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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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Hi ladies. My appointment went well and I have to go back in a months time. I have a quick question for you ladies. Philidelphia cream cheese. Is that safe to eat? All I was told is that it has to be pasturized and I did some Googling and some other pregnant woman have eaten it and everything was fine. What do you ladies think? If I have to stop eating it then I will. I went on their website and it says that it is pasturized. But want to be safe. He didn't say much about my hip being sore but to take tynelol and get a massage.

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6 years ago

So glad your appt went good!! I think cream cheese is okay - it's not a raw/wet cheese like fresh mozzarella or feta... that's my two cents

6 years ago

@ Dragonfly23 - As long as it is pasteurized you are all set! That's the important step that kills any bad bacteria. I'm sorry about your hip pain. It might be bothering you because you're muscles and bones are adapting to being pregnant again. Will you still have another Ultra sound on April 3rd?

@BB2018 - I don't use dip tests for my OPKS but I'd say your most positive ones are the two Tuesday afternoon ones. Therefore you ovulated 12-36 hours after Tuesday afternoon. When are you going to start testing?

6 years ago • Post starter

Thanks @FlamingoGirl13 - It's so confusing - some people say you count 12-36 hours from your first positive and some say from your darkest... I tried searching online but didn't find anything from a doctor or medical facility stating either...

I plan to start testing next Wednesday. Hoping I'll see two lines this cycle!

6 years ago

Now I'm officially out this month. Af showed her ugly face this morning (it's 07:30 here).. So now I am looking forward to our appointment with the fertility specialist on monday, which will be cd 3 for me. At least it's the ideal day for the bloodwork that has to be done.

This cycle af is expected around my 30th birthday and if it goes well edd would be around christmas. Wouldn't that be the ultimate gift?!

6 years ago

@diviniumliv I’m sorry and showed! We’re cycle buddies this month I got my af just now as well. I’m soo happy for mine though, today was already cd 32. I’m jealous of women who have 28 day cycles. Hopefully this month will be it for us, but my birthday is December 26 and I’m hoping it won’t be a Christmas baby! Haha a little earlier or later would be perfect. My first child was 6 weeks early so I’m more likely to have an early arrival baby. So many months of trying already... I have an RE but it’s SOO expensive for doctor’s visits every month that I think I want to just try on our own for a few more months. Hopefully we get our babies soon to everyone who is currently trying!

6 years ago

@photomama - Nice to have a cycle buddy. Since I live in Sweden, it works a bit different here. For those who have been trying for a year (if you're under 35) can get help at a fertility clinik and only pay for the appointment (about 20-25 euro), the examinations, bloodwork and so on are free. If you don't have any children, the treatments are also free. Since we have a child already, we only get the examinations for free and pay for the treatments (meds and such). Don't know how expensive any meds will be, but nothing unaffordable.

6 years ago

I’m sorry AF got you ladies to this cycle. I guess we are all into trying for December babies. I’m on CD 9 and started temping yesterday and will start using OPKs today. We’ve been trying the SMEP for a few cycles now and it’s just not working so we’re going to attempt all fertile days this time and see if that works for us. I say attempt because that’s a lot of days in a row. I’ll be happy if we get most of them and definitely get the day before O, O and the day after O. Looking at my charts we have not been able to get those three days any cycles since ttc so far. So lots of BDing for us this week!

6 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies well I am 6dpo today and having mild cramps. Feeling sick stuffy then runny nose. But no fever and no sign of sickness on 1-4dpo I had a scratchy throat and then went away. Since thenthe stuffy nose. The cramps I had before my miscarriage feels the same and on that pregnancy I know I implanted on 7dpo so I am hoping it happens soon as well. Trying to ray calm and relax. I wish you all

Wishing for my baby!

6 years ago • Edited

@flamingo girl .hope this cycle is your cycle. well i think the every other day method is the best . simply have sex every other day till you get a positive or af , or you get really close to it. the cycle that i got my positive we had sex every other day till i got positive opk . then for some reasons we didn't BD till 2.5 days after positive opk. in previous cycles we had sex every other day and on positive opk day and the day after and then we would stop assuming the day after positive opk was the ovulation day and we had enough sperm stored up and honestly by then we were sick of it and it was not romantic at all. but this cycle we had sex 2 days after positive opk and i think thats what got us pregnant. maybe i ovulate 2 days after positive opk ?!

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6 years ago

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