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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Okay, so I'm looking at the HPT pics & voting on them, and a few days ago I noticed this crazy lady has posted at least 20 pics in the last 5 days. None of them look positive. She insists they're positive, calls them by the wrong brand (says they're FRER but definitely are Equate pink & blue both), goes on long diatribes about why they must be +, posts some as "member" and others by her screen name I guess to see if people will vote differently on the same tests, and I'm getting aggravated. So I tell her I had tests that looked the same and were definitely negative & she should try a different brand, and she ignores me. So now I'm stalking the pics to see if I can find more that are hers. She has a few kids already, so I know she knows what a real + looks like.

Then I realized I probably seemed just as crazy to someone else last week when I was posting mine!


12 years ago

im upset fed up angry the lot atm

so i went for my scan today and A&E ( ER ) told me it had to be done today or asap well they couldnt do it today the ealryest they could do was the 3rd aug so a 3 week wait
im in so much pain on my right side going into my groin and leg i got strong pain killers but thats not the point

i think i will wait till next week see what the pains like then if still bad will ring them up and see what they can do . at least if i wait till next week the wedding will be out the way

as of today im 9 days late

today i swaer there was pregnant women and babys everywhere

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12 years ago

Haha Phatgurl!! You made me belt one out first thing this morning

Soooooo yesterday and no sign as of yet today But I'm not getting my hopes up to much, had two neg tests yesterday but just like Waiting it could still be a bit early for me. I also have spent a good bit of time praying to God for his blessing on a baby in our life!! He is in total control and makes no mistakes . I usually start between 28-30 days never over that. Still have the same symptoms, although my boobs hurt worse now!! Keep you're for me!!

12 years ago

Lammy - I'm worried for you & hate your hospital. I hope everything goes well for the wedding and you are not in too much pain to enjoy it.

Alishakaye - I want a BFP from you and won't take no for an answer. Now get to it!

12 years ago

alishakaye - back to that whole testing thing with that lady. I spent $150-200 during my last 2ww because I got 2 faint positives on blue dye tests. I know I used no less than 8 different brand/type combos and at least 50 tests during that time. I was literally POAS up to 12 times a day. I decimated my Wal-Mart's supply of $.88 cent tests and was digging thru the bin to try to find more - daily. I am trying to get that bizitch to understand she's on a quest leading nowhere to keep her from avoiding my same mistakes, and she won't listen!!!! I know it's easy for me to sit back and say this now since I'm not in my 2ww right now, so if I do the whole PoAS werewolf transformation during my next 2ww, will you slap me, please? I swear this time I'm just going to order 100 internet cheapies from Amazon to satisfy my urges. ROFL while SMH.

12 years ago

Wainting, I'm sorry their giving you the run around!! You're DR should be able to put in for the test you need and send it in as an emergency procedure. They have got to do something before 3 weeks from now. What if you are preggers and they are just keeping you full of pain killers **not good**!!! Honestly sounds like our hospital .

Phatgurl, I don't want to take no for an answer myself!! My husband say's he 's getting antsy being i'm now 2 day's late. I told him it's not uncommon for women to be late for , it is uncommon for me though, i'm terrified she's going to come full force any minute!! But who knows. I don't wan't to get myself all worked up and get a heart wrenching result. I have already bought 2 diaper bags, 2 baby slings, 2 nursing covers, carseat canopy, ect......Am I ridiculous??? Now I'm praying for a baby to put in it!!! Some women just won't quit until they have and answer 2 inches from their eye sockets!! Looks as though she is one of those, however as many neg's as she has gotten you would think she would give it a couple day's break. Just so you know I think you're hilarious and a huge support!!

12 years ago

Hey ladies! Had to take a break from the madness lol but I had a strange dream last night that I felt compelled to share.. I dreamt a couple nights ago that I woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and when I wiped I saw red spotting. When I woke up there was nothing. Then this morning I had a dream that I felt my period come on and when I went to the bathroom to check I already had a pad on and there was a large amount of blood. Today I'm officially 18 days late for and though I'm glad she's not here I feel so frustrated that I'm getting Most of the women I talk to at work or in my family think that I have Ovarian cancer or cycts so it's getting harder to convince myself I'm preggers.

I must say that I don't believe in coincidences and can't imagine cancer or cycsts developing after around my ovulation time.. Please keep me in your prayers ladies.. I've been trying to keep my mind off all this but my abdominal pains and back pains are not letting up... I feel them with every step I take so it's hard not to think about

"Whatever is to be, must be" - Bob Marley

12 years ago

mooney - get thyself to a physician! Tell them what's going on, tell them you want a beta, a pelvic, an ultrasound, and act like you're totally insane until they do it. It wouldn't be much of a stretch for me to act crazy, so I'm sure you can do it if you try. :-)

12 years ago

alishakaye - I'm glad I'm helping. This is round 6 of pregnancies for me with three beautiful babies, and I know how hard it is not knowing or wondering if everything is ok when you finally do get preg. I'm glad Tara made this topic so we can all talk 'cause for the most part men are totally clueless and can't understand even when they try. I feel like I have some wisdom to impart and am happy to have a captive audience! :-) BTW you're not crazy for buying baby stuff with no baby, but make sure you register them in case they have recalls.

12 years ago

@Phatgurl I've tried.. I've been to the dr 2 thursdays ago and forced them to give me a blood test.. then last thursday I saw an OBGYN and again and his reason for my pain was that I'm overweight... He ordered blood tests (don't know for what) and an ultrasound that I have to wait until Saturday for the earliest opening. I even tried going to urgent care last night because I was in too much pain to come to work and they wanted me to go to Emergency.. but I don't have the money for an ER visit so I guess I'm stuck...

For some reason I can't do the crazy thing I get real..... Attitude and rude lol. I've been trying very hard to hold my tongue but it's looking like that is getting me less places than I usually get.

"Whatever is to be, must be" - Bob Marley

12 years ago

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