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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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No spotting and 1 day past AF expectation. I have my fingers x'd and am trying my best not to test for a few days. I tested with a FRER on Saturday (one day before AF was expected) and it came up negative :( I spoke to a friend of mine that told me to hold off for at least 5-7 days past my period and then re-test. I am having nausea this morning and some pressure with a fullness in my uterine region today. I hope all you ladies are doing well and had a good weekend.

10 years ago

@tattoo - Is your cycle very regular?

@football - Thanks! :) Criminology sounds cool! Yes, as soon as you start paying attention it seems like a lot of strange and out of the ordinary things start to happen. lol It's frustrating!

@miracle - You are expecting AF today, right? If she's coming, I hope she hurries along to get out of the way of the wedding. If she's late, hopefully it's for a good reason!

@pisces - Did you test this morning?

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10 years ago

hey ladies alot going on and i just can not keep track been busy spending time with fam my dd was sick this weekend but i want you to all know there is not a day i dnt have you in my prayers are days are coming ladies and there is not a time i dnt include you all when i light my candles.

@piecesgirl come on babe lets do this i am routing for you babe love you i am always here one of the three old timers to our forum me you n miricalmomma.

@miricalmomma love you hun i am for you lets go lets get our has your reading came back yet i heard you have a instagram ummmhumm lol how awsome my user name is bittersweet125 look for me.

AFM nothing new just relaxing and holding my breath in deep prayer and mediation.

For all the new ladies welcome

@SkylinePigeon9797 @athena @lolee817 @ tiffers @jxs and all the good stuff to you all i am here.

10 years ago

@topo - Nice to hear from you! Thanks for checking in. Glad you are relaxing, but don't hold your breath too long. ;) lol

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10 years ago

Hi everyone,

I've been following along the last few days and I love all this talk about school! I didn't start university until I was almost 30, and then I took the scenic route (for 7 yrs), changed my mind several times and finally finished with a masters. Now I quit my job and moved to another country with my husband - lol! Who knows what I'll do next. Hopefully be a mom. I love school and I firmly believe it's always a good time to improve one's self. Go ladies go! :)

It continues to be so encouraging to see all the love and support that abounds on this forum. It helps me to stay positive and always look to the next month when things don't work out the way I want them to.

I just started temping a few days ago (right about at the beginning of my fertile time) but I haven't seen anything interesting happen yet. I should have O'd either Saturday, Sunday or today. I'm on CD15. Hmm. Using Preseed and Softcups this round and so far I like them both quite a lot. Easy to use. Any of you not have a thermal shift at O time? I guess I'll have to see what my temp looks like tomorrow. If I don't see any spike I'll try an OPK next month. My Dr. said try for 6 months and then ask for help, and this is month 4. Still staying positive, I'm just anxious. I hope I'm actually ovulating.

Saying prayers for all of you! Stay positive! :)

10 years ago

Skyline I'm in college right now for nuclear medicine. I have 8 classes left and then I have to do a year long internship at Vanderbilt for a year.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

Good morning! Well Af is due today! Haven't seen a sign of her yet.. I want to get this show on the road so I can be all better for the my best guy friend's wedding this weekend. I had light cramping for a few days so I know she's coming just waiting for her arrival. I bedded last night and this morning and that normally brings her on.. I only tested once this cycle with a dollar store cheapie and that was a Fri morning bfn a few days ago. I cried all day yesterday (hormonal pms as usual) hurry up AF don't play games with me..

I am out the door to go on a bike ride. I will catch up on the lastest posts later today. Hope everyone is doing good.

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10 years ago • Post starter

Good morning! Well Af is due today! Haven't seen a sign of her yet.. I want to get this show on the road so I can be all better for the my best guy friend's wedding this weekend. I had light cramping for a few days so I know she's coming just waiting for her arrival. I bedded last night and this morning and that normally brings her on.. I only tested once this cycle with a dollar store cheapie and that was a Fri morning bfn a few days ago. I cried all day yesterday (hormonal pms as usual) hurry up AF don't play games with me..

I am out the door to go on a bike ride. I will catch up on the lastest posts later today. Hope everyone is doing good.

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10 years ago • Post starter

Good Morning Everyone ! I yep it's 2pm and I am just getting up for the day. (I'm off for Columbus Day)

@topo heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! You have been behaving so good that I will have to give you a new name ....The Peace Princess!!!!! Lol or you could go back to being The Love Bug! And of course you are the Forums Official Symptom Police....but that's a job not a name. Lol i have been keeping up with you on IG and you look absolutely happy and I love it!!!! And your daughter is so damn cute! I still think your nephew looks just like you and I am glad that you overcame the differences with his mother, she is not worth loosing your brother and your nephew. I am proud of you.

@jennifer Yes, I was thinking of getting my Masters soon. Maybe I'll wait until I have a baby and then see if I still have the same I actually want to take my cake business to the next level and get a license as a baker. Wedding cakes are my ultimate goal.

@skyline yes I did walmart brand .88 ***crowd boos**

AFM: tested this morning maybe this isn't my cycle but only time will tell AF is due Wednesday

10 years ago

Good Morning Everyone ! I yep it's 2pm and I am just getting up for the day. (I'm off for Columbus Day)

@topo heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! You have been behaving so good that I will have to give you a new name ....The Peace Princess!!!!! Lol or you could go back to being The Love Bug! And of course you are the Forums Official Symptom Police....but that's a job not a name. Lol i have been keeping up with you on IG and you look absolutely happy and I love it!!!! And your daughter is so damn cute! I still think your nephew looks just like you and I am glad that you overcame the differences with his mother, she is not worth loosing your brother and your nephew. I am proud of you.

@jennifer Yes, I was thinking of getting my Masters soon. Maybe I'll wait until I have a baby and then see if I still have the same I actually want to take my cake business to the next level and get a license as a baker. Wedding cakes are my ultimate goal.

@skyline yes I did walmart brand .88 ***crowd boos**

AFM: tested this morning maybe this isn't my cycle but only time will tell AF is due Wednesday

10 years ago

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