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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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@skyline girl I was awful. I didn't even go to visit her & the baby after he was born. I made up excuses of being busy. I was a mess. I have come a long way, girl.

10 years ago

hey everyone
@piecesgirl dnt you claim that until i dnt even want to say her name shows her ugly face this is ur month come on lets claim it piecesgirl dnt start being discouraged.

@miricalmomma i am so sorry babe that the witch got you dame her to hell let me know how the reading goes i am so excited for you.

@athena i know what you mean i can relate to you i think we all can it is a normal reaction and if people dont get it just a little some more then others when they see someone else pregant there is a slow reaction to being happy because we are full of let down and grief it might take a minute i know when my brother had his baby the same time i been trying it tore me up there happyness made my skin crawl but u know what i leared to give it to god becuase i was being ugly and now it doesnt really get to me i mean sure the thought crosses my mind like dame another one and here i am still trying but i am a bit more humble and blessed becuase i know god sees my struggle he will bless me i totally use the prayers that @piecesgirl put on here and i pray every night and every sunday light a candle for us all your feelings are valid girl we all at one time or another felt this way.

10 years ago

@pisces - "I see the shadow of her broomstick in my peripheral vision." Haha! I'm sorry you feel her presence looming over you, but that cracked me up. You probably know best, but I'll still keep some fingers crossed that it isn't really her!

No snakes! You can take that imaginary walk with absolute peace of mind. You might see a cute little turtle or some minnows in the creek. ;)

Oh... that's tough! I'm sorry you missed out on that time.

Okay... *disclaimer* I'm going to spill my guts! I'm struggling with hard/hurt feelings towards one of my BFFs. :( I'm trying to move past it because I don't want to ruin anything with our friendship, but I just feel so hardened towards her right now. We don't see each other a whole lot and she always told me she just didn't have time to text or call because when she wasn't at work, she had to spend 99% of her time dealing with kids and DH. Well, last time we spent the day with each other she was texting her boss and a co-worker the entire time about unimportant stuff. It didn't bother me too much at the time, but then my SIL went to a Muse concert with her and said she was texting her boss videos etc. the whole time and he was on VACATION! That ticked me off. She does have time to text, just not me. I have tried talking to her about her relationship with her boss, I think she has a huge crush on him, but says that is ridiculous. But the bottom line is that I am simply not a priority to her anymore. She's the kind of person that viciously pursues the stuff she wants and she has not been pursuing our friendship. I can accept that, but when she pouts and tells me how sad she is that we don't get to see each other much and posts BFF memes on Facebook and tags me in them, that angers me. A few days ago our husbands went off canoeing together and we dropped them off within minutes of each other, but she was gone when I got there and 45 minutes later was tagged on Facebook hanging out at her bosses house. Then later she moaned about how we should have hung out, but she had too much stuff to do. *growl*

I know I need to talk to her, I just have to wait for the right opportunity and we don't get many. I won't let it go on for too long.

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10 years ago

hey everyone
@piecesgirl dnt you claim that until i dnt even want to say her name shows her ugly face this is ur month come on lets claim it piecesgirl dnt start being discouraged.

@miricalmomma i am so sorry babe that the witch got you dame her to hell let me know how the reading goes i am so excited for you.

@athena i know what you mean i can relate to you i think we all can it is a normal reaction and if people dont get it just a little some more then others when they see someone else pregant there is a slow reaction to being happy because we are full of let down and grief it might take a minute i know when my brother had his baby the same time i been trying it tore me up there happyness made my skin crawl but u know what i leared to give it to god becuase i was being ugly and now it doesnt really get to me i mean sure the thought crosses my mind like dame another one and here i am still trying but i am a bit more humble and blessed becuase i know god sees my struggle he will bless me i totally use the prayers that @piecesgirl put on here and i pray every night and every sunday light a candle for us all your feelings are valid girl we all at one time or another felt this way.

