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TTC November/December 2021

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Hello friends! Since as it seems I’m not going anywhere soon, I’ll be glad to have some company in here, sharing our concerns and daily updates while TTC!

Good luck to everyone!!

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2000 Replies Closed • 4 years ago • Edited



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361 - 370 of 2000 Replies | Last Page

Morning ladies. I hope AF stayed away for those who may be expecting her ugly face any day now. I was really thinking of testing this morning but I think I may be too early. My temp stayed the same as yesterday; 98.1 and not sure about anything at the moment as I am lacking the important ones like the frequent urination. My expected period is April 28.

@Alex. I buy the maca capsules as there hardly is any taste to it. Maybe hubby would try that.

@Rak. So sorry about your RE. I hope you guys caught the egg in time and you get a positive.

@Naske. So truely sorry about what happened to your dog. Dog owners should really keep their dog tied up. I was taking my 18month old son for a walk and same thing, this dog kept barking at him with his back up and he's liking dogs now. I don't want to hurt the poor dog but I will protect my son. This world has gone crazy, over the weekend; this denturist dressed up as an RCMP, turned his car into a RCMP and went on a rampage killing over 17 people (himself included and a RCMP officer). I wish this whole pandemic was over but I read on FB that in the winter time it will have the flu plus the COVID but it will be twice as strong as it is now.

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4 years ago

Hi I'm new here ???? I'm one day late for my period and I received my Internet cheapie today. Not currently charting but my first baby took 15 months to conceive. I've attached my test for you to give your opinions on because I trust your eyes more than my husbands. Just to add its an ebay cheapie which I've heard are unreliable so not getting my hopes up. Took within one minute of taking the test. Thanks ladies.

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4 years ago

Alex I'm gonna hold you in my thoughts and send you all the positive vibes for future BFP I still have the feeling in my heart that you will become a mother, it's even more real than my own hope for myself, so that's kinda weird

Dragonfly crossing my fingers for your BFP!!

Laudan I think it clearly is BFP, so exciting! I would want to say congrats already

Atm I'm just waiting for AF to show up, we only BD two times around ovulation this month, and I'm even not sure I ovulated. I was too down to take any test, and I didn't had common ovary pain or anything, not even CM, only one day a little bit. So it's been weird month overall. I ordered babystart lube too, but I'm very sensitive and it seems likes it doesn't fit for me. I've tried so many, but none of them seems right for me.

And I must say, I'm so thankful for that community here. The one what I got in my country is really sucky, ,people there are jumping at eachother and being mean. So this community here really helps me a lot, and I'm thankful we have a safe place to share our feelings and thoughts with eachother

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4 years ago • Edited

AF showed her ugly face today . TBH... I dont like to test because I've never felt different enough to think I was pregnant. I didnt really have pms symptoms until after I got off bc (IUD). When I was younger, I was not on bc and my pms sign were literally just acne. The only bc I've ever been on is the IUD which I had for 6 years. oh well.. CD 1 today. Good luck and baby dust to those that are still in their TWW!

4 years ago

@MrsBC. So sorry AF showed up. Crossing my fingers for this cycle.

@Nasake. Thank you! I am in the same boat as you. We only BD once (CD10; around 9pm) this cycle and I think I ovulated on CD15 maybe during the night as my temp went straight up the next day. Sperm can live up to 5 days inside a women's body. AF is due next Tuesday and I had a temp dip on CD21 and temps are still above coverline. What ia Babystart? Is that like Preseed?

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4 years ago

MrsBC I'm so sorry, I hope this new cycle is gonna end with BFP for you.

Dragonfly Yes it's similar to preseed but without parabens. I've tried preseed too, but it didn't fit for me either, made intercourse uncomfortable after few minutes of BDing.

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4 years ago

@Nasake. Yes, I agree. My husband didn't like the Preseed either. Said it was too slippery. I may look into Babystart and see if I can get it somewhere. Here's hoping AF stays away and you get your BFP.

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4 years ago

Morning ladies. I hope everyone is doing okay. Last night, my husband went back to the hospital so I didn't get much sleep. Woke up this morning and my temp went up to 98.3 from 98.1 and achy breasts. Last night before bed, I checked my cervix as it was so low and even though I don't know what I'm feeling for (open/close) but it felt closed to me. I know this shouldn't be done but I am going to test with an expired test as I really don't want to use my FRER even though it may result in a fse negative or a false positive. If I see something then I will use it. Good luck everyone who is testing soon.

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4 years ago • Edited

OMG guys, I got 1.5hr ago frikin BFP!! I just woked up and went to bathroom, actually I took the test and it was three minutes later when I was like "who am I kidding, why am I doing this to myself? taking tests and looking at empty test being sad" I picked it up to throw it away and the frikin line appeared!!! I still can't believe it, my period is due tomorrow. I have 4 more quality tests, gonna take one tomorrow morning. The reason I decided to take it, my boobs have gotten HUGE, they always get bigger before period, but atm they are just like 2 times larger than normally and yesterday evening I was eating and midway done with my plate, the smell of food just made me sick, I was holding my nose closed for 30 minutes. I'm in shock, I don't believe it yet, but OMG I think I'm pregnant??? sry for being how I am, I'm just frikin excited and Idk what to feel or think or just omg....

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4 years ago • Edited

If I really am pregnant, the only thing what's changed last 3 months is iron supplement. I've had problems with a little bit too low iron levels, because of my heavy period. I've been taking non heme iron (it's from nettle leaf and acerola) for last 3 month every other day first thing in the morning. And I've been drinking raspberry leaf the for around 4 months too, not last cycle, but this cycle I drinked it a lot, it should help to regulate hormones and get your uterus lining ready for implantation. TMI but now last cycle we used that babystart lube too, I took one time syrenge and I put the lube really up inside there... But I think the iron might be what was my problem, I've had problems with it all my life, especially after I started my period in my teen years. It's been just a little bit more down than normal, not much, but maybe, just maybe, that was our problem.

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4 years ago • Edited

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