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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

31 - 40 of 916 Replies | Last Page

Dragonfly- don’t worry it’s notmal. I had it last week for two days I was freaking out as well. But stayed calm and did about 2 more tests lol. I had mild cramps too. As along as it’s not red or clots your good. I agree once I get an ultrasound it will be more real. As long as I eat I’m ok. It’s instead of getting hunger pains I get nausea so I know it’s time to eat. Tired hits me Morning mid day and then at night I can of get a energy burst which then at night I can’t sleep good. Oh are you getting hot?? Omg I’m hot all the time I have to have a fan already lol

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38. Thank you so much for the respnse as I lie here in bed hoping I get some reassurance before I can sleep for the night. Im still taking my progesterone cream so that is still good for the baby? I think I am done with testing as those would probably freak me out. When my anxiety acts out (like tonight) it would heat up the blood in my body and then I am fine but a few minutes later I am chattering my teeth. Then without warnkng it repeats itself. I try to get my mind off of it then I am good for awhile and then it creeps up again without warning. I did an internal check with toilet paper and nothing there. Having some cramping but it feels low. That's okay too right?

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6 years ago

Dragonfly, cramping and spotting rusty/dark color is ok. I did and freaked myself out. Went to hosp and of coarse they said probable miscarriage even though everything looked good except cramping and spotting occasionally. I had panic attacks because she was my rainbow baby and i was nervous. It was nothing. I cramped some about the whole pregnancy because our bodies are changing and stretching. The spotting lasted about a month. Not all the time but on and off. My ob said it is normal for some women. Don't stress out. (Easier said than done). I have confidence you will have a healthy pregnancy.

6 years ago

If it helps, go to the ob. I did all the time. It helped reassure things and my dr was totally understanding. I even had a home doppler i used 19wks on. It was like 40$ on amazon. Loved it. I hope you slept well and got rested up.

6 years ago

@ Dragonfly23 - Do you feel better this morning? Is your ultrasound tomorrow? I hope your anxiety has gone away. Thinking of you!

6 years ago • Post starter

@Kelliria. Thank you! I may just do that.

@FlamingoGirl13. Still a bit freaked out, been awake since 5 when my alarm goes off at 6. Still having some minor cramping and the spotting did stop. I guess when things don't happen the first time and then it does it does tend to freak me out. Even with all the reassurance that things are fine, I am still freaking out with every little cramp I get. I will call the doctor this morning once I take a walk down to the health nurse to get more reassurance and to get some peace of mind. Not sure if I will stay the whole day or not as I am really tired and chilled. How are you today?

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6 years ago

Got back from the health nurse who reassured me that it is normal as with the second pregnancy everything happens quicker, so with that the uterus expands quicker and may cause cramping. The brown discharge is old blood and that too is normal. Now I need to get my brain to get passed this as everything is normal and I will call the doctor soon to see if they have my results from yesterday. I never thought that being pregnant the second time would be like this.

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6 years ago

@ Dragonfly23 - I'm so glad the health nurse was able to reassure you. Everything she is saying sounds correct. At the end the baby will come faster too as your body has already done it once so that's a plus! It's understandable that differences in your pregnancies would put you edge. I hope you find something to relax you more today and you sleep better tonight.

I'm doing good. CD 5 and waiting to take OPKs was going to pick up some EPO and try that out this cycle as well. If we remember we might us the preseed a few times too.

6 years ago • Post starter

Dragonfly, i am so glad you are feeling a bit better about the cramping. I would be the same in your shoes. Im a worry wort!
Flamingogirl, how do you take EPO? It's from af-O correct? And how much?

6 years ago

@ Kelliria - I have never tried it before so I'm just going off of what Beaut1ful did last cycle. She took it from af to ovulation I believe. I will take whatever dose the bottle recommends!

6 years ago • Post starter

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