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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Lucky I will be 6 weeks 4 days. It got moved up a day when I switched from RE to OB. I was glad it was a tad closer but like you I really want to see the fetus and hear the heartbeat. Im so so excited I hope I can sleep! I am going to start getting things together to pack for this weekend, in the morning so it occupies my time a little. My appointment isn't untill 2.
Cronins so glad your ob is so nice. Thats what my ob told me about the difference in days as well. Is it 100 mg? Glad your appointment went well.
MrsSilver sorry you didn't get a us yet. Hope the time goes by quickly for you so you can see that little one!

7 years ago • Post starter

Lucky yaaay! So you know the struggle lol. I am 10 weeks 5 days today and yes this was my very first appointment. Things here in.Georgia are so different. I.would have definitely had an ultrasound by now if I were still in Virginia.

Dandy, thanks sweets. I sure hope it goes by swiftly.

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7 years ago

Good morning ladies!!!

Dandy, many prayers for a great ultrasound today. I so can't wait to here the good news. Fingers and toes crossed that you get to hear a beautiful strong heartbeat.

Lucky: How are things with you this morning?

Dandy, I will be taking 100 mg of Clomid this cycle. My first dose is this coming Thursday.

7 years ago

Thank you Cronins. I was so excited I could barely sleep. Now Im getting so nervous! Didnt see that one coming. Wish my appointment was a little sooner lol. Trying to stay occupied but its hard. I took a hpt this morning just make sure. Lol. I know thats silly I just couldn't help it. Uhg. Im so stinking nervous

7 years ago • Post starter

Dandy, you're going to rock this ultrasound this afternoon. I probably would have taken a hpt too. It's nerve wracking and exciting all at the same time. Is dh and lo going with you?

7 years ago

No he cant go. He already is taking Sat off so we can go out of town Fri for that convention. Him getting a day off is extremely hard. He almost couldn't get off work for the egg retrieval! So I will be going by myself. I do wish I had someone to share this experience with though. Im going to try and schedule an ultrasound for a gender reveal at this place that does them for fun, on a Sunday when he can go. They do them at 15 weeks. I love that place. You can get packages that include a bare with the baby's heartbeat and dvds of the movement. Its such a unique experience. Its all in 4D hd and color!

7 years ago • Post starter

Good luck today Dandy! Praying for excellent results. I'm going to buy a digital just to make sure lol. This gap is nerve wracking.

Cronins yay for clomid. Tomorrow's the day. Praying for you and this cycle.

AFM, nothing new. Still not feeling much but will only be 5 weeks tomorrow.

7 years ago

That's an awesome idea Dandy! I am so excited for you. Keep us posted if you can.

7 years ago

Sitting in the waiting room! Lol. Im about 20 minutes early : ). The waiting room is rather empty so maybe I will get in a little early. Come on!!!! Lol

7 years ago • Post starter

Praying for you and your baby. Especially for a strong heartbeat and healthy pregnancy.

7 years ago

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