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November 2018 babies

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Welcome to the November 2018 babies club! I am starting this discussion a little early I am sure. I carried over from September and October 2018 babies and hoping to see some BFP soon!

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

380 Replies • 6 years ago



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Thank you so much!! Around implantation (7/8dpo) I had back aches, dull cramps and nausea...actually I still have occasional nausea at the moment. I have also been dizzy and sleeping more since 5/6dpo. With my last pregnancy (which ended in MC) I had really sore heavy breasts since 4dpo but this time not until 8dpo and they are much less heavy and sore.


Yeah!!! It says here the 23rd of November, but I'm not sure what that's based on (ovulation or date of last period)?

6 years ago

Thank you @MaybeeBabeeTwo! You are the sweetest!!

6 years ago

It will be fine I'm sure! Looking forward to hearing all about it! Fingers crossed for a strong, fast heartbeat for your bean!

6 years ago

@SuperRoo Thank you so much for your wishes!!

6 years ago

Thanks @larallen. I've been getting the dull tension on my right side, back and down leg. Sometimes on the left.

6 years ago

Hey ladies, 10dpo bfn on first response 6 days early. Will try for December.

6 years ago

@juboo4u I’m gonna have a look now!

6 years ago

Thanks ladies, I'll keep you guys updated.

6 years ago

Congrata Dsteele!! This is baby #2 for us as well!!

6 years ago

I am waiting for either a bfp or af to show. I'm not really sure what is going on here! I usually have very consistent cycles, they have been 28-31 days, today marks cd32. I have been having pelvic pressure/heaviness for at least 4 days, it's not bad just not something I am used to and I don't usually get this feeling even with af. I have been feeling off for a couple weeks. I do not take my temps but I am pretty sure I ovulated around Feb 26, making my fertile days the 23-28.
Right around ovulation time I was having weird dizzy spells and diahrrea, then that phased out and I started having lower back and hip pain, along with the pelvic pressure which I thought maybe was just af coming and being different than normal...but nothing. The only other things I have noticed are that my boobs do feel heavy but they aren't sensitive and I have been nauseous. Like a constant feeling of indigestion.
I have taken two tests one on cd30 equate brand got a bfn and one this morning (cd32) dollar tree brand and got another bfn. I keep telling myself it is just a late af. Then I went to the bathroom an hour ago and when I wiped I had what I would say was like a watery cm with a brown tint. I'm not sure if that is af coming or not. I wiped again and nothing.

Any thoughts from you ladies? I would love to be an this November 2018 board with you all.


6 years ago • Edited

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