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November 2018 babies

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Welcome to the November 2018 babies club! I am starting this discussion a little early I am sure. I carried over from September and October 2018 babies and hoping to see some BFP soon!

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

380 Replies • 6 years ago



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Hi Cisnbri4980! Those are great numbers! Could be — but be warned I had really high numbers with my son (so much so that they said, hey, there might be two in there, which totally freaked out my husband!) but it ended up being just one really strong little boy! I was 2484 at 18dpo with this pregnancy, and they confirmed just one heartbeat at our six week ultrasound. Congrats on your BFP!

Edit to add I just looked up my HCG with my son (because of course I tracked everything) and I was over 7400 at 18DPO with him!

6 years ago • Edited

I hope it's OK to post this late in the game. Currently on cycle day 21,waiting till Sunday, March 18, to even attempt to test. I admit the waiting game to find out either way is difficult! This my 8th month of trying although this time we tried harder during my fertile week so hoping we finally caught it! Anybody else holding off till Sunday?

6 years ago

I'm out. Af started overnight. Good luck ladies!


6 years ago

Well I’m now 9dpo (probably) and yesterday and today I had something I’ve never had before! Tingling nipples lol. Feels like electricity going through them. It doesn’t last long but feels very weird! For the past 3 days my temp has been up too, my chart has a triphasic look about it. If my temp drops tomorrow though I’ll be out for this month as my LP is usually 10/11 days. I did a test this morning, after dreaming I got a positive. Sadly it was bfn. I used a test my old laboratory use and the sensitivity is 25mIU/ml. It is possible it was just too early but since it was a clear neg it’s not looking great. I may be seeing some of you in the December group soon!

6 years ago

SummerClara1987 — I’m so sorry! Hope next month will be your month!

SuperRoo — all good signs, that’s exactly how my breasts felt before I got my BFP! It’s still really early — fingers crossed you’ll get your BFP in a couple days!

6 years ago

MaybeeBabeeTwo - that’s good to know!! I wish I could feel a bit more positive but I am feeling sooooo rubbish today. Was woken up at 5am by a very sharp pain around my right ovary. I honestly thought it was going to explode!! It is still there on and off although it’s now a dull ache. And I have cramps that are still very mild but almost constant too. My temp is still high but I think the witch is on her way!! Booooo

6 years ago

I'm currently 10dpo cd27, normally 28-29 day cycle but ovulated a little later (confirmed with temping, cervix and opks) I don't normally get ewcm so this is the first cycle I used preseed (with SMEP). I had a little temp dip yesterday 9dpo and a temp spike this morning but I'm having some dull cramping today (like I get during AF) trying not to go crazy this cycle (not really working lol) waiting a few more days till I test

6 years ago

Hey ladies, af was ment to come yesterday but did not show. Yesterday was 13dpo and I still got bfn . I'm sure this month was a 24 day's Cycle. My cycles don't go more than 26 days. Will see what happens tomorrow.

6 years ago

@midnightrose3 I am now waiting till Sunday

6 years ago

SuperRoo & Queen7 — Hang in there — believe me I know how hard the waiting game can be! And I usually start peeing on sticks on 8DPO! If you have a short luteal phase (mine was about 11 days) I would mention it to your doctor if you haven’t already. There is some thought that it can make it harder to get and stay pregnant. I started seeing an acupuncturist to help support this pregnancy and I’m anxiously awaiting our 8 week ultrasound. Fingers crossed you get your BFP soon!

6 years ago

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