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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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@waiting, YEAHHHHHH buddy!!! Ovulation is finally here :-) Good luck Honey! The "Mommy" slip up would have made me smile and blush also!

@Lacey, Good Luck girl! Glad you finally got a solid smiley!!! I'd say you BDed plenty but try a couple more days!

@Pisces, GOOD LUCK!!! Glad to hear you made it home safely :-)
Even more glad to hear that maybe you ovulated twice lol

@Lammy, Keep us posted. Glad the doctor thinks everything is fine!

11 years ago

@xoxo Girl I was sad leaving Texas, whenever I am home I EAT like a maniac!!! The first thing off the plane STRAIGHT to Whataburger!!! OMG! It never disappoints me :-D so yesterday I was back in the gym doing nothing but cardio **It was worth it***

@athena no I must have missed it but WELCOME BACK!!!! yeeeeeeeeee haw! I think you and @waiting are right, i know for sure that I O'd thursday but "maybe" a second time over the weekend because of the ewcm but I manually set my O date to Thursday on this calendar.

@waiting and @lacey ***O DAY** YEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAW!!!! **she breaks out in song** "do a little dance, make a little love, get down tonight....get down tonight", I forget my age and wonder if yall know that song...

AFM: 5DPO ...whoops 5days pregnant ** **

11 years ago

what the heck does my signature say? must fix that right now

11 years ago

@Waiting - Congrats. Bow chicka wow wow!

@Lacey - Bow chicka wow wow to you too! In addition to my CBE Fertility Monitor, I also used the same CBE digital you used. The peak (smiley face) will stay there for 2 days. It says to BD during those 48 hours. I didn't read the instructions and didn't know this. I thought it was broken because the smiley face never went away....until this morning! I'm thinking I might not have Ovulated until yesterday. Drats! I think DH and I should have BDd last night. I didn't think about it until just now. TMI, but "oh me so horny" last night! DH was asleep and gets up at 4:00 am to go to the gym, so I didn't want to bother him. Then this morning it hit me...I might have been ovulating! Ugh. We BDd Saturday and Sunday, so hopefully that was enough. I may try to BD tonight just in case, but I checked my CM and I have gobs of creamy CM, so it might be too late.

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11 years ago

I think af is starting, I don't think I have ever been so excited for her to start. I am spotting and bbs are sore so she will be here soon. At this rate I should o on vacation if I do o which I pray that I do. I have to be confident that this is my cycle. I can't wait for June and for a real tww. The only problem is it says my expected due date would be mid feb and dh's brothers birthday was feb 12. We are planning on naming a boy after him and it would be even crazier for it to be then and harder on his parents. The one year anniversary of his death is Saturday and it has been a hard week so far. I know dh will be having a hard time once exams start because I called him to tell him during the first exam. The phone call from my mother in law keeps play ing in my head. He would be 26 now. It is just crazy.

Pisces I guess it's possible you O'd again with the clomid and all.

Holly hope you caught that eggy!

Tara good luck. I have faith this will be your cycle :)

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Thank you ladies for continuing to support's hard to believe it's been almost a year since I created this asylum and over 15 months since we started ttc. I love you ladies!

In other news...I got my temp spike this morning. Went from 97.4 to 97.8. It'll be higher tomorrow. I've learned that not only do I OV fast after a +opk but I could easily miss my surge. I tested last night at 8pm. It was positive to me but some would say it was super super super close. Two hours later, at 10pm, I POAS again! And super positive!!! Glad I did that again. Posting pics....
Okay, time for a laugh....I've been using preseed and softcups the past week. Well last night for goodluck, I added an extra mL of preseed to the syringe before putting in my hoohaa! Well, let's just say I turned into a female slip n slide! After I slid the cup in and fell asleep for 30 minutes with my hips up on a pillow. I keep the cup in for the full 12 hours. About noon today, I was getting ready to take it out but wanted to finish folding laundry. I bent over to grab the last piece of clothes and ....GUSH!!!!!!!! The softcup tipped forward and a combination of EWCM, Preseed, and semen came spilling out. Felt like my water broke! My underwear was soaked! High 5 for that moment of awesomeness!

@lacey- cycle buddies!!!

@pisces- KC and the Sunshine Band!!!!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

@waiting, I literally almost pissed my pants!!!!!

11 years ago

@waiting **she dies laughing*** ***wipes tears*** everyone at my job is looking at me with eyebrow raised and I say "inside joke....or least it was inside" and due laughing again. They all shake their head and go back to work. But I am certain someone called the crazy wagon to pick me up. **giggling**

How is everyone today?

11 years ago

I'm laughing hysterically knowing you guys are laughing ! Bahahahaha! I was more careful with my cup today. My temp only went up a 10th of a degree but I'm a slow riser post OV so no biggie. I'm calling it 2dpo today. This will be an interesting TWW. I'm just . I think once the 'symptoms' start popping up I'll be a little more giddy. RIght now I keep forgetting that I OV'd . Is that bad?

@mandy- you and I both needed new underwear!

@pisces- HAHA! Gotta love those personal moments of uncontrolled laughter that makes everyone around you think you've gone cuckoo !

Hope everyone is doing good!!!! If you're reading Lammy...cant wait for an update tomorrow!!!!!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Everything went well today at scan baby in right place I've got no cyst . Saw baby and saw the flicker of the heart beat pic is on my Facebook is anyone wants to see will have next scan in the next few weeks

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11 years ago

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