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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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Well I'm out this month...again.. Af showed up this morning 1 day late. At least I will be getting it out of the way before I go out of town for the wedding.

@Pisces ~ Sorry sweetie you got a bfn. I'm sure you must have gotten excited with your temps being up and all and then down :( This really is a trying time isn't.

@Skyline ~ Great nature photo you posted. I hope your cake pops turn out great.

@Rebecca ~ I hope you caught that lil eggie this month too. Rooting for you. We need to see another bfp in here to renew our faith in here.

@Athena ~ I'm not good with the temps. Pisces is good and I think it was jsxt that was good too. Glad that your dh checked out good with the urologist. Keep taking that clomid and maybe this will be your golden egg month.

@JenniferJuniper ~ Thank you. Love your name by the way. My partner's daughter's name is Juniper. She almost 10 now and she's outgrowing the nickname junebug. My best friend's name is Jennifer :)

AFM ~ Heating pad, couch and ice cream bound for a few days.

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10 years ago • Post starter

Hi everyone.

Wow there has been a lot going on.

Super tired so just saying a big ole group hello to the newbies.

Sorry about the bfn ladies, but as usual the strength and support shown by this group is just amazing.

Love the idea of going back to school. I am so much better ifbu am pushed to apply myself. My dh is so good at general knowledge and reading up on everything. Makes me feel so out of touch sometimes. I always mean to read the news, study etc and then end up doing chores, catching up on this forum and my latest guiltest pleasure candy crush!!!!

Afm just had 20 week scan! I have been so nervous this pregnancy but all good. Sesame wriggling around so much and at ine point put hand over face, camera shy!!! Was still pretty sick last week so dr gave me diff preg vitamins which should help. Sickness way over by this stage with dd.

to all

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10 years ago

@Jenniferjuniper- Thanks, I find it quite interesting! (Luckily) Once I finish my Masters degree, I'm not exactly sure where I want to go, but I have always fancied either the FBI or the DOD. I also wouldn't mind being head of airport security. Anything with great pay and that allows me to utilize my criminology skills, really. I should have a lot to pick from, as I have been able to get through my BA & MA with a 4.0 GPA. Hard work, but it'll pay off! :) BUT, my first thing I want to do is raise a baby...sooner rather than later ;)

@pisces- I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Sorry about your BFN!!

@skyline- You always post the prettiest pictures! Very talented!

AFM, AF seems to be slowing down. The cycle started out unpredictable (with bloody CM etc) and while it's definitely lighter than normal, it's been five days of bleeding, just like AF.

Question to those who temp- are OPKs enough? Since I am only in my second cycle, is it worth it to temp yet? And, how exactly do you temp? (I read somewhere online that women stick the thermometer in their cervix?!?) I have a regular 28/29 day cycle, and by using OPKs and watching CM, I have predicted that O day happens on CD14/15, if that makes a difference. Thanks for all/all feedback!

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10 years ago

@Jenniferjuniper- Thanks, I find it quite interesting! (Luckily) Once I finish my Masters degree, I'm not exactly sure where I want to go, but I have always fancied either the FBI or the DOD. I also wouldn't mind being head of airport security. Anything with great pay and that allows me to utilize my criminology skills, really. I should have a lot to pick from, as I have been able to get through my BA & MA with a 4.0 GPA. Hard work, but it'll pay off! :) BUT, my first thing I want to do is raise a baby...sooner rather than later ;)

@pisces- I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Sorry about your BFN!!

@skyline- You always post the prettiest pictures! Very talented!

AFM, AF seems to be slowing down. The cycle started out unpredictable (with bloody CM etc) and while it's definitely lighter than normal, it's been five days of bleeding, just like AF.

Question to those who temp- are OPKs enough? Since I am only in my second cycle, is it worth it to temp yet? And, how exactly do you temp? (I read somewhere online that women stick the thermometer in their cervix?!?) I have a regular 28/29 day cycle, and by using OPKs and watching CM the last few months, I have predicted that O day happens on CD14/15, if that makes a difference. Thanks for any/all feedback!

