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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Lucky bravo bravo bravo!!!
I am so happy for you you must be over the moon! Ahlala nice to have the story end good with this BFP! You will be able to share the joy with your sister! It must be an amazing feeling! Enjoy it!

Cronins that is weird I did think I saw a line but those blue dyes are so tricky. I hope the conversation with your ob. Leads to some nice options! I am sure the Bfp is coming although it is disheartening at the end of a cycle sometimes but then at least you are on to next cycle, I pray for your BFP (insomnia so will actually get my little prayer going!)

Dandy your results look amazing! Will be fun to see if you have twins! At least it looks like a healthy pregnancy with those levels which must be reassuring! I will check back in for your scan be sure about it!!

Mrs silver how are you? We were exactly same timing when is your scan? Mine is 4th august! Afm all good I haven't seen doctor since beginning of pregnancy but couldn't help so went for a scan at 6.3 days almost two weeks ago and all looked ok. Now I hope the embryo stayed well and stay well for next 2 weeks! I am starting to feel a bit better with nausea so started sport again today! I hope we soon get to the fun part!

Ok that s it for my little pop in message but know I am still checking on you guys hehe! Will try to catch some sleep now! Big kisses to all xx

7 years ago

Marie: that is awesome that you are doing well and had your first ultrasound. So glad the nausea is getting better. Here's to a great rest of your pregnancy.

As for me, another bfn. Just waiting for AF to arrive so I can be onto the next cycle. It's getting a little bit discouraging. Hoping this is my last cycle of waiting for my bfp.

7 years ago

Good morning. Marie, always a pleasure to hear from you. Glad your feeling better. Hope your insomnia subsides soon. Ive had a little trouble with that as well. Its so wierd to be so exhausted but cant sleep. Keep us posted.
Cronins, uhg. Im sorry, hugs my friend. When is af supposed to show? Do you have a plan for your next cycle? Are you still considering calling your RE?
Lucky, what time is your beta tmrw? You should know your results the same day right? Cant wait to hear your results. How are you feeling?
Afm, I seem to have the nausea under control now. I dont let myself get hungry or full. Lol. Hoping this week flys by. Excited for my us Next Thursday then the next day we leave for our trip up north. We are attending the National Trappers convention. I know its a bit controversial for some ppl but dh mainly does it for pest control for farmers and ranchers. It will just be nice to get away. Our hotel is right next to a water park! : )

7 years ago • Post starter

That sounds like fun. Enjoy your upcoming vacation. I can't wait to see your ultrasound results. So exciting.

Lucky: Good luck with your beta tomorrow. Praying for a great number.

As for me, I will see my ob/gyn next Wednesday. Not so sure that there is anything that he can do, but we'll see. I have to hold off on seeing the RE right now due to finances. It's not covered under my current health insurance company. I have some loans that I want to pay off first. Then perhaps I will go to the RE. I will see what my Ob/gyn thinks about doing a Clomid trial with timed intercourse. Maybe he'll monitor me via ultrasound. I doubt it, but I will ask.

7 years ago

Cronins hopefully your ob can help out. Mine did a little monitoring for a few months. It definitely doesn't hurt to ask! I totally understand needing to wait for the financial aspect of things. Dh has been putting some pressure on me to get a bigger vehicle this past week. My car is paid off and we just cant afford another payment right now. Especially with another baby on the way : )

7 years ago • Post starter

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Here is this afternoon's test lol. I couldn't resist. AF should be here in the next 4-5 days. She usually is about 32 days long. I am CD 27 right now.

7 years ago

Cronins hopefully the OB will monitor you for a cycle and see whats going on. Have you had your FSH, AMH, etc? Maybe its your body still recovering from your surgery. I'm praying you get that bfp very very soon.

7 years ago

Darn I see my post didn't save from earlier....
Cronins, my ob did a couple cycles where she somewhat monitored me with clomid. Maybe yours will too. Its definitely worth asking!
Afm, ive been on the phone with RE n OB a lot today. Long story short my ultrasound has been changed to Wed here locally with my OB to aviod having to pay out of pocket for the ultrasound. It was my REs idea. He's comfortable releasing me to her since my levels are so good. So its a win, win for me. Lol. im 5 weeks 4 days.

7 years ago • Post starter

That's awesome dandy! I can't wait to see your ultrasound on Wednesday. Totally cool...

7 years ago

Good morning gals. Cronins, are you still testing or just waiting for af?
Lucky, what time is your beta today. Anxious to hear your results. : )

7 years ago • Post starter

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