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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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@FlamingoGirl13. I totally understand. Wish we knew right away instead of having to wait. Slight cramping is okay. Did they feel like AF cramps or totally different? I'm about to change my ticker as my doctor put my due date as Oct 11 and not the 15. So here's hoping I do it right lol. Sending prayers your way.

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6 years ago

Pictures are up and posted. Take a look if you wish.

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6 years ago

@Dragonfly23 - Thank you for sharing your ultrasound pictures! What a beautiful little one you have growing there!

The cramps I felt like last night felt like low grade af cramps I guess. They didn’t last very long. Maybe an hour?

6 years ago • Post starter

Ok, so I'm 9 dpo today. Had a real squinter on my test with smu. I think I'm going crazy, 'cuz I can see faint lines on almost every test. I have some sort of dull pressure in my uterus, have a yucky taste in my mouth and sometimes a brief tingling in my breasts. But I don't trust the symptoms, since I always have some sort of symptoms with all my chemicals. Praying this is our month, I'm getting pretty tired of waiting now.

How's everyone else doing?

6 years ago

I looked at your tests. I hope the faint lines you are seeing darken up! 9DPO is pretty early for most women to see anything. Praying that this is your month too. Your BBT is remaining high!

I got my period on Saturday so I'm out again and start the long wait until I can test again in a month. I'll start OPKs again on Sunday and chart my BBT then to confirm ovulation. After this cycle I'm going to stop buying OPKS since I'm regular on when I ovulate. I'll just chart BBT to confirm and keep on bding until we get our baby. This is our 8th cycle ttc.

6 years ago • Post starter

DiviniumLiv, did you test again today? Is it getting darker? If not I hope you test again tomorrow. Good Luck!

6 years ago • Post starter

Keep your hopes up! It takes 2 days for it to double and in the beginning that can make a huge difference. How long is your lp usually? I've got my fingers crossed for you!

6 years ago • Post starter

FlamingoGirl13 - My lp is usually around 14-15 days. And since I had such a slow rise this month and also still hade ovulation pain at cd 17, it could be I ovulated 2 days later than I think. So I could be 12 or 10 dpo today. Still faint test, but this time it's a 25mlU instead of a 10mlU. So hopefully it's started to rise, or It's an evap.

6 years ago

DiviniumLiv - I see more of something on the test you posted 4 hours ago. If you are 10 or 12 DPO you still have plenty of time to see that line darken up!

6 years ago • Post starter

Good morning ladies and happy Friday the 13th. Hope everyone has a good day. This morning was a interesting one for me. I left my house like I normally do to catch the bus and when I looked back I saw it coming down the street and figured it was the same bus driver from all week so I didn't want to rush to the bus stop as the sidewalk was all icy and didn't want to fall. Well, the bus zoomed right by and I waved for him to stop but he kept going. I had to walk a few long blocks to a different bus stop as I knew that one is coming real soon and it was my last chance. So, I got to the street lights where I can see the bus coming down the street and thinking to myself, please stop. I too had to flag that one down and thankfully he stopped. I get downtown where I ran into the bus and so I got on that bus and said to the bus driver, "I'm not sure what your protocol is for not stopping when someone waves you down." He then tells me that I didn't wave and that we went back and forth on that where I just out right told him, "I'm three months pregnant, you expect a pregnant girl to run to catch the bus." After I told him that his dameaner changed and he felt so bad. I reassured him that it's okay and he even offered to buy me a coffee. Then tells me how kind I am (and I am) as I don't normally say anything but today I did and that kindness kills people. Not sure what he meant by that. Anyway, that was my morning. I hope everyone has a good day and good luck to anyone testing soon and/or in their fertile week waiting to ovulate.

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6 years ago

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