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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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@Lschrader I'm sorry to hear that Hun, we had a less than expected result with my DH's last sperm test, he's going for another one this weekend. But when we got the first results back I jumped onto google straight away for tips on improving it! Here's what I've found and I've incorporated all of the foods into our daily diet to get those swimmers going!

Dark chocolate - this is a big one I never knew! Apparently it contains L-Arginine HSL, which is a powerful amino acid that has been scientifically proven to DOUBLE sperm count and volume!! My DH had been eating a couple of small squares every night since I found this out!!
Pumpkin seeds
Vitamin C

Good luck honey let us know how it all goes xxx

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10 years ago

-Im glad you are surving AF. Hang in there it will be over soon.
Look for me in IG Eveth Rodriguez

10 years ago

Good Morning!!! Busy night last night! You guys were posting like crazy and I was packing boxes. We are getting ready to move to a smaller place next week. I love the apartment, it's awesome. Lots of stuff will be in storage but oh well 15 months. And with the move comes the realization that Babe is leaving for a year and I am STILL NOT PREGNANT!!!!!!! I have about 4 cycles left and then I won't see him for 6months. I am going to read & respond to everyone's post when I get off the train.

10 years ago

Where is he going , Is he in the Military. OMG
I hate moving so good luck to you. Its when you realize all the shit you own.. lol
Well No more Govt Shut down..

How are you feeling today?

10 years ago

Pisces..sorry AF got you, and that your u dh is going to be gone. It can still happen. Dont give up.

I started on the progesterone last night. Insurance wouldn't cover the cream, so i have to use the pill form and insert it instead of swallowing it. ( Sorry for Tmi) Being attacked by doubts right now. Trying to pray for protection and strength. Feel like it will never happen. :( I'm sure you all know how tough it can be to want something so bad, and fear it at the same time.

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10 years ago

Morning ladies. Thanks for your support. DH is taking this really hard. I don't think he ever realized that having a child of his own was so important. He broke down again this morning. I bought him fertilaid yesterday. I just felt like something would help. I got him three months worth. It's worth a shot in my opinion. We will try all of the natural boosters as well.

I keep thinking back to Tania's reading for me. She said that she felt some we would have a few decisions to make regarding the next step with TTC. She said this will be with regards to fertility treatments, or adding things that are natural to boost fertility. All along, I for sure thought this meant me. Now I realize it is DH.

Her timing was April for me and indicated she saw white with me, which means either pregnancy to occur very soon, or that I am already. I totally thought I would deliver in April. Maybe it means we will conceive in April. I hope it is sooner, but then again, I just hope it happens for us.

10 years ago

@pisces- Ugh, I am so sorry that DH is getting ready to go. That must be so tough for you and your family. You are so strong though and I know you guys will be even stronger for it. Maybe during the time he is gone, you can focus on you and just you. Meaning, changing anything that may be negative when it comes to conceiving so that way when he is home, you are ready! I am sure you are already doing all that you can, aren't we all? But you know, just take care of yourself for once :)

10 years ago

Lschrader I thought she told you August because I thought we had the same month. I just wondered because August due date would be from next month. Fingers crossed for you. Something else that can help is making sure his boys don't get to hot. Boxers are the best for that, also not hot tubs or hot baths. Overheating can inhibit sperm production.

Pisces- don't give up it can still happen before he goes. Hope af isn't too hard on you.

Rebecca hope the progesterone helps.

Miracle I'm still praying for your miracle bfp.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

OMG! This website is having issues today. smh

@mrsrogers - Hey! I had been about to ask about you. Not knowing where you are at after O can be angst inducing. I hope this is the one for you, though.

@LSchrader - Poor DH! Look into Zinc + Folic Acid! (74% increase!)

(At the same time, I'm really hopeful that you are about to get a BFP!)

I snapped this pic on the way to work, it made me think you you. lol
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@topo - I hope I never have the pleasure of experiencing LA traffic. Driving in New Orleans and Jersey City was NOT fun and I can only imagine how much worse LA would be.

@miracle - Thank you for the kind words! Glad you are surviving AF. I'm not good with letting go. I met BFF #1 at 13 and BFF #2 (the one I've been talking about) at 16 and we have been through SO much together. I'm just trying to get used to the idea that we are growing apart and our friendship may not be life-long one if things continue at this rate.

@pisces - Moving is a chore, but I still enjoy the excitement that comes with change. Take advantage of the opportunity to get rid of stuff you don't need! I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY hope one of those 4 cycles is your lucky one! Maybe you could see if he could mail you "specimens" while he is gone.

@rebecca - Keep in mind that progesterone increase can cause mood changes, anxiety, depression, frustration, anger, or emotional outbursts. It's not convenient to have to deal with the added mood changes during the TWW, but that's how it goes. Hopefully it will work it's magic while causing these annoying side effects! Stay strong and know that it will pass.

AFM - The Cakes have been Popped! I was up until 2am last night finishing them and I was wiped out by the time I hit the hey.

These are Gamecocks fans getting married! lol

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10 years ago

@skyline-I am showing this to DH, thank you so much for posting this site. HA! That seriously made my day!!!!

I just love how we think of one another during the day. Seriously, ALL of you! I am thankful for this site.

My SIL just told me today that her and her DH have been trying since June. I had NO idea they were trying and she kinda broke the ice by asking if we were. We got chatting about it all, and I am so thankful she said something to me. She has been doing this pretty much on her own with no one to talk to. I told her about you ladies and how amazing you all are. I am excited to be on this journey with her!

p.s. yes this site has sucked all day!

10 years ago

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