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September 2018 Babies

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Hi ladies, I am hopping over to the September board since I am teetering between Aug and Sept (due date Aug 30th if I conceive this month). For new ladies, welcome!! I am CD 12 right now and believe I will be ovulating in the next day or so. I just started using preseed and am BD every other day all month if we can! I also have an obgyn appt tomorrow just to get completely checked out and make sure there are no problems since we have been trying for a while.

Any Aug 2018 ladies that are moving over here you already know my story and I wish none of us have to move over to this Sept board but I am sending positive vibes to you all!!

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419 Replies • 6 years ago



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@dragonfly Still a little bit of brown and pink spotting, not even showing on the pad. No cramps but I am having a bit of pain in my hips and back. Hoping it doesn't turn into anything but as AF was due yesterday, I know there is a possibility that this is the beginning of my AF. Also I would wait 2 days from today to test if it was IB. I read that it take 3-4 days from implantation to show in the urine. Best of luck! :)

@photomama praying your numbers rise and you go on to have a normal pregnancy! If not, we are all here for you! Sorry you are going through this.

6 years ago

Thank you Ksyd, I was wary at first, then started to get excited. Now I feel mostly hopeless. Like the doc said though, some people still carry to term with wonky numbers, so I guess time will tell.

Keep updating with good news! We need some positive vibes up in here!

6 years ago

@Ksyd94. That seems to be me still. I'm still having brown discharge and I too am worried that AF is going to show. I'm also having lower backache, boobs a little sore and cramping a bit. Let's hope that for both of us it turns out to be positive.

@photomama. I hope your numbers rise and that things are okay. Keep us posted.

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6 years ago

@dragonfly my boobs are also a little sore. For right now, all pain and cramps have subsided. I keep expecting af to start at any moment but she isn't showing up, which I am happy about but I don't want false hope so I hope it is a future bfp for both of us!

@photomama are they going to do another beta test soon?

6 years ago

Hi girls, thanks for the positivity. Ksyd, they put another order in for monday, but I don't want to be disappointed yet again so I'm just going to do home pregnancy tests one tomorrow and one sunday to see if they get lighter or darker. Also, we're leaving for Hawaii early this week, so I might get AF there, or possibly will darken up even more.

I'm so confused as to what's going on and why I had such a dark line last night if the numbers aren't progressing, but I know that tests and their dye levels aren't exact. I'm just hoping it doesn't turn totally negative over the weekend, but I'm trying not to stress over it too much. If not this month, maybe next month will be our month. Guess it's in God's hands! :)

Damn, I was planning on telling my husband he was going to be a daddy again on a romantic hawaiian beach!

6 years ago

@Ksyd94. That's good that the pain and cramping is goig away. Are you still spotting? I had a ton of cramping the first time and thought for sure AF would start but she never showed. Am really hoping that this spotting stops for me soon. Boobs still ache a bit and findimg it hard to deep breathe. The only thing that I find hilarious is that I'm forgetting things and things I shouldn't forget. I mean, how does one shave one armpit and not the other ; those kind of things. Will see what the night brings and into the morning. Good luck and praying for you.

@photomama. That's a good idea in taking the home tests as that sbould give you some definative answers. Praying for sticky vibes. Hawaii sounds nice right about now to get away from the cold, but I'm afraid to fly, sounds weird. How log are you guys staying there?

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6 years ago

Congrats on the BFPs! I'm 8 dpo today took my temp in the morning and it was 99.8 then went down to a 99.3. It has not been below 98.9 since 6 dpo . Today I'm only feeling sore breasts and I find myself extremely tired . On 6 dpo I had yellowish tinted cm with a little light pink .... maybe implantation bleeding ?

6 years ago

@msallaz. I had that too at 6dpo so here's hoping things will progress the way how mine did. I temped in my previous cycles and but this time I just used OPKs and pre-seed, plus taking prenatal vitamines for a couple months now. Had 3 weeks off over the holidays so used that to my advantage.

Does anyone know what (the gush) watery cm is when it's close to AF? It almost felt like I peed myself. I read that it could mean pregnancy and then I read it could mean AF approaching. Spotting has lightened up a bit. AF due Sunday.

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6 years ago

Sad to report that AF showed up this morning. :/ here's to hoping for an October baby. Will be taking more measures for next cycle. I will keep peeping to check on all of you and hope you get your Sept babies!

6 years ago

@Ksyd94. I'm so sorry to hear that. I thought for sure this would be it for you. Here's for a symticky October baby.

Is there anyone else close to resting? Beaut1ful38? How are you feeling?

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6 years ago

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