! If I can wait i’ll test on 14 DPO this cycle.

6 years ago • Post starter

CD 11 and expecting to ovulate at the end of the week. This cycle is weird. Normally my temp drops the day af shows and then goes down a bit more as ovulation approaches. This time it didn't go all the way down until yesterday. Boosting my body with omega 3 and vitamin B12. Got the results on some of the bloodwork and saw that my TSH had gone from 1.4 (my dr checked it both in april and september 2017) to 2.0.

6 years ago

A TSH of 2.0 is still under what they like to see for pregnancy. I believe they want us under 3.0 for sure and maybe 2.5 for the beginning of pregnancy. I'm hypothyroid so I take supplements and get my TSH checked once a year. Once I get pregnant I'll have them check it too just to make sure my levels are good for a pregnancy.

It's interesting that your temperatures stayed high for you at the beginning of your cycle. Looks like they will be good from here on out though. Get busy this week!

6 years ago • Post starter

@FlamingoGirl13 - I guess there are different guide lines for what levels of TSH is ok, depending on who you talk to. Many specialists here wants a level below 1.0 if you are trying to get pregnant, especially it the couple are having some problem conceiving. Other doctors don't care, as long as the levels are within the "normal range" of 0.4-4.0.

Have no idea what caused my temp to stay high for so long. I just hope it stays low now and that it's back to normal.

6 years ago

you guys i feel awful. i'm using sea band and morning sickness relief pills but i feel nauseous every day. when i get home from work i cant do anything . i'm so tried even taking a shower is a hard task for me i just want to lay in bed but sometimes laying on bed starts to feel uncomfortable and i feel pain and exhaustion in all my body . are you guys the same ? were you like this Dragonfly ?

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6 years ago

@Penny1366. I thank God for not giving me ANY morning sickness as I'm not the happiest person when I'm sick. My symptoms ckmpared. With my first, only got sick once but I think it was from bad cooking and baby didn't like it. So not sure if you would count it. This pregnancy, so far I got sick once but I think it was caused by an anxiety attack; again does it count. I'm more worried about this one than my first; calm as can be. I'm a lot moodier and things annoy me. Again, calm and collective with my first. Before my BFP, I couldn't lie on my stomach as it felt so uncomfortable. This one I'm fine for short periods. But have not felt the way you are feeling. I hope this quesieness passes and you get your BFP. When do you plan on testing?

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6 years ago

@Dragonfly23 - Penny got her BFP last month!

6 years ago • Edited • Post starter

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