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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Good morning everyone. Cronins still busy as a bee with moving stuff? Still symptom free from meds?
Lucky, your donor has a us tmrw right? Things should be chugging along now. How many days has she stimmed so far?
Afm, trigger is almost gone. Its down to a major squinter! If its completely gone tmrw I may try n wait a few days to test again.

7 years ago • Post starter

Good morning ladies,

Dandy: that is exciting that the trigger is almost gone. Yay for testing for real soon. How many days past trigger are you?

As for me, no symptoms from the meds. Yay!!!! Just waiting to ovulate. I am CD 8. I think if I get a moment today, I will opk test just to see where things are at. Heck. It's so hard not too lol.

7 years ago

Cronins. Thats great about no symptoms from the meds. They can be so pesky. Go for it n test. Lol. Its been a couple days since clomid right? You shouldn't get a faulse positive now, I wouldn't think.
I was wrong when I posted the pic of my test. I was thinking I triggerd Fri. But I triggered Thursday. So Im 7 days past trigger. I got a call from my nurse earlier. We talked for about 20 minutes. You can tell she loves what she does. She asked about my symptoms so I told her I started getting dizzy and nauseous last night. Nausea is a little worse today. I figured It was from the meds or just from the transfer. But she seems to think the embryo is trying to implant. She said its extremely possible that its hatching out of its shell. She said placement during transfer was perfect so it may be right there ready to implant as it hatches and that implantation could take a couple days to complete. Idk. Im not reading to much into it. Those are also signs that I have a migraine coming lol. Uhg.

7 years ago • Post starter

I simply cannot wait to see you get your bfp miracle! I would be very surprised if it didn't work. I have such a good feeling about this cycle for you. Many prayers and fingers crossed for you and implantation.

7 years ago

Oh Cronins i hope your feeling is right! I would cry. I didn't want to say anything to lo but hes so rambunctious. So I gave in and told him there was a baby in mommies belly so he had to be careful. Hes been saying he wanted a sister but I asked him if it was a boy or girl( just for fun) and he said its boy and folded his arms and looked mad. Lol.
Now its all in my head bc I just started feeling some pinching where it would be the left side of my uterus. Oh boy. Lol. im going to get dressed and run a few errands. I will mainly just be sitting in my car so still taking it easy. I gotta get outta here. Hehe. I will upload the ultrasound pic in a min. Idk it these are mirrored or not.

7 years ago • Post starter

The red arrow is pionting at the embryo( actually all you see is the white pocket of air that its in) the blue is the catheter that was used to administer it. I bloched out my personal info. I forget that ppl just pop in and read our forum. They dont need my info. Lol. Pretty cool huh?
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7 years ago • Post starter

Thanks for sharing the ultrasound pictures dandy! That is totally fantastic. I got goosebumps looking at it. Hugs sweet friend. It will all work out. Now implantation hurry up please.

7 years ago

Cronins- I'm so glad your not having symptoms. Hopefully with the move everything is going to fly by for you.

Dandy- I hope this is your cycle:-) I felt the same way and felt every little twinge lol. It's amazing how attached you get to the little embryo isn't it? I loved mine from day 1 lol. I'm praying hard that you get that bfp.

AFM, I have US and Bw today to see how I'm responding to meds and if anything needs to be adjusted. My donor goes tomorrow so will get an update then. It's getting closer and I'm excited. Get my massage at 1230, can't wait!

7 years ago

Lucky, fingers crossed everything is just where n how it needs to be for you and your donor! Hope you have a good day. That message will help out ; ) cant wait to hear the follicle results tmrw.

7 years ago • Post starter

Lucky : good luck with the testing today. Enjoy your massage. I am totally jealous lol.

7 years ago

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