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November 2018 babies

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Welcome to the November 2018 babies club! I am starting this discussion a little early I am sure. I carried over from September and October 2018 babies and hoping to see some BFP soon!

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

380 Replies • 6 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

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@SheRiskers. I didn't notice any weird symptoms when I started the cream. I'm pretty sure with timing of intercourse of course that you will get your BFP by using the cream.

@neomasie. SheRiskers is right. There's no harm in trying. I tried it on a whim.

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6 years ago

thanks @dragonfly23 @SheRiskers I will be ordering some, soon!

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

Can I join? I'm on cycle 31 now. Just taking Vitex, B6, Vitamins D and E and extra folic acid along with my prenatal. It's a lot of pills, but it has kept me healthy since I'm the only one in the house that didn't get the flu this year so far (knock on wood).

I've been seen by an RE for about a year last year, but my insurance changed and I can't afford the constant ultrasounds. I know that Clomid doesn't work for me, but Femara works great with little side effects. I'm thinking of buying some online and trying a couple more cycles with the Femara. We're also using preseed and softcups.

6 years ago

Hello, ladies. I am coming over from the October board. My af came at 11 dpo on cd 26. Same thing happened last month. So starting out day 1. Have a dr appt wed for some hormone testing. Hopefully, we all will have a better month in feb with valentines day and extra love in the air!!

6 years ago

Hello! Coming in from the October board! Hoping that this will finally be the month for me! 8 months of TTC so far. Good luck and Baby Dust to you all!

6 years ago

Welcome everyone!

I just realized... Our m/c baby in Nov. was conceived on our around my hubby's birthday. When we got the positive test I told him "happy birthday!" lol If this is our month, the baby would be due on his birthday jeez, no pressure. Lolll I hope I can get him the best present ever this year!!!

6 years ago

Welcome ladies! And baby dust to all, this cycle!

@calvingirl please talk to me about softcups...

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

Hi ladies! I'm jumping over from October group. Light AF just arrived & I am sure she will be here full force tomorrow. Going to use digital opks again this cycle & progesterone cream! Also probably vitamins too. :)

6 years ago

Hi everyone! Can I join? I'm new here but just started our 8th cycle TTC for baby #1. It definitely hasn't been the "easy" journey we expected so far. Last month we found out DH has low morphology (3%) We don't know of anything else working against us yet, but I haven't had any tests done yet either.

Anyone else out there know anything about low morphology (count/motility all normal), or how long it took to conceive? Really hoping we can get a BFP on our own before the year mark...

Good luck to everyone this month!

6 years ago

Hello! I hope you ladies are feeling lucky this month. I am on cd 2. Going to dr tomorrow for some testing and clomid refill. Hopefully, this is my month as well.

6 years ago

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