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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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3621 - 3630 of 4483 Replies | Last Page

Well good morning. My test is pretty light this morning. Looking like its trigger fading. 11 days past and its still hanging on. I must not metabolize it bery fast. Its a bit early for a bfp. From what Ive read 8 dp 3 dt is about the earliest to expect anything and even them most dont get one till 10 days after. Im 6 days past. So Im ok so fat. Getting a little nervous though.
How are you opks coming along?

7 years ago • Post starter

Dandy still plenty of time for your bfp. Hang in there sweetie. A few more days time.

Opks are nearly positive. Most likely will be several more days yet for a positive. Sigh. At least I can bd now that we are almost out. I have the new house 80% unpacked and in order. So excited.

7 years ago

Good Morning ladies,

Dandy now when it starts darkening you will know it's the real thing :-) still plenty of time left.

Cronins you work fast, wow! I've been in mine for a couple years and it's still not done lol.

AFM, working 10 hours today so hopefully it flies by so tomorrow can come and get another update on my donor. I'm 90% sure she will trigger tomorrow for a Thursday retrieval. Can't wait to see how many we get :-)

7 years ago


So excited for your upcoming transfer. This is such fantastic news.

7 years ago

Lucky, here is to a busy but smooth day at work so it goes by fast for you!
Cronins, Im impressed! Took me weeks to get things in order when we moved n it was just dh n I. Lol. Come on opks get positive: )
I can see a poas marathon today. Lol. Thankfully tmrw dh is off work for the holiday so I wont test as much.

7 years ago • Post starter

I just remembered something that happened to me last night. Tmi warning, this is gross! I woke around 1 this morning with a little puke in my mouth. I had to run to the bathroom to spit it out. Then I remember it almost happening again a couple times shortly after and fighting it off. I wasn't nauseous felt more like reflux, I guess. Even though Ive never had an issue with that. Hope its a good sign! Ps. I like my most recent test better. Lol. I think if I ever test out a trigger again I will be using smu. My fmu just seems diluted for some reason.

7 years ago • Post starter

Im just going to vent for a second. I apologize in advance. My cousins wife is pregnant with there second child. They had a hard time conceiving him. She is the one that wanted me in the delivery room and I had to cry in my car first bc we were still trying for #1. They didnt want anymore. But woops # 2 is on the way. She just now told her husband. She will be 3 months next week. She just invited me to go to her ultrasound next week. Now why in the H E double hockey sticks would I want to go see that? Im all but furious right now. I know she doesn't mean anything by it. But come on!!! Uhg

7 years ago • Post starter

Oh Dandy I feel for you. Hopefully your going to have your little one in there soon, or more like that little one is in there :-) I just don't think people really understand how bad it hurts, unless they have gone through it. Hang in there, it's going to get better.

7 years ago

Thats just it. It took her 3 years to get pregnant with their first. She cried daily! So she does know! She followed her invite ( in front of ppl) by " if it doesn't bother you" I did the nice thing and just said no thank you. I wanted to tell her off.

7 years ago • Post starter

Oh, that's crazy. She should know then. I would have probably started crying and ran off lol. This has brought about emotions I didn't know I had.

7 years ago

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