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10 years ago

Well I wrote this long post and the website crashed! I am so annoyed!!! I am trying to catch up and read everyone's comments from last Friday. I am home from Vegas and it was a blast. Elton was freaking amazing. Seriously the best concert ever!!!

So i wanted to pass along this blog that my sister brought to my attention. There is one specific post that I loved.

Another post is how she found out she was pregnant. It's very real and inspirational. I loved it so I wanted to pass it along to you ladies. If you are a pinterest addict like I am, you might have seen her hair tutorials pinned before.

We all have our own struggles and our own dreams. My dream is to be a mom. For some reason, I always had a feeling that I would have a hard time conceiving. I don't know why, but I did. Well nine months later, I guess my intuition was right. I want to experience pregnancy more than anything and I hope I get to. But I also know that ten years from now, this journey of mine will seem insignificant. It won't matter how i became a mom....whether it is through adoption, surrogacy, or natural pregnancy. My children will be what is significant. I have to remind myself that daily. Whatever His plan is, I will accept it, I have to. That plan is meant for me and my husband and it will be perfect.

10 years ago

@miraclemama - Thanks! It was just an iPhone pic. I didn't have my "real" camera with me. I know you were expecting her, but I'm still sorry AF got you. :( Feel better soon and have fun at the wedding!

@introuble - Ha! I am the same way. I have to stay away from games, I can get so addicted. *sigh* Do you have a degree? I hope you start feeling better soon.

@football - Thank you! Photography is one of my biggest passions. As we walked on the nature trail my SIL said it would be a beautiful location for filming and she added that she thinks of everything in terms of movies and television. I told her I think of everything in terms of photography.

@LSchrader - That almost happened to me earlier, but I hit the back button after the crash screen came up and it went back to the Reply page and everything I was writing was still there.

I just read the blog post you shared, and this part really stood out to me:

"I listened to Kris Allen's "Let It Be" on repeat for about 45 minutes. I was going to repeat that song until I was able to I switched to Selah ,"It is well with my soul" before I walked back in my house. I remember standing on a bridge about 60 feet from our front door, waiting until I knew that this--this anger and lack of satisfaction with God's plan--was over."

I have experienced similar things before, it's kind of like really having to grab whatever it is you are struggling with by the tail and speaking TRUTH to it until your heart finally believes it, if that makes sense. Finding peace can be very difficult, I'm glad you were encouraged by the post and I hope it encourages others on the forum!

Oh, and I'm so glad Elton John was amazing! I can't wait to see him in November!!!

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10 years ago

Hi ladies, I've been off the forums for a while, so I'm trying to catch up. I had my doc appointment last Friday to get the results of my blood test, and my instincts were wrong. Not pregnant. And so another cycle starts, I'm about 5 days past ovulation now, but not obsessing over it like I did last cycle. Last cycle was the first time we tried. I should've known my luck doesn't work that well to conceive with our first month of attempting. So here's hoping we all get some BFPs very very soon!

10 years ago

The dr just called with the blood test results. Apparently i ovulated about last Tuesday. They want me to start the progesterone tonight, then go back next Tuesday for a blood test to see if im pregnant. Im so excited, yet so scared of losing another! Please keep your fingers crossed for me, and say a prayer. Im praying for all of you.

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10 years ago

@jandk - Yeah, it's a low percentage that get it the first go round, hopefully this will be your cycle!

@rebecca - Sending and your way!

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10 years ago

I am kind of depressed right now, I was scrolling down fb and another girl I know is pregnant with number 2. It is so hard to see people blessed over and over again. While we are struggling. I feel like I'm being lapped. Dh was talking to my sister yesterday and she said it'll happen when god wants you to have a baby. I know she is right but she hasn't been very supportive of us having a baby. She thinks I should wait til I'm finished with college. Because she started when she had my first niece 12 yrs ago and still hasn't finished. I just feel like crying.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

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