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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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How's everyone else doing? Where is everyone in their cycles?

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

@turner and @Nicky, ! Sending bean cement your way!

AFM - Working really hard for the last week. I've been so busy, I haven't posted much. I'm on CD 12 now and have been feeling some strong O like pains for the last 2 days. I wanted to last night, but fell asleep and DH didn't wake me. I haven't gotten a positive OPK yet, but I want to BD before it this month because last month, we only BD the day of my positive OPK and for about 3-days straight after. This time, I want to BD before, during, and after.

A couple of nights ago, I had the strangest dream! I was being patted down my a man who was like TSA or something. Seemed like DH and I were traveling. Well the guy who patted me down touched my abdomen and when he did, he said in a low and calm voice: "there's 2 in there". I gave him a confused look and he said "you are pregnant. You don't know it yet, but you are and there is two in there." I said "how do you know?" And he replied, don't ask me how I know, but I just know."

I woke up a little freaked out and happy at the same time. I Googled, what my dream about twins means and it said I might be having some kind of internal battle and then my happiness quickly faded. I am less stressed about getting pregnant this cycle. If it happens, it happens.

Next week I go for a follow up with my RE. I hope she has some good news for me and I can start some fertility treatments to get knocked up!

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11 years ago

@holly- hi sweetheart. Glad you popped in. I've missed you . Dont let Google get you down. I believe dreams are one of two things. Some dreams are just crazy stuff your brain does at night. The others...I firmly believe God gives to you. We cant hear God's booming voice but instead he uses a 'still, small voice' to talk to us. And it can be very hard to hear that voice when our brains wont shut up. We have so many thoughts, stresses, etc. that we cant hear Him. But it's when our brains are quiet that we can . And sometimes, our brains are most quiet when we are asleep. So look at it as either a brain thing...or a God thing!
Wouldnt it be awesome if we both had twins!!!!???

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

@waiting don't stress too much about your sister and if she gets pregnant. I don't think it should change your plans,
Keep on your path to motherhood. It's coming soon!

@nicky I see a congratulations! I hope the doctor calls you back soon.

AFM: had a rough couple of days . got my first +OPK last night and 'd like crazy. Going to get him again tonight and hopefully we get knocked up before DH leaves for a year. Yes DH got a short assignment (1yr) to Spain. Families aren't allowed on short assignments :-( so many what if's to hammer out between now and February. I am deciding on going back to Texas for a year or stay here. And if we are not pregnant then we have to consider freezing semen so I can keep trying while he's gone. I'm drained....I know it's always a possibility, these are the draw backs of military life.

11 years ago

Thanks everyone for the encouragement :) I have like 5 pills from last time ive been rationing them every other day and using cream like crazy on the days I don't take it .should have enough to last me till my next draw thank god .but I don't feel like its enough .i was on 3 a day before .but some people say if its unhealthy the levels are always low .so maybe its going to work in there making it .i sure hope so ! Usually have spotting by now that I don't get any !

11 years ago

Tara I am saying I am 6dpo but I'm not 100% sure. I have a headache tonight, thought it wa s cause I was hungry but ate. And it hasn't gone away. I'm about to take some Tylenol and go to bed.

Hey Pisces long time no see, I was askin where you were last week when you hadnt been on here in a while. That sucks about your hubby, hope you get prego before he goes. Other than that I hope all is well.

Nicky congrats, sending sticky vibes and prayers your way.

Holly I've missed you posting, been wondering how you are doing. Hope all is well and you catch that eggy.

Phatgurl I know your looking out for that CB lol you need to come back to the forum :)

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

@pisces- wow! I bet you're hearing a ticking clock. I'm hoping you get your bfp by the time he leaves. If not... IUI with frozen swimmers sounds like a winner! Will you move near your uncle?

@athena- I forget... Are u temping? I'll go check out your page and see.

@nicky- good luck love! Woot woot cheer section!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

I find myself compulsively checking for any sign of blood all times of the day and night .I went to pick up some frer from the store yesterday and I started feeling really weird , I made it to the checkout and I couldn't stand up by myself .i managed to make it to my car and I sat there for an hour trying not to black out .This happened to me when I was pregnant before but I was with a friend .it scared me to death to be alone like that . Anyone else ever have that happen ?

11 years ago

@athena glad you made it back safely. I hope you drank lots of tequila it's Mexico's official fertility medicine Thanks for checking in on me. I have been laying low trying to figure how to prepare for the absence of my husband for an entire year. I can do six months standing on my head but a year. Wow

@waiting so has the new medicine been different? Have you O'd yet? I got my first positive OPK on Wednesday and it seems like I O'd on Wednesday (or at least I am hoping) because my temps were 97.43 on Wednesday then 97.79 Thursday and 97.71 today. I need one more day to call it O. I bD'd Monday, Wednesday and didnt get a chance to last night cuz DH was called back to base, I called in late to wait for him but he just got here and has been up for 27 hrs straight. I said tonight. I think it was Wednesday anyway.

AFM: hoping Wednesday nights BD was enough. Lol in response to Tara's question I don't know what I am going to do as of yet. I only have one or two people that I know here. The other girl that was stationed with us in San Antonio, I gave her a job when she came so she works for me and if her husband gets deployed in December, then we can be room mates and save money. But honestly since our follow up base will either be Japan, Hawaii, or England then I am leaning towards going home and spending the year at home with my dad, my sister, my nephews, my grandmother and I can visit my uncle anytime I want. At our next base unless its Hawaii, I won't be able to visit as often as I would like because we will be there for 4 to 6 years. I am up for promotion too here so.....if I get I'll stay and since I'll have a room mate it will be more money at work and less money at home so I could afford to go home more often...ohhhhh what to do???????

11 years ago

@nicky it happened with my first pregnancy -my son. I was at work And at the time I was a CNA at a nursing home and damn near passed out while giving a lady a shower. She was the sweetest thing, she look at me after I started to come back to my self an said, "sweetie, I think you're pregnant" ...and so that was my first inclination that I was pregnant. So in the words of that lady to you @nicky "sweetie, I think you're pregnant"'s your hormones flooding your body babe. It's very scary, I thought something was really wrong with me.

11 years ago

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