10 years ago

Skyline it is really hard for me to think she is the one for him because he can't be himself around her. They broke up about 6 months before dh and I got married and the reason was because he wasn't religious enough for her. He told her that he didn't see the point in going to church because he felt it was hypocritical since he didn't believe it all. about 2 months after they started talking again and all of a sudden he was ready to go to church. a few months after that he got baptized. Which I'm happy for, but what gets me is that he acts completely different when she is around than when she isn't around. Idk if you watch two and a half men, but my brother is basically Ashton Kutcher on there. He is a gamer and knows so much about computers its crazy and he is getting a physics degree, but looks a lot like Ashton Kutcher. He cusses and is goofy when she isn't around, but is serious around her. She is hypocritical in her beliefs, it's ok for her to get tattoos, but she thinks gay people are disgusting sinners. Her sister got married about a month after me and so I think she thinks she has to get married young too. Because we were 22. She is 22 right now. She also talks about her sister not wanting to have a baby right now, maybe ever and she thinks she's crazy. Im really afraid that they are going to have a baby right away. She says she wants to wait til she's 27, but about a year ago she said she wanted to have a baby by 25.

Pisces- I'm ok with people being pregnant. I just don't understand why it's not my turn yet, but I guess it's not really my place to know why. ;)

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

Hi ladies, I hope everyone is doing well!

@athena, I know how you feel and what you mean. It's hard to be happy and not feel jealous towards others around you who seem to have no troubles getting pregnant. Jealousy can be a bad thing though, sometimes looking pretty ugly. We are all guilty of being jealous, you are not the only one. My sister got pregnant two months after trying and is due in February. Here I am, still not pregnant. You have to keep faith that God has a plan for you, and like I said in my last post, that plan is PERFECT plan for YOU. It's a plan that was drawn out for you long before you even thought about this journey. Babies are truly miracles. Stay positive my friend. We are all in this together.

AFM-well I guess i am 4dpo today. I felt nauseous last night, but that could have been anything! I had my very first bloody nose yesterday morning also...I am thinking that maybe it was from flying the day before though...maybe?

DH and I go in for our follow-up appointment today. I am very eager for it and am excited to see what our plan will be. I think I have let go of the idea of refusing anything "unnatural" to get pregnant. I will do what I need to do to get my little babe. :)

Any of you ladies watch the show Parenthood? DH and I just started and finished up season 1. we are in love with the show.

10 years ago

@ athena thats the last time i respond to your post u never reply back lol k by now.

10 years ago

Hey girlis

@athena- I tottally get you. Me and my boss both started trying around the same time. She is 4 months pregnant and Im still here waiting. And I dont feel angry but I did get sad. I am very happy for her but you cant help feeling sad for you.

@Rebecca- Im sorry your own family told you that. That is a cruel thing to say. But its good you brushed it off and kept moving.

@pieces- you are not out until you see her ugly face.
Hang in there.

@miracle- How are you feeling today mama. I send lots of hugs your way.

@skyline- I must agree with pieces that pic was beautiful. But if there are lizard or frogs Im staying.

@Lschrader- Me and you are right there toghether I am 5 DPO.

About me 5 DPO and I have alot of yellow CM. I had a dip in my temp below my cover line yesterday and today it spiked up again.

10 years ago

@athena - I understand. That is a difficult situation. :( One of my friends had a brother that was really close to marrying a girl who had that kind of an effect on him and he ended up calling off the wedding pretty late in the game. Hopefully your brother won't follow through it isn't right, but like I said, sometimes there isn't anything you can do, people have to find things out the hard way. (What CD are you on, btw, I was curious.)

@LSchrader - I hope your TWW doesn't feel too long. What day would you expect AF to come? Let us know how the follow up went!

DH and I are Parenthood fans! It's a great show, lots of drama, but also very heartwarming and sweet. :)

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10 years ago

Ants mom that's great news with your temp dip below and spoke today is an awesome sign! Usually after that take up to 4 days to get a straight positive of hcg on a pg test!! Fingers Xd for you!!!! Keep us posted!

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10 years ago

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