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3DPO - Need a TWW buddy...

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Hi, I'm 3DPO ttc my first. This is my first cycle of clomid also. I'd love to have someone to share the dreaded/anticipated tww with!

583 Replies • 11 years ago



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Therose, I tested on 10dpo and got a neg too. But when I tested at midday 11dpo I got my BFP. And it was kinda light too. So hang in there!

11 years ago • Post starter

Thanx Hun for all your faith and keeping my hopes up, guess I've just gotta hang in there, I'm just an impatient Sod lol xx

11 years ago

I know I'm def out now its only 2days till will be here, did a test this Mornin and x

11 years ago

Hang in there Therose!! I didn't get a until the day of my MP! Can still happen!!!

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11 years ago

Hiya, AF be here anytime now, I've got my pains so guess we will have to try again x

11 years ago

I have a question-
Last night I had some cramping (definitely uterine) that lasted for about 2 hours. I was 3 DPO. I have had a little on an off today as well. Any clue what it might be? I know implantation usually happens around 6-12. Should I be concerned?

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11 years ago

I wouldn't e concerned Hun unless you are in real pain then I would go to the doctors but if its only mild then there shouldn't be anything to worry about xx

11 years ago

UGH! Yesterday and today have been the worst days ever!! HORRIBLE back ache, sore throat, body aches, sleeplessness, chills, stuffy nose, headache. Super tired, literally feel like I have been hit by a truck!! Think I may be coming down with something!

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11 years ago

Oh no! Hope u feel better!

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11 years ago

Aww hope u r ok Hun, x

11 years ago

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