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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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You are right girls, this site has sucked all! Well I got my in depth reading back from Tania and the thing that is confusing is my first reading back on June 1st was a gender/month reading and she had said it would be the month May & a boy. Well now with this reading only a few months later, she sees the month October & a girl. Very contradicting. I have no clue. She said I needed to make an appt to see the doctor. She said something was off. (Now that one I believe) She didn't know what it was. She said get my basic blood panel done. Then she said maybe it's your guy's sperm, then she said she couldn't put her finger on it.

When you get your blood work done, what panel do you ask to get done? Is it a hormone panel? Does it have to be done on a certain day in your cycle. I thought I had this done already, I guess it was too long ago to remember and now I'm older and our bodies change.

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10 years ago • Post starter

@miracle.....I am not sure how to feel about her readings. I just can't tell. If you get blood work, I'm sure she's talking about getting you AMH, FSH and estradiol which you have drawn on cd3.

Maybe you'll have twins...boy and girl :)

10 years ago

@Lschrader ~ I know right.. it's weird. Hmm? She did say that I was supposed to have a boy but now a girl was coming. I will take either.. lol. Not twins thank you very much. Well I made an appt with my obgyn to get some blood work done, unfortunately I'm on cd4 today so I missed it by one day. Have to wait an entire month.. Meanwhile I started taking a great tincture from the health food store, a fertility blend. Also I got on a better prenatal vitamin. I'm grateful for you and all the other girls on here as well. I think of you throughout each day. :) I'm happy you found out your SIL is ttc and now you have each other to talk to AND us girls.. Skyline had some great pointers for healthy swimmers.. It should work.

@Skyline ~ I know what you mean. I have several bff's from actual childhood. On more than one occasion I have had to regroup and take time out apart in my friendships. I have had to let some friends go that I no longer connected with anymore. Most of our talks were about the good ol days and remember whens.. we weren't connecting in present day.. it's sad and it hurts but only you will know what's best for you in your friendship(s) Awesome cakepops by the way. We have another baker in the forum.. how cool.

@Athena ~ Thank you! Same to you hon! :)

@Pisces ~ Your moving into an apartment? Glad you like it. If and I repeat IF you don't get preggo before your DH leaves then I know that when he returns you will get pregnant immediately. I think your little nephew was right about next year for you. Have a feeling about it. :)

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10 years ago • Post starter

@Lschrader ~ I know right.. it's weird. Hmm? She did say that I was supposed to have a boy but now a girl was coming. I will take either.. lol. Not twins thank you very much. Well I made an appt with my obgyn to get some blood work done, unfortunately I'm on cd4 today so I missed it by one day. Have to wait an entire month.. Meanwhile I started taking a great tincture from the health food store, a fertility blend. Also I got on a better prenatal vitamin. I'm grateful for you and all the other girls on here as well. I think of you throughout each day. :) I'm happy you found out your SIL is ttc and now you have each other to talk to AND us girls.. Skyline had some great pointers for healthy swimmers.. It should work.

@Skyline ~ I know what you mean. I have several bff's from actual childhood. On more than one occasion I have had to regroup and take time out apart in my friendships. I have had to let some friends go that I no longer connected with anymore. Most of our talks were about the good ol days and remember whens.. we weren't connecting in present day.. it's sad and it hurts but only you will know what's best for you in your friendship(s) Awesome cakepops by the way. We have another baker in the forum.. how cool.

@Athena ~ Thank you! Same to you hon! :)

@Pisces ~ Your moving into an apartment? Glad you like it. If and I repeat IF you don't get preggo before your DH leaves then I know that when he returns you will get pregnant immediately. I think your little nephew was right about next year for you. Have a feeling about it. :)

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10 years ago • Post starter

@skyline hey to you too! Thanks it's nice to know you ladies are here for me even when I'm not here often :)
It's frustrating not knowing but at the same time it's ok, I don't want to get too obsessed with it all and get myself down so I think skipping the ovulation testing/charting etc is a good thing for me. My recent few months blood tests have all shown I'm ovulating fine, we're BD'ing on schedule so I'm sure we'll hit it eventually! I told DH the other day I WILL be pregnant by my 28th birthday (next June). I'm going to keep that positive mindset and just focus on our wedding for now, that's stressful enough!
DH's dad informed us yesterday that he won't be at our wedding. Apparently he's just got a job working away and won't be home then. I'm soooooo angry! If you tell them it's YOUR SONS WEDDING I'm sure any employer would work something out so you can attend. I'm so disappointed for DH. He's going to call dad on the weekend to talk to him about it. I can't believe he'd miss his own sons wedding, plus yes the first of their kids to get married as well, it's a frickin big deal!! :(

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10 years ago

Good morning girls.

I am really nervous and have to talk to you guys. I am 7DPO and had a huge dip in my temps. Like Huge.. I read online that implantation occurs anytime between 7-11 days past O.

Can anyone take a look at my temps and tell me what you think?

10 years ago

Skyline - oh my word! Talk about mood swings - I was a real bear last night!! I'm sure you're absolutely right and this progesterone is the cause. I've been exhausted the last two days, and finally got to bed on time last night...then tossed and turned for TWO HOURS! EVERYTHING ticked me off, from the fan not blowing hard enough, to my dh hugging up on me, to the beeping sound our printer was making. And when I FINALLY fell asleep, I had to get up to use the bathroom twice, my dd got up and wanted me to take her, and my middle ds got up off and on from 4am to 5:30 to tell me he couldn't sleep. To say I woke up cranky this morning is an understatement. But I'll try to remember what's causing it all and chill out.

LSchrader - so sorry your dh is feeling bad. I hope some of the things the ladies have suggested will work, and that he'll start feeling better soon. And I'm glad you can talk with your sister in law. Mine has been encouraging me, although it's a little awkward right now because she's pregnant.

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10 years ago

Morning ladies I feel the same as @ jandk there's alot of ladies on this forum now and I just try to do a general post so if I miss any one forgive me ..

So sorry to all that got the awful witch and goodluck to those still waiting..

AFM morning sickness seems to be slowing down (watch me put foot in mouth) going one day at a time getting nervous as Monday gets closer and closer (Eli's 1st infusion) my next appt and u/s is Wednesday I will post pics and updates on both....

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10 years ago

Morning ladies I feel the same as @ jandk there's alot of ladies on this forum now and I just try to do a general post so if I miss any one forgive me ..

So sorry to all that got the awful witch and goodluck to those still waiting..

AFM morning sickness seems to be slowing down (watch me put foot in mouth) going one day at a time getting nervous as Monday gets closer and closer (Eli's 1st infusion) my next appt and u/s is Wednesday I will post pics and updates on both....

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10 years ago

Morning ladies I feel the same as @ jandk there's alot of ladies on this forum now and I just try to do a general post so if I miss any one forgive me ..

So sorry to all that got the awful witch and goodluck to those still waiting..

AFM morning sickness seems to be slowing down (watch me put foot in mouth) going one day at a time getting nervous as Monday gets closer and closer (Eli's 1st infusion) my next appt and u/s is Wednesday I will post pics and updates on both....

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10 years ago

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