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April/May 2020 TTC

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Morning/Afternoon/Evening Ladies!!

Hi lol...

You're one month closer to your bfp yay !! Hopefully this is it

341 Replies • 5 years ago



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@russian so nice to see your baby. Before you know it,they will be running around and climbing on chairs and tables. Yes I have always had anemia. It varies between mild and high but rarely severe. I just always cycle iron pills.

@kait I am glad you bd even when you Don t want to. Maybe ask your partner for some romance...candles..lingeries to spice it up a bit. It can get bored and mechanical really quick.

AFM: vaginal and abdominal ultrasound done. Off course the tech said nothing. Just that I will get a call in a couple of days. I m thinking that it will be more like next week. Anyway, if I ovulated I should be getting closed to poas. I might test on Friday. Praying for everyone.

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5 years ago

Hey ladies, just a quick update from me.

Everything is well here! I've got my first appointment with the midwife today and I've booked another private scan for next Sunday when I will be about 10 weeks. I've been struggling majorly with nausea and exhaustion but I'm plodding along

@Russian so glad to see your little bean is doing well!

@lalou3tt3 Good luck for the results of your scan

I hope everyone else is doing well

5 years ago

Hey ladies just checking in. I went in for my ultrasound last week and got the results on Monday. Turns out I do have PCOS so my doctor had me meet with my Obgyn. Had my appointment yesterday. He is putting me on Provera to start my cycle since mine fluctuate so much, and then clomid starting cd5. He doesn’t want me to take the provera until October 5th so I have a full month for my current cycle. So I am just waiting at this point. Moving on to most likely a July or later baby but still technically a possibility of a June baby with my current cycle if my body decides to ovulate for some reason.

Good luck ladies!!! I hope all is going well!!!

5 years ago

Hi ladies! The last two weeks were crazy of work and my levels of stress reached maximum... On top of that the pression of TTC with the trip of my husband in the O period was too much, I had very bad days. The good news is that today I travel to spend the weekend with him and just got the positive in the O test!! I'm so happy! Long weekend of vacation, relax and BD!
Sending positive vibes to all of you!

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5 years ago

@lalou I hope your results are good! I don't even want the romance lol we just don't always have time so we gave to squeeze it in and I usually would just rather go to bed. We've bded the last 3 nights and will again today and tomorrow.

@neisamar that does sound stressful, but hopefully you can enjoy your visit now and you'll O while you're there.

Got a positive opk last night so if I O today it'll be CD18 which is a day earlier than my earliest normal O. Might be thanks to the Clomid. Good luck everyone!

5 years ago

@Shay I'm sorry to hear that they confirmed PCOS. Hopefully it will allow your doctors to help you though. Clomid seems to be a pretty easy drug so I hope it works for you.

5 years ago

@neisamar glad you will be relaxing this weekend. Yes for
@Shay PCOS sucks but at least you know now what the issue is. I am still trying to manage mine. They will probably just confirm it on the scans. I just want Doc to prescribe Clomid so I can start it next cycle. I did not conceived on it when I got pregnant before but it did helped regulating my periods and maturing my follicles which is the issue with PCOS. It is not that we cannot conceive,it is that we make too many little follicles which do not mature enough to get ovulated. So it is hard. But I am all with you Shay.

@Kait thank you. Yes I am hoping that nothing else other than PCOS will show on my scan. Going to sign on paperwork for another position tomorrow because I cannot handle the stress of this one anymore. Health wise I am not ok and it is taking a told on my relationship with my husband and I don t spend enough time with my baby bc I am always exhausted or working. So praying that I can change job and start a new one on Monday.

AFM nothing else is new. Tomorrow will be hard. But I am hanging there.

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5 years ago

Wow ladies what a busy month , so many all xx

Atm not a lot to report really 22 weeks now xx

5 years ago

@lalou good for you! It's a tough decision to change jobs and it takes strength to choose something that's better for you and your family. I left a job for significantly less pay in January because the stress was actually messing with my cycles and I knew it wouldn't be an easy job to have while being pregnant or a new mom. I hope the new position works better for you!

5 years ago

@Kait. Yes thank you I hope so too. Starting the new one on Wednesday.

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5 years ago

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