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November 2018 babies

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Welcome to the November 2018 babies club! I am starting this discussion a little early I am sure. I carried over from September and October 2018 babies and hoping to see some BFP soon!

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

380 Replies • 6 years ago



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Thanks MaybeeBabeeTwo. I have been using the one step ovulation test which has worked in the past but this time I could not really tell, so I just brought some clear blue digital ovulation test for next try.

6 years ago • Edited


6 years ago

Well ladies, AF came yesterday - a whole hour after a massive temp drop in my bbt. Even though I thought we weren’t really in with a shot last month because of our timing, I must admit I was pretty upset when af started. After my weird spotting, nausea etc I had started to cautiously believe we had hit the jackpot! So I shall now be over in the December group! Good luck to those waiting to test, and lots of luck and best wishes to those that got a bfp! Happy and healthy 9 months to you

6 years ago • Edited


I've just been using either dollar store tests or the 88cents ones from Walmart. I will probably hold off till AF is due

6 years ago

Oh ok, any news @midnightrose3?

@superRoo, sorry to hear.

6 years ago

Hey girls! Sorry I've been quiet for a doctor put me on progesterone suppositories twice a day and they are wiping me out. I'm also taking low-dose aspirin every 24 hours. Apparently neither of them do any harm and they could possibly prevent another miscarriage so fingers crossed! I'm now 5weeks +1 and apart from the exhaustion and horrible indigestion I'm doing well. I also have occasional moments of fear and anxiety when I think about my ultrasound...anyone else have this when pregnant after loss?

How are the other pregnant ladies? How far along are you? Anyone heard/seen the heartbeat yet?

@MidnightRose any news?

Sending you all lots of love and strength!

6 years ago • Edited

@larallen. Hey girl. Sorry the progesterone cream is making you tired. I also want to say that I am truely sorry for your loss the previous cycle. I can't imaging what you are going through. Try not to worry about the first ultrasound. I was horrified when I went for mine but I have never suffered a loss. Doctors tell me that the earliest they can hear the heartbeat from outside is at about 11-12 weeks because the baby is nestled behind the pubic bone. When I went to my first ultrasound I saw the flicker on the monitor of the heartbeat and my gf saw it too. I went to the doctor later on that week and the doctor was trying to find the heartbeat and then he's like, I found it, oh wait, that's yours. So my heart sank even though he told me it was too soon anyways. With regards to progesterone cream, I am still taking it since I found out I am pregnant and don't mind it too much. Will have to find out when I can start to go off it as I don't want to take it throughout the whole pregnancy. Right now, sitting at (whatever my countdown ticker says lol) I am not too worried about my next ultrasound on April 3 as I was lying in bed the other night and thought I felt little flutters or what I would like to call little kicks near my belly button. When is your ultrasound? It should be soon right? Try not to worry, and everything will be okay.

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6 years ago

Thanks @dragonfly23. I actually had my miscarriage at 10 weeks in December and got pregnant the first cycle trying (2nd cycle after the MC) so I guess I almost feel "too lucky" as I know so many people struggle to conceive after a MC. With my last pregnancy we saw and heard the hearbeat at 6 weeks through a vaginal scan so I'm hoping that since my ultrasound this time will be at 7 weeks (5th April) that we will hear it again.

That's so exciting that you're almost at 12 weeks; entering the 2nd trimester will be such a relief for me! What symptoms are you having apart from the little kicks?!

Look after yourself!

6 years ago

@larallen. Trying this the second time (been having issues with the site) on my computer. I am actually 10w 4d. I won't ask you how you knew you miscarried as I am a complete worry wart and worry about things that haven't even happen yet and probably believe that it will happen to me even though we are two different ladies. I think all this started when I saw that dark brown discharge the first time when I wiped and it threw me into a complete anxiety attack. With my first pregnancy I didn't have anything unusual. So, I was looking for reassurance for a good week and everyone kept telling me that it is normal. Went to the health nurse (I work at a hospital) and she told me that since you have been pregnant before things will happen more quickly than those first time moms to be. So, every cramp I get, I think AF is going to show. My symptoms are total bitchyness (sorry), dryness in the hands, sore boobs, bloated and constipation. Your ultrasound is just a couple days after mine. I also think that was when I saw the flicker was during the vaginal exam and it's not very fun.

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6 years ago • Edited

@Dragonfly23 Don't worry I won't tell you, but for me it was just bad luck..I'm super healthy and all is in working order..sometimes nature just knows best and even though it hurts at the time, you feel grateful further down the line. I'm sure everything will be amazing in your next should be able to see loads at 12 weeks!

@The BabyMomma Congrats!!! If you google 5 weeks scans there are always loads of pictures online. Looking forward to following your progress!!

6 years ago